Celebrate Medicare’s Anniversary With Greater Access to “Extra Help” With Prescription Costs
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed landmark legislation that created Medicare and Medicaid. At his side was former President Harry Truman, a champion of national health insurance. Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 and older and people with disabilities and kidney disease. Medicaid is health coverage for people […]
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Government Programs for Children With Special Needs
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
For parents of a child with special needs, providing the support and resources their child requires can feel overwhelming. Thankfully, there is help. Let’s explore the most popular government programs available. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) SSI provides payments to adults and children who have disabilities or blindness. SSI helps families with limited income and resources […]
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SSI is Critical for Children with Developmental and Behavioral Disabilities
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Social Security has a disability program called Supplemental Security Income (SSI) that can provide monthly income support for lower-income families who care for children with developmental and behavioral disabilities, as well as physical impairments. Children with developmental disabilities like autism and intellectual disability, as well as other behavioral health impairments like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, […]
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Once We Serve, We Always Serve
Reading Time: 1 Minute
When I made the decision to enlist in the Army, I knew it was a lifetime commitment, whether I was in uniform or not. Once we serve, we always serve. The esprit de corps of the military— integrity, fellowship, and loyalty — is resolute in the veteran community. The core elements — commitment to country, […]
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Don’t Be Misled by False Medicare or Social Security Ads
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Online and otherwise, there’s a lot of information out there, and sometimes it’s difficult to tell what sources are credible. With millions of people relying on Social Security, scammers target audiences who are looking for program and benefit information. The law that addresses misleading Social Security and Medicare advertising prohibits people or non-government businesses from […]
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Working While Disabled — Social Security Can Help
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
For millions of people, work isn’t just a source of income. It’s a vital part of who they are – it gives them purpose and pride. It’s a connection to community. We’re here to help you get back to work if you’re disabled. If you’re getting Social Security disability benefits, we have good news for […]
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Social Security’s Top Five Blog Posts
Reading Time: 1 Minute
This blog is a go-to source for Social Security news and resources. That’s why we named it Social Security Matters — it matters to everyone, even if you don’t think you directly benefit from Social Security benefits today. The popularity of our blog has grown. We’d like to share some of our most popular posts […]
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Is it Medicare or Medicaid?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
A lot of people have a difficult time understanding the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Both programs begin with the letter “M.” They’re both health insurance programs run by the government. People often ask questions about what Medicare and Medicaid are, what services they cover, and who administers the programs. Did you find this Information […]
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Online Bill Payment for Medicare Premiums
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security is here with tools and information to help you secure today and tomorrow. Did you know that you can pay your Medicare premiums online? If your bank offers the option to pay your bills online, you can use their service to pay for your Medicare premiums bill from the Centers for Medicare & […]
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Let Social Security Help Guide You Back To Work
Reading Time: 1 Minute
There’s no denying that we all need a helping hand every now and then. Whether it’s to change a tire, move into a new home, or build a tree house, knowing someone is there to lend a hand is always reassuring. Social Security offers this same assurance to all those we serve each day, including […]
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