5 Online Tools You Can Use at Any Age To Plan for a Secure Retirement
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
October is National Retirement Security Month, an annual initiative to raise awareness about retirement planning. Whether you’re new to the workforce, mid-career, or plan to stop work in a few years, here are 5 online tools at to help you financially prepare for a secure retirement. 1. Your Social Security Statement You […]
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Celebrate Your Independence With Our Online Applications
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
You can do much of your Social Security business on our website. Our online applications make it easy and convenient to apply for benefits from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. You don’t need to make an appointment or visit an office. That’s independence! When you start your application online, you’ll be directed to create […]
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Making the Most of America Saves Week 2024
Reading Time: 1 Minute
America Saves Week, which runs from April 8 to 12 this year, is an excellent opportunity for organizations to promote good financial habits and for people to assess their own saving status. This year’s theme is “Saving for What Matters Most.” Planning and saving are key to a successful retirement. The earlier you start saving […]
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Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Women’s Vital Roles as Disability Advocates
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Women have always played pivotal roles in shaping societies and breaking down barriers across diverse fields. Women’s History Month is a dedicated time to reflect on their accomplishments, from the suffragette movement to advances in science, technology, and beyond. Especially deserving of recognition are women who take on the roles of caregivers and advocates for […]
Continue reading "Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Women’s Vital Roles as Disability Advocates" →Tags: Disability, Guest blogger, retirement, Survivors

SSA Talks: Will Social Security Be There When I Retire?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Our Chief Actuary, Steve Goss, answers this question in the latest episode of our audio series, SSA Talks. In this 13-minute episode, Steve sheds light on the Social Security Trust Funds and how they relate to your future benefits. The episode is accompanied by a fact sheet and transcript. In addition to providing more information […]
Continue reading "SSA Talks: Will Social Security Be There When I Retire?" →Tags: General Information, retirement, retirement benefits, SSA Talks

Protecting Your Retirement Money
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
World Investor Week, which kicks off October 2, is a great opportunity for investors to learn how to avoid scams. It’s particularly important for those planning their retirement to learn how to protect their hard-earned retirement money against fraud. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Office of Investor Education and Advocacy provides online resources to […]
Continue reading "Protecting Your Retirement Money" →Tags: fraud, retirement, scams, telephone scams

Selling Your Business To Help Fund Your Retirement
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Most business owners are hyper-focused on growing their business and legacy. But at some point, they must consider and plan for their exit and retirement. If you are considering selling your business, there are some steps you should take now to set yourself up for success later. The NAWBO | National Association of Women Business […]
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Apply for Social Security Benefits Online
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Did you know you can do much of your business online with Social Security? This means no need to call or visit a local Social Security office. You can take your time completing our online applications and even save your progress to return to later. You can apply online for: Retirement or Spouse’s Benefits You […]
Continue reading "Apply for Social Security Benefits Online" →Tags: Disability, Medicare, retirement, Social Security benefits, social security disability benefits, SSI

Smart Social Security Strategies for Women
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
While many women plan to claim Social Security retirement benefits, they may not know about how various factors could impact their monthly payment. More women are working than ever before, but their average benefits are lower than those for men because women typically earn less over their lifetime. In addition, falling marriage rates mean fewer women […]
Continue reading "Smart Social Security Strategies for Women" →Tags: my Social Security, my Social Security account, retirement, retirement benefits, Social Security benefits

How Helps You
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
We’re excited to announce that we’ve added two screening tools to our redesigned website! provides you with many ways to learn about our programs and do business with us online. These tools are designed to help you determine your eligibility for benefits and help you request a replacement Social Security card. Benefits Screener You […]
Continue reading "How Helps You" →Tags: Disability, retirement, retirement benefits, social security, Social Security benefits, Social Security card, social security disability benefits, SSI, supplemental security income, survivors benefits