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Receiving Housing Benefits? A Trip to Social Security May Not Be Necessary

February 16, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

elderly man and woman holding hands Social Security is constantly evolving to make your life easier. If you are currently receiving benefits from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and are reapplying for benefits, or are assisting someone with their application, a trip to the Social Security office is probably not necessary even if verification of Social Security benefits is needed.

Because of a data exchange established between Social Security and HUD, most people do not need to contact Social Security for a benefit verification letter. HUD administrators processing a Re-certification Application for Housing Assistance can use their Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System to verify Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits.

Public housing agencies, private owners, and management agents administering HUD rental assistance programs may get registration information about EIV by logging onto the following websites:  or

If you are a new applicant for housing assistance, you can provide your HUD administrator with your Social Security award letter, Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) notice, SSA-1099, or other SSA benefit document you should have received at the beginning of the calendar year or when you began receiving benefits, whichever is later.

We created these data exchange agreements to help you get the support you need at the first point of contact, even if that’s not with Social Security.  If you do need to provide proof of Social Security benefits yourself, we have another way to save you a trip to Social Security.  You can get an instant benefit verification letter with a personal my Social Security account at

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Jenny B.

    I have a question about help paying rent for a disabled person. This is for myself. I heard of a voucher that gives you $1,000 to help with rent. I’m terrible with on-line things and couldn’t get a customer service representative. Just wanting to know how to apply.

  2. adam t.

    Can I apply for housing with my son who is special needs and my common in law wife. I have 2 other children as well who are not special needs . I am in a shelter. Can I apply with all of them on the same case ?

  3. Donna B.

    I live on $843 a month ive tried everywhere to get into subsidized housing we dont have it in our county except 8 apartments built in 1940 the waitlist is 20 yrs im jot joking ! You said you paid off your mortage thats something of a blessing what if you were like me i got sick my husband left me lost our home quit his job and left me with nothing . i cant find a susidized apartment ! Does anyone know something i dont will ss help me with housing !!

  4. Sandra M.

    I have only make 803. a month in social security. I need help with applying for ssi, or rent benefits. Please contact me at 561.275.0342. My name is Sandra Munn. I cant seem to get the full benefits that are allowed, for my situation.

    • R.F.

      Hi Sandra. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program that pays benefits to individuals with very low income and resources. The SSI monthly(maximum) Federal amounts for 2018 is $750 ($771 in 2019).
      You may be eligible to receive additional assistance from the state where you live. These services include Medicaid, free meals, housekeeping help, transportation or help with other problems. You can get information about services in your area from your state or local social services office.
      You can also visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) web page for more information. Thanks!

  5. Ann R.

    Last year I received approx. 30.00 increase, but with food prices, utility increases, my liabilities increased by 65.00. NOT GOOD. Why was obama allowed to steal sixty billion of our money, not the governments money, put it somewhere else, and nit get prosecuted for theft, embezzlement, elder abuse, and numerous other crimes I can think of. I was an accountant and know Social Security is my money and my employers, who put in the other half. So, what is up?

  6. Ibelkys P.

    I believe the Social Security shall be reinvented re-organized, studies say in the USA the Elderly people are under care, and Social Security and Medicare funds are very low special for families with low resources, they are obligated to live with family, that deprive them to have privacy, and cannot sleep enough or take care themselves. Medicare part A is very costly $134.00 plus Part B and supplement, and none of those included Dental, Hearing, VIsual,. The Government MAN?WOMEN forgot about their poor parents. excuse may English.

    • Donna B.

      Yes they do forget us i live with family and i know im unwanted but how can i make it own !843 a month unless i can find subsidized housing !

  7. Donna W.

    I have a brain injury and do not understand what you are talking about

  8. Paul K.

    My name is Paul Kussmann @ 3405 Caleb RD, Snellville,GA 30039. SSN- *** – ** – ***. What is Housing assistance entail or what do I need to apply. My question is what is it. How do I qualify. Paul Kussmann @ 706-474-0104.
    Thank You

    • R.F.

      Hello Paul, for information on public housing assistance visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website.
      Just a reminder – We do not have access to personal information, therefore, we do not do direct messaging in this venue. Please be cautious about posting personal information on social media and communicating personal information via email. Thanks!

  9. Sandra K.

    I am very grateful for all the information that is posted online. It helps me to stay current with changes and such.

  10. Dihanne H.

    I currently reside in Macon, GA. I receive a housing discount due to SSI. I need help, but I am in a 1 bedroom. I need a family member’s help. How may I apply for a 2 bedroom, even if it means relocating to Florida where children and grandchildren reside.

    • V.V.

      Hi Dihanne: Visit U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:

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