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Receiving Housing Benefits? A Trip to Social Security May Not Be Necessary

February 16, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

elderly man and woman holding hands Social Security is constantly evolving to make your life easier. If you are currently receiving benefits from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and are reapplying for benefits, or are assisting someone with their application, a trip to the Social Security office is probably not necessary even if verification of Social Security benefits is needed.

Because of a data exchange established between Social Security and HUD, most people do not need to contact Social Security for a benefit verification letter. HUD administrators processing a Re-certification Application for Housing Assistance can use their Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System to verify Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits.

Public housing agencies, private owners, and management agents administering HUD rental assistance programs may get registration information about EIV by logging onto the following websites:  or

If you are a new applicant for housing assistance, you can provide your HUD administrator with your Social Security award letter, Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) notice, SSA-1099, or other SSA benefit document you should have received at the beginning of the calendar year or when you began receiving benefits, whichever is later.

We created these data exchange agreements to help you get the support you need at the first point of contact, even if that’s not with Social Security.  If you do need to provide proof of Social Security benefits yourself, we have another way to save you a trip to Social Security.  You can get an instant benefit verification letter with a personal my Social Security account at

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Piroska G.

    I am disabled . They told us to report my husband pay very month . We did but the I got sick and my husband said Soc.Sec. Already at his pay Stubbs on file. Because they would figure out What my benefits would be . Soc.Sec stop sending my benefits . I could not in to office I was ill

    • A.C.

      We are sorry to hear about your situation, Piroska. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask members of our Blog community to continue to work with their local office with specific questions about their case. You can also call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. We hope this is resolved soon.

  2. Damon

    I’m trying to fill out my 6 months review

  3. Dyrotha T.

    Jan 10 2019
    Dear Soc Security Administration This Dyrotha Todd 1576A I Concerned About My Overall Safety After So Many Falls Most Recent In The Office Here In Chicago On Washington Around Clinton. The Way My Leg Gave Out After Being In The Room To Long And Seemly As If Someone Wants To End My Life Or It’s Quality I’m Also Pregnant I Get Nausa A lot But I’m Concerned About Medical Treatment Is The Government Alright I’m Not There Is A Lot Of Medicare Bills Paid But Hospitals Actually Don’T Give Me All That Treatment Honestly It Hurts Me Sorry But I Must Be Honest Just The Other Day I Went To Weise 4646 Marine Drive And The Doctor Refuse To Treat Me And Another Day I Waited To Be Seen And Fell Asleep I Went To The Wash Room My Left Eye Was Full Of Crust And Right Under My Eye Hurts I Will Go To The Eye Specailist School On 33 Michigan In The Morning Urgent Care The Hate Crimes Have Esculated As If Someone Is Obsessed With Hurt And Kill Me And The Quality Of My Life And Unborn Baby. Please IF You Have A Clinic And Hospital Here Were I CAn Receive My Medical Treatment Because I Am So Concerned About My Leg Injury Fron The Security Office You Guys As Well Be Aware Of People Taken Advantage Of Myself And Other Disabled People No One Should Be Changing My Socail Security Information Or Receiving My Benefits But Myself Please I Have Been Victimized I’m Concerned About My Mom Being Elder If Someone Takes From Her Check Does Socail Security Have Governmental Housing Since I Fell I Need Better Housing And Options 2 Bedroom Hardwood Floor 30% Of My Income Accessible For Hurt Pregnant Visually Impair With Congestive Heart Failure And Concern Now About Diabetes. TEARS SAVE ME AND MY FAMILY I’m Hurt And Now Hate Crime Victime With Leg Injury…… Dyrotha Todd SCAMMERS ARE NOT JUST PLAYING AGENT THERE HURTING AND STEALING FROM ME AND POSSIBLE OTHERS BUT I NEED SO MUCH MORE HURTING I ASK FOR A JOB IN MY CONDITION THEY WANT HIRE ME. Soory TEARS MIRACLES NEEDED ARE YOU ALL OK????????

  4. Betty D.

    Is award letter from social security good all year long for applications for HUD Apts
    ?management said if over 100 n something days go to social security office n get up dated letter.

    • V.V.

      Hi Betty, thank you for your question. You can get a benefit verification letter online instantly by using your personal my Social Security account. This letter is sometimes called a budget letter, a benefits letter, a proof of income letter or a proof of award letter.

      To set up your account, visit the my Social Security web page and select, “Sign In or Create an Account.” You will need to provide some personal information to verify your identity, choose a username and password and follow the rest of the steps to finish creating your account. Once you create your account, scroll down to the Benefits and Payments section and choose “get benefit verification letter” where you can instantly view, print, or save your official letter.

      If you are unable to create an account or encounter a problem, you may call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. At the voice prompt, say “helpdesk” or you can contact your local Social Security office.

  5. PHILIP H.


  6. Kathryn S.

    Did housing or rent go up for the elderly? I am 71 and my rent went up $20—I thought Dr Ben Carson said he wasn’t going to raise the rent in government housing for my age group?

  7. Nana L.

    What will my Social Security for 2019 be.

    • V.V.

      Hi Nana. Most beneficiaries can check out their 2019 COLA notice in the Message Center of their my Social Security account . You will also receive this COLA notice by mail in December. The mailings are staggered. In the future, you will have a choice of online or paper notification.

      For more details, check out our Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Information web page.

  8. Chris

    1180 per month for ticket said program is too low after deduction you don’t have much to live on example rent cost 1200 a month why is so low not realistic in today world

  9. Willie G.

    I have misplaced the copy of the new version of the SS Card sent to me. Please forward another one to me at:

    Willie G. Buchanan
    1313 Carowinds Circle
    Maryville, TN 37803-6780

    Thank you so very much and I look forward to receiving the new card as requested.

  10. Willie G.

    I have misplaced the copy of the new version of the SS Card sent to me. Please forward another one to me at:

    Willie G. Buchanan
    1313 Carowinds Circle
    Maryville, TN 37803-6780

    Thank you so very much and I look forward to receiving the new card as requested.

    • V.V.

      Hi Willie. I think you’re referring to your new Medicare card. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page on how you can get a replacement Medicare card. If you can’t or prefer not to use the online service, call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or contact your local Social Security office.

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