Disability, Retirement, Social Security Number and Card, SSI, Survivors

How SSA.gov Helps You

July 20, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: July 20, 2023

Young couple searching SSA.gov on a laptopWe’re excited to announce that we’ve added two screening tools to our redesigned website! SSA.gov provides you with many ways to learn about our programs and do business with us online. These tools are designed to help you determine your eligibility for benefits and help you request a replacement Social Security card.

Benefits Screener

You can use our Benefits Screener on the Check Eligibility for Social Security Benefits page to determine which benefits you may be eligible for, typically in 10 minutes or less! Whether you’re considering retirement, disability, survivor, or other types of benefits, this tool will guide you in the right direction.

To use the screener, select the “Start” button and answer a few questions about what’s going on in your life. You will immediately get a response that tells you which benefits you may be eligible for based on your answers.

Our benefits are there for you when you:

  • Age and retire.
  • Can’t work because of a disability.
  • Lose a spouse.
  • Have difficulty paying for essentials like food, clothing, and housing.

Benefits are also available to young children who lose a parent.

See what benefits you may be eligible for today!

Card Replacement Screener

Our other tool is the Card Replacement Screener on our Replace Social Security card page. If you need a physical Social Security card, you can use this screener to determine the best way to replace it.  

Depending on your situation, you may be able to request a replacement Social Security card without visiting a local office. Select Answer a few questions on the Replacement Card page to get started. Even if you can’t complete the process online and have to visit an office, you can still save yourself time by starting with the online application.

Requesting a replacement Social Security card is free. In most situations, you do not need to present a physical card – just knowing your Social Security number is usually enough. But if you do need the physical card, you can use this online screener to get started!

Other Resources

We encourage you to visit our Online Services page to learn about more tools that may help you in the future. You can also check out our top 10 webpages that can assist you.

It is safe and secure to conduct your business with us online. The redesigned website—with its online tools—is the quickest, easiest, and most convenient way to begin. Please share this information with your friends and family—and post it on social media.

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Emelda

    I am a retired Government Annuity but I am working. One question is how is my Social Security off set?

    My other question is I am divorced and have been married 17 years, am I eligible to receive my ex-spouse Social Security?

    My last question I am 74 and working is there a set amount of earning for me?

    • S.D.

      Hi, Emelda. Thanks for reading our blog and for your questions. If your government annuity is from work where Social Security taxes were not taken out of your earnings, two laws may affect your Social Security: the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). For more information, visit our See how your pension may affect your benefits webpage.

      Regarding your current work – there is no earnings limit because you’re past your full retirement age. To learn more about how your additional earnings may affect your benefits, visit our Receiving Benefits While Working webpage. In addition, the more years of substantial earnings you have under Social Security, the less of a reduction in your Social Security retirement benefit due to WEP.

      If you’re unmarried, you may be eligible for divorced spouse benefits because you and your spouse were married for at least 10 years. However, your divorced spouse benefits may be reduced by GPO. For general information about divorced spouse benefits, check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

      To discuss your situation with a representative, please call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. We hope this is helpful.

  2. Sheila B.

    My son dad died and only worked a yr or two before he died and my son is now 9yrs old and his dad died when he was onky a yr and a half and didn’t work but about a 1yrs before he died. Is my son able to receive anything from social security if his dad only had worked only one year and then passed away before my son turned 2yrs old.

    • S.D.

      We’re very sorry for your loss, Sheila. Thank you for your question. To determine whether your son might be eligible for survivors benefits, please call us right away at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. If your son’s father had as little as 1½ years of work in the 3 years right before his death, his survivors may be able to get benefits. For more information, read our Benefits For Children fact sheet and visit our Survivors Planner. We hope this helps.

    • Mike

      I can help you

  3. Joyce B.

    I am 64 years old and my spouse is 76 years old. My spouse started his retirement at age 64. I have been employed since 1977. I am trying to figure out the best age for me to retire. Where can I find a resourse that explains how to calculate my retirement benefit through my earnings and what options are available to draw from my spouses income?

    • S.D.

      Hi, Joyce. Thanks for visiting our blog and for your question. The decision on when to apply for benefits is a personal one. We can provide you with information and resources to help you make the best choice based on your situation. We encourage you to create a personal my Social Security account and review your Social Security Statement. You’ll see how much you’ll get in retirement benefits when you apply at different ages between 62 and 70. These personalized estimates are based on your earnings to date.

      In addition, our Retirement Planner discusses other factors you may want to consider as you plan for your retirement, including paying for healthcare, continuing to work, and getting benefits as a spouse. If you need additional assistance, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.

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