Online Services

You Know Where to Find Us (Because We Make It Easy)

January 21, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

you know where to find usFor 80 years, Social Security has been there for you and your family when you need us most. And, finding us at our field offices, where you can speak with an employee face-to-face, is easier than ever!

Our handy Field Office Locator is accessible from your computer and mobile device. On the website, you can enter your zip code to find the address, phone number and hours of the Social Security office closest to you. You can also use this tool to see a map and get directions; if you’re on your mobile device, it will even give you turn-by-turn directions.

Since you are already online, you could skip the traffic and lines by taking advantage of our other online features, too. Check out What You Can Do Online, where you’ll find that many of our services are just a click away!

For example, you use the Retirement Estimator to estimate future benefits, apply for Social Security benefits online and sign up for a personal my Social Security account. Setting up a personal my Social Security account is convenient and secure. You’ll have access to your Social Security Statement, and if you already receive benefits, you can view and print your verification letter and manage your benefits.

Some people prefer doing business in person, though, and that’s why our offices are there! Our employees are passionate about providing you with the best service possible, and we’re proud of our long history of doing so. When you visit us, whether in person or online, we’re always ready to help!

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. barbara

    what is all the hoopla about a bill that was passed and will be effective may 2016? anybody know?

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Barbara. Section 831 of the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2015 eliminates aggressive claiming loopholes related to “deemed” filing and voluntary suspension of benefits. The new law will be implemented on a prospective basis only. Our legislative and policy staffs are diligently working with Congress to analyze the intent of the legislation and update our instructions. Please check back for updates.

  2. Lex M.

    SS may be easy to find but if you live in a foreign country your communication like is finished. If the country you live in does not have a SS section then the embassy’s assistance will be to pass you off to another country’s embassy. If you contact the SS in the other country,they can not find time to do anything without a 2 month wait. Then more than 2 months is required to have action taken. If you send letters by postal service to the US they will not be answered. You cannot register to do anything using the Internet if you live in another country (except posting a bog).. Basically if out of the US your communication with the US is finished!

  3. Cliff C.

    I turn 66 in June (Full retirement age for me). My wife turns 66 in August. She has been receiving retirement benefits from her own history since 2014 (reduced amount). If I apply for retirement benefits in August, am I correct that;
    1. She could apply for Spousal Benefits and receive the full 50% of my benefit amount?
    2. There would be no restriction on my working as I’d be more than my full retirement age?
    4. The initial payment for myself and the spousal benefit would be in September?

    • R.F.

      Hello Cliff, thank you for your questions.
      1- We will check to see if your wife can receive a higher benefit on your record, at the time that you apply for your retirement benefit. Spouse’s Benefits can be as much as half of the worker’s primary insurance amount depending on the spouse’s age at retirement. Reduction factors are permanently applied when individuals begin receiving benefits between age 62 and their full retirement age.

      2- Yes, at age 66, you will reach full retirement age in 2016. The limit on your earnings for the months before full retirement age is $41,880. Starting with the month you reach full retirement age, you can get your benefits with no limit on your earnings.
      3- Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, for instance, if you want your benefits to begin with the month of June, you will receive your first benefit payment in July. Please visit our Social Security Retirement Planner for more information.
      Remember that our system is set up to take applications three months in advance, and you can apply for your benefits online.

      • Cliff C.

        Thank You. It”s the Spouse Benefit question that I have not seen a clear answer or example for.

        • R.F.

          Hi again Cliff. Our “Benefits By Year Of Birth Chart” lists age 62 reduction amounts and includes examples based on an estimated monthly benefit of $1000 at full retirement age. We hope this helps.

          • Cliff C.

            I understand that my wife received a reduced amount based on her earnings. What I haven’t found an answer for is how the Spousal Benefit will be calculated when I apply for benefits, on my earnings, and both of us will be at full retirement age. Does she get the 50% of my benefit or something else?

          • R.F.

