Guest Bloggers

Once We Serve, We Always Serve

November 8, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 8, 2018

" "When I made the decision to enlist in the Army, I knew it was a lifetime commitment, whether I was in uniform or not. Once we serve, we always serve.

The esprit de corps of the military— integrity, fellowship, and loyalty — is resolute in the veteran community. The core elements — commitment to country, service to others, looking out for one another — are deep-seated. When I moved on with my career, the creed to serve manifested differently. For the last 25 years, I have served with the federal government, always with agencies that share that commitment, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Veterans Affairs, and Social Security. I try to reinforce my commitment in everything I do, especially as I champion veterans’ causes in my work in the Social Security disability program.

Social Security shares the same values and a commitment to be there throughout life’s journey. We are committed to providing high quality and timely service in support of our veterans and their families to help them secure today and tomorrow.

At Social Security, it’s important for us to be there for those who have bravely served our country not only through our benefit programs, but also through our targeted outreach initiatives, expedited processes, recruitment efforts, and collaborations with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.

We partner with the Department of Veterans Affairs to electronically exchange thousands of medical records in order to better serve our veterans. We expedite our decisions at all levels of review for wounded warriors and veterans who have a 100 percent “permanent and total” VA rating. These efforts are vital. They allowed us to help a wounded warrior with terminal cancer receive her benefits within a week. They were also critical in getting expedited retroactive benefits to the families of twelve marines who died when their helicopters collided.

Social Security also has a commitment to hiring our veterans by using the special hiring authorities designed specifically for veterans. We maintain our level of service to them and provide resources within the agency to help them to continue leading and improving. We have many diverse career fields available.

As America observes Veterans’ Day this year, my husband, Dale, an Air Force veteran, and I will be joining our family members, Cali, Lexi, and Owen, and their classmates for their Veterans’ Day celebration. We’ll be talking about our experiences and the importance of service to our up-and-coming generation.

Join us in honoring our fellow service members and veterans by sharing our resources with your family and friends to support veterans in your community.


Gina Clemons is the Associate Commissioner for the Office of Disability Policy. She is an Army veteran and has over six years of service at Social Security.

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About the Author

Gina Clemons, Associate Commissioner, Office of Disability Policy

Gina Clemons, Associate Commissioner, Office of Disability Policy


  1. barbara h.

    Even while there is no indication, anywhere, that Employers are good at recognizing exceptional people at all. Nor is there any record of corporations being willing to pay for exceptional talent should it come to them in hiring waves…

    • John E.

      Well said, especially the military corps.
      Well, i’m a dedicated gospel song singer

  2. steve w.

    OK for the last 7 months I’ve been charged I in getting $144 out of my disability check every month now according to Social security yes Medicaid is post be paying for it and I coordinated paid so security post be paying it OK I talked to Social Security and met the Cade and they both talk with each other and they were supposed to go out and taking care of but it is still not being taken care of just the $144 is still be taken out of my check um I would like to get the problem resolved somehow if I need apply for different insurance company then so be it but my whole point is I wanna get this resolved OK so can you please have somebody call me at 619 446 8489 felip very much buddy anytime so don’t worry bout like time to call me OK from my understanding Medicaid is saying that they’re paying it and according to so security there not paying it but honestly I don’t know what’s going on I like I said I would like for somebody to call me to get this problem resolved thank you very much steve warner

    • V.V.

      Hi Steve, thank you for your question. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  3. Jose A.

    The US Department of Education and Nelnet is requesting my documentation on my continuing medical reviews which I never have received. Nelnet requires this information for the TDP discharge process and I have to provide it within 60 days of December 1, 2019. Can you please offer more information on how can I go about getting this documentation since my only resource of medical records is the Baltimore VA Medical Center.

    • L.A.

      Hi Jose. Please note that to obtain your medical records, you should contact your local Social Security office to request a copy of your medical file. We hope this helps.

  4. angel r.

    I serve now and forever to my pesple my children.and u.s.a.

  5. karla m.

    thank you for you service :

  6. Medias


  7. Steve A.

    I’m approaching retirement age and I’m concerned about the future of SS. We (the tax payers) are paying into SS all of our lives and all we hear is how it’s going bankrupt. I see articles that the ways to make it last longer is to reduce payments, raise the full retirement age, stop the COLA’s, etc. What I don’t hear is to stop giving it way as another welfare program to people with “Disabilities”. SS was never meant to provide income to fat people or people with ADD. Another thing is, that money was never supposed to be used by the government for anything other retirement fund for those who paid into it. To fix the SS issue, stop the giving it to people who don’t want to work as disability and ADD payments. A school counselor suggested to parents I know to apply for SS for their child who has ADD and they will receive benefits for the rest of their lives. WTF!! This is why SS is going broke, not the people like me who have worked all my life contributing to it. It’s my entitlement not someone else’s welfare program! Congress needs to fix this and we need a advocate to voice this to them.

  8. Kevin S.

    Are there any changes being made to SSDI policy-legislatively or in-house regarding the ‘worked 5 of the last 10 years’ for veterans who are 100%, IU, and Permanent and Total? It took me 13 years to be rated IU P&T and was never aware of SSDI until AFTER I was awarded my claim.

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