full retirement age
Selling Your Business To Help Fund Your Retirement
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Most business owners are hyper-focused on growing their business and legacy. But at some point, they must consider and plan for their exit and retirement. If you are considering selling your business, there are some steps you should take now to set yourself up for success later. The NAWBO | National Association of Women Business […]
Continue reading "Selling Your Business To Help Fund Your Retirement" →Are You Age 70 or Older and Not Yet Getting Your Social Security Retirement Benefits?
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Retirement is not one-size-fits-all. It can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you have not applied for Social Security retirement benefits because you’re still working or are delaying applying so you can get the higher benefit. If you’re age 70 or older, you should apply now for the benefits you’re owed. Your benefits will […]
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Social Security: Learning How the System Protects Your Financial Future
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
During Women’s History Month, we recognize women innovators and those who have dedicated their lives to telling our stories both past and present. One important story from the last century concerns the status of women in the workforce. More and more women have entered the workforce every year, into many new professions and more prominent […]
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4 Questions About Social Security That Can Help You Plan Your Retirement
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security benefits are part of the retirement plan of almost every American worker. If you’re among the many people covered under Social Security, you should know what your future benefit may be. These monthly payments may be a vital part of your retirement income. We base your benefit payment on how much you earned […]
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How the Rules Work for You
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Retirement doesn’t have the same meaning for everyone. Some people plan to retire and never work again. Some people plan for second careers in occupations that wouldn’t have adequately supported their families, but they do the work for pure enjoyment. Some people, whether by design or desire, choose to work part-time or seasonally to supplement […]
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How Special Payments After You Retire Affect Your Social Security Benefit
Reading Time: 1 Minute
After you retire from your job or self-employment, you may get payments for work you did before you started receiving Social Security benefits. We call those “special payments.” Usually, special payments will not affect your Social Security benefit, if they are for work done before you retired. These payments will be counted in the last […]
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Social Security’s Top Five Blog Posts
Reading Time: 1 Minute
This blog is a go-to source for Social Security news and resources. That’s why we named it Social Security Matters — it matters to everyone, even if you don’t think you directly benefit from Social Security benefits today. The popularity of our blog has grown. We’d like to share some of our most popular posts […]
Continue reading "Social Security’s Top Five Blog Posts" →Tags: full retirement age, Medicaid, Medicare, retirement, retirement benefits, Social Security benefits, Social Security card
Learning the Lingo of Social Security
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Is Social Security a topic in your conversations these days? Are you familiar with the lingo used to describe Social Security benefits, or does it sound like a new vocabulary to you? Social Security employees strive to explain benefits using easy-to-understand, plain language. But if a technical term or acronym (an abbreviation of the first […]
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What Is the Biggest Retirement Planning Mistake?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
That’s easy to answer: Not having a plan! Building a financially secure retirement doesn’t happen by itself. You need to make a commitment to smart financial decisions long before retirement — starting in your 20s would have been ideal — and then keep carrying through on your retirement plan. Here are some other big retirement-planning […]
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What Are the Most Common Retirement Questions You Receive about Social Security?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
There are two big questions I hear plenty. My husband wants to retire at 62 and start taking Social Security. Is that okay? This typically comes up because husbands are often a few years older than their wives, and figure they want to “get their money’s worth” by taking Social Security as early as possible. […]
Continue reading "What Are the Most Common Retirement Questions You Receive about Social Security?" →Tags: full retirement age, retirement benefits, Social Security benefits