Frauds & Scams

Submitting Fraud Allegations to the OIG

September 24, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: September 24, 2018

The SSA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has determined that, due to a computer error, it did not receive any fraud allegations submitted through its online fraud-reporting form from 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 10 to 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

If you submitted an allegation during this time period, please re-submit your allegation online, or you may call the OIG’s fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271. Thank you.

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About the Author

Andrew Cannarsa, OIG Communications Director

Andrew Cannarsa, OIG Communications Director


  1. Patricia P.

    I received a call saying that my Social Security Number is being cancelled. They left a message on my cell phone. It was a man’s voice. They number he wanted me to call back is 323-218-7196
    I did not return the call. Thank you for your help

    • A.C.

      Hi, Patricia. Thanks for letting us know. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. Thanks, again.

  2. Peggy S.

    This is to report a phone call received 6/14/19 at 9:00am advising my Social Security number was used fraudulently on the south border of Texas. Message is saved on my cell phone. Message received from Officer Amanda Barnes (202) 755-2366.
    This is NOT a report for SSA, but for a senior’s SSN. Do not know where it should be reported by phone or online.

  3. Rita F.

    I am retired and receiving SS benefits. A few days ago I received a letter from SSA thanking me for setting up an online account. I did not set up an account. I called the number in the letter and was given the number of the SSA office where the letter came from. When I called that number, the person I spoke with told me that they were deleting the account. Yesterday, I received a letter from a different SSA office thanking me for notifying them of my change of address. No, I did not change my address. I’ve lived here over 30 years and do not intend to move. Today is Sunday, so I will call SSA tomorrow, but I am very nervous about all this. I found that I could block my personal info online and did that, but I am still very worried.

  4. Bertha C.

    Received a call from phone number
    917 745-1507 New York
    Man stated that my ss Benefits had been stopped and I should press thank you #1
    I hung up and am making this report

    • A.C.

      Thanks for letting us know, Bertha. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. Thanks, again.

  5. Debbie B.

    I received a phone call from someone saying they was from ssa and my ssn was been used Fraudulent and a aresst wannta was being filed against me.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Debbie. Thanks for checking in with us. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. Thanks, again.

  6. zelmira c.

    hello. I received a text message representing SSA from phone number 518-647-2551 and 469-9285000, the text states my SSN has been compromise and therefore suspended by SSA. Please clarify this call. The first phone number has been disconnected, I believe this is a scam but want to reported to you

  7. David A.

    Received a call from 510 657-5111 saying my SSN was going to be suspended because of unauthorized use. Received two calls from the same number on Wed. June 12, 2019

    • A.C.

      Thanks for letting us know, David. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. Thanks, again.

  8. margie h.

    I just wanted to know if there’s any going with my social security number cause I’m getting a lot of phone calls

  9. margie h.

    I’m phone call from different numbers saying action executed the Us higher authority stating mine social security number going to be block intending your serious attention ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense this is the final attempt to reach you to resolve this issue immediately and to speak to a federal agent called back number 844-389-1800. and the other numbers are 118-864-7225, 1-830-522-2702

    • A.C.

      Thanks for checking in with us, Margie. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. We hope this helps.

  10. Sheryl P.

    I got a phone call from someone saying they were from the SSA and my social security number was used in illegal activity and to call this number. 915-239-2895. I called it and he asked me my name and said my social security number and asked was that my number. I said no and he said he had wrong person and hung up. He had my ss number.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Sheryl. Thanks for checking in with us. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams, here. We hope this helps.

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