Securing Today
and Tomorrow
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Take Control with Social Security Online
Reading Time: 1 Minute
We continue to add more services you can access through your secure my Social Security account. Use your personal my Social Security account to check your Social Security record and complete your business conveniently and securely from home or on the go. If you do not currently receive benefits, you can: Request a replacement Social Security […]
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Social Security’s Top 10 Web Pages for 2021
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
There’s no better place to do your business with us or get answers than on our website. We’re always working to improve our web pages and add online services to better serve you. Here are our top 10 web pages of 2021: Open your own personal my Social Security account, where you can verify your earnings, […]
Continue reading "Social Security’s Top 10 Web Pages for 2021" →Tags: Disability, fraud, General Information, Medicare, my Social Security, my Social Security account, online services, retirement, retirement benefits, social security, social security disability benefits

Update on Our Reentry Plans
Reading Time: 1 Minute
We want to give you an update on our preparations for returning our employees to local Social Security offices, a process called reentry. You may have seen a proposed reentry date of January 3, 2022 in the draft reentry plan that we provided to our unions, or in the media. While some executives reentered on […]
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Social Security Survivors Benefits Explained
Reading Time: 1 Minute
We are here for surviving family members when a worker dies. In the event of your death, certain members of your family may be eligible for survivors’ benefits. These include widows and widowers, divorced widows and widowers, children, and dependent parents. The amount of benefits your survivors receive depends on your lifetime earnings. The higher […]
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How To Get Your New Baby’s Social Security Number
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Welcoming a baby to your family is an exciting time. Doing paperwork – even for something as important as a Social Security number for your newborn – is probably one of the last things you want to do. We’ve made it easy. If your child is born in a hospital, the most convenient way to […]
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Diagnosed with Cancer? Social Security and Triage Cancer Can Help
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
When people hear the dreaded words, “You have cancer,” many thoughts often overwhelm them. They think about their health, family, and mortality. They think about treatment options, oncologists, and cancer centers. What they typically don’t think about are the legal issues resulting from their diagnosis. However, questions around understanding their health insurance options, employment rights, […]
Continue reading "Diagnosed with Cancer? Social Security and Triage Cancer Can Help" →Tags: Disability, my Social Security, my Social Security account, social security disability benefits, SSI, supplemental security income

My Social Security’s Four Super Powers
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Did you know having a personal my Social Security account is almost like having super powers? Think about it. It protects you, and you can even look into your financial future. Check out these four features that can empower all working Americans who pay into Social Security. Saves You Time You may think you need […]
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Guard Your Card: Protect What’s Important to You
Reading Time: 1 Minute
We encourage you not to carry your Social Security card with you every day. The best way to “Guard Your Card” is to keep it in a safe place and share it only when required, which is rare. In fact, in most cases, just knowing the Social Security number should be enough. In 49 states […]
Continue reading "Guard Your Card: Protect What’s Important to You" →Tags: fraud, scams, social security, Social Security card

Veterans and Active Duty Military Members: Social Security Has Your Back!
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Every year on Veterans Day, we honor the people who risk their lives to protect our country. Our disability program is part of our obligation to wounded warriors and their families. Social Security is an important resource for military members who return home with injuries. If you know a wounded veteran, please let them know […]
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Social Security Can Help You Start or Return to Work
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
If you rely on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and want to start or return to work, we can help. Ticket to Work (Ticket) is a program that supports career development for SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients who want to work and progress toward financial independence. The Ticket […]
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