Social Security benefits
You May Be Eligible for SSI and Social Security Benefits
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
This is Part 1 of our ongoing series about our disability programs. You may be able to get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) even if you already receive Social Security benefits. About 2.5 million adults and children get SSI and Social Security at the same time. We pay Social Security benefits to workers and their eligible […]
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5 Social Security Messages for Holiday Gatherings
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
‘Tis the season for holiday celebrations. When gathering ‘round Christmas trees or the candles of Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, may you be surrounded by the love of family and friends. As you dine on traditional favorites, we hope you enjoy good food and conversation. If the topic of Social Security comes up during a holiday get-together, […]
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New Resources to Educate School Employees and Survivors
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
We’ve released new resources to help prevent people from missing out on benefits they may be eligible to receive. We designed these easy-to-use toolkits to educate professionals and organizations about our programs for children and our benefits for families after the death of a loved one. Our toolkits are in a downloadable PDF format and […]
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Celebrate Social Security’s Many Spanish-Language Resources
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year from September 15-October 15. To mark the observance, we want the public to be aware of our many resources for our Spanish-speaking customers. We have many bilingual employees who fluently speak and understand both English and Spanish. While they are critical to serving the needs of a […]
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Social Security Has Protected the Nation’s Families for 89 Years
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Social Security is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs in the history of our country. For 89 years, our benefits have provided financial security to countless families. Today more than 71 million Americans receive about $1.5 trillion in benefits during the year. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on Aug. 14, […]
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Why It’s Important to Tell Us About Changes When You Get Social Security Benefits
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
If you receive Social Security, you can help to make sure we pay you the right benefit each month. You can do that by telling us about relationship or other life changes that could affect your eligibility for retirement, survivors, or disability benefits – or your benefit amount. You and your family may miss out […]
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Do You Qualify for Social Security Spouse’s Benefits?
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Social Security benefits are a crucial part of the retirement income for millions of Americans. If you don’t have enough Social Security credits to get benefits on your own work record or your own benefit is small, you may be able to receive benefits as a spouse. Your spouse must be receiving benefits for you […]
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Celebrate Your Independence With Our Online Applications
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
You can do much of your Social Security business on our website. Our online applications make it easy and convenient to apply for benefits from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. You don’t need to make an appointment or visit an office. That’s independence! When you start your application online, you’ll be directed to create […]
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Social Security to Simplify Disability Evaluation Process – Agency to Reduce Work History Period to 5 Years
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
When people become disabled under the statutory definition the Social Security Administration must follow, the agency helps them meet their basic needs and sustain a higher quality of life. Social Security administers disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. Under both programs, the […]
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Social Security Updates Occupations List Used in Disability Evaluation Process
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Social Security administers disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. While the agency’s disability decision process remains sound, it continually seeks improvements to ensure its disability programs remain current and to ease the burden on customers. In determining disability claims for adults, Social […]
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