            Hi Cliff. If a person begins to receive benefits at age 62 or prior to their full retirement age, their benefits are reduced. The reduction factors are permanently applied to all of the benefits the person may qualify for. Your wife may still be eligible to collect reduced benefits on your record. Remember, if someone is eligible for both, his or her own benefit and for benefits as a spouse, we always pay their own first. If their spousal benefits are higher than their own retirement benefits, he or she will get a combination of benefits equaling the higher spouse benefit. If you have specific questions, please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and speak with one of our representatives.

  4. Linda W.

    I would like to know if I stay on Social Security Disablity and SSI once I turn 66 on Febuary 2nd of this year or how does that work?Some people say I will go on retirement this year and I should have gotten a letter stating what will happen.And do I still get SSI or how does this work?Will I get the Disability and SSI same amount or will it all go on one?Please let me know.

    • R.F.

      Hi Linda. If you attain your full retirement age at 66, we will automatically convert your Social Security disability benefits to retirement benefits. The benefit amount will generally remain the same, and you should receive a letter notifying you of this change. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is a needs-based program that pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits are also payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits. If you have low income and limited resources, you may continue to be eligible to receive both benefits. We hope this information helps.

  5. Grace

    I also think what some people prefer doing business in person… How to find the address of the Social Security office closest to me?

    • R.F.

      Hi Grace, you can use our Social Security Office Locator to find the address to your local office.

      • Grace

        Hi Ray,
        Thank you for answer!
        I’ll do

  6. Chris

    This is one of the most frustrating and disturbing comment sections I have seen on your pages here. I feel it could be an excellent tool for questions to be answered if handled properly. For instance are Josh and John OMalia Social Security employees or contract employees as they seem to respond quite often yet don’t quite seem to fall under those with some of the responses I have seen. I have noticed on occasion when a real SSA employee responds.

    I retired from SSA and worked under the World Class Service method. I know that by going to the website there are publications that cover many of the questions asked here. I also know that when calling the 800# there is an option for someone to call you back and they give you a pretty accurate time of when you can expect a call back. There is ALWAYS a wait in your local offices and it is true that the hours have been cut as to their availability although some has been restored with the exception of Wednesdays. The ability for those who need to reach Social Security, be it by phone or in person, is a necessity because no matter how much internet contact is desired there are many who have no internet access nor the knowledge to maneuver effectively internet applications.

    I myself have encountered some rude and very unknowledgeable employees but I do have the advantage of knowing when I am getting bad info due to my knowledge of the programs. The general public whom are supposed to be served with courtesy and knowledge do not have that.

    Social Security is a very beneficial program and the lifeline for many even though it was set up to only supplement other retirement sources of income. There are too many people who need and are deserving of courtesy and accuracy in knowledge of the programs and this comment section today I found especially disturbing and does nothing to encourage the public they are being served with respect or that garners confidence.

  7. Lura Z.

    If I can not get an issue resolved at the local SS office or by the #800, what is my next step? I have patiently been trying to get this issue resolved for more than 3 months, with 3 physical office visits, contacts with a specific person in the office, and dozens of phone calls locally and at the 800#. I understand SS administration and employee’s are very busy, however I need this addressed.
    Thank you.

    • Josh

      call your congressman. they are able to contact management, and sometimes regional reps to get the wheels turning

  8. Johnny B.

    My Wife is drawind Disability , she is (68) , can she draw her Social Sercurity along with Disability entilements ?

    • bruce

      once a person reaches retirment age 65 or 66 your ss disabity converts to regular retiremint & the beneifit amount is the same.

    • R.F.

      Hi Johnny. For those individuals receiving disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, we automatically convert their disability benefits to retirement benefits when they attain their Full Retirement Age. Generally, the benefit amount remains the same.

  9. Jorge

    If you earned your social security than take it as soon as you are eligible to receive it because you may die and not get one penny.

  10. Ted

    Sorry Mr. Walker, but most of the SSA field offices in all urban areas are already wall-to-wall with customers all-day, each and every workday. Long waits are the rule, not the exception.

    Speaking with an employee face-to-face, is NOT easier than ever!

    • John O.

      You are totally correct, staffing continues to be cut!!

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