Online Services

Our Customer Service Caught the President’s Attention!

February 4, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

shawn-lynchThe White House announced winners of the first ever President’s Award for Customer Service, and we’re proud to share that one of our employees received this honor among four other government awardees.

Shawn Lynch, a claims representative from the Dothan, Alabama, field office, was recognized for her superior customer service. Among her many contributions, Shawn led efforts to reduce appointment wait times and increase the number of my Social Security registrations within her office. She also took the initiative to reach out to applicants before their appointments, giving them the opportunity to have their disability claims taken early. Shawn educated claimants on the Self Help PC as well. Furthermore, she showed her commitment to service by taking part in community outreach.

Receiving a prestigious service award, especially from the President, is a great achievement! It exemplifies — to other federal agencies and the nation — our driving mission to provide world-class customer service that meets the changing needs of the public.

We congratulate Shawn on her accomplishment, as well as improving lives within her community! We’re lucky to have such a valuable, resourceful member as a part of the Social Security team.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. John E.

    Cogratulations Shawn. I have had great customer service dealing with my local office in Lakewood, Ohio.

    • R.F.

      Thank you John! Your thoughts are important to us and we’re pleased when feedback is positive. We try hard to provide the best possible service to our customers and your satisfaction is our reward.

  2. Veronica D.

    Congratulations Shawn! SSA needs many more like you! I was lucky enough to have a knowledgeable professional help me when I applied at Alexander City, Alabama last July. I wish you’d back track and find out the lady’s name and tell her I’d nominate her for an award like this.

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words Veronica. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  3. Angel W.

    Congratulatioms Shawn, and THANK YOU for your service!

    People are People and bottomlime, WE The People, will always have Excellent to Bad Quality of Service and Life, No Matter The Industry and or State and City. Why? Because PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE and That Is LIFE.

    Collectively, WE The People could do more to stem the tide of Negativity because it is energy, which festers and grows.

    I know for a FACT, WE The People have all had Excellent to Bad experiences throughout our lives.

    This is a PUBLIC FORUM and unfortunately, Some Of YOU SO-CALLED ADULTS do monitor your CHILDRENS ONLINE ACCESS. Children are Learning To HATE, BULLY, RANT, RAVE, CURSE, DISREPECT THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER, every waking moment, be WE The People Collectively Teach This.

    1/2 of these Comments are horrid and so profoundly disrepect High Esteemed Recognition of Excellent Quality Service. Thank Goodness such service is worthy of recognition.

    Please, let it serve as an Example for Each and Every SINGLE, Individual, to reflect on How We Can Do Better.

    I know I Can. I thank my Custom Service Rep, on the phone and face to face, MORE and hesitate to complain any more because They Are Providing a Service I Need and They Do Not Have To. Respect. Courtesy, Kindness, Morals Ethics, Yields those qualities back.

    All Service Organizations across all industries, local, city and state, are doing more, handling More WE THE PEOPLE SERVICE AND PRODUCT REQUESTS AND DEMANDS with Less Personnel.

    Let Us All Do Our Part Too. It Is Our Collective Children and Veterans Lifes and Futures at Stake. We Need LIVE Customer Service Reps, not more computer voice activated Bots. Support your Rep. Just say THANK YOU, HAVE A NICE DAY, JOB WELL DONE, a little more. Fill out and take those paper and electronic and telephonic Surveys to VOICE Your Individual Experiences, Privately. These Public Forums are becoming more and more Toxic and there is Absolutely No Value In Spewing, and Reading BAD.

    • Angel W.


    • Marc

      Exactly. So many people think it’s ok to treat customer service reps as rudely as they want because they know that agent is at their mercy and can’t defend themselves. It’s a disgrace. And these miserable, negative people treat everyone they deal with like this then complain about society and how bad this country is. Here’s a suggestion – try the GOLDEN RULE! Be POLITE. Show some common courtesy. You are no better than that person waiting on you.

  4. Dean C.

    Congratulations Shawn. As a government professional, I know that recognition is not easily given especially at that level. You should feel very proud of your accomplishment. Hopefully, you can spread some of your knowledge to others. Again, Congratulations!!!

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words Dean. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  5. Kindal8

    Congrats Shawn! It’s people like you that lead others by example and show them how to treat our seniors, disabled and others who need SS assistance. Dothan is a lucky city.

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  6. Nathaniel H.

    I went to the Social Security Office a few weeks ago on Detroit Ave. in Cleveland, Ohio. I was so impressed how quick they were at taking care of the customers. Also the Security Officer was very professional and knowledgeable.

  7. N.R. P.

    Dear Ms. S. Lynch

    We, the citizens of U.S.A congratulate you for your dedication. I am a retiree and went to SSA office recently and it was crowded . People like you can make our lives more happy.

    With Best Wishes

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  8. Ernest

    How about coming to Greensboro and working in our office for a while.

  9. Julie

    I did customer service for 12 years and I realize there can be employees who want to be helpful but are bogged down by inefficient policies or technology. I have been trying to resolve 2 issues since 2014. One was money owed that was never sent. I got my congressman involved last year, this week the money showed up.
    The other issue is my daughters check comes in her birth name. She was adopted at age 3, I applied for disability in 2012 when she was 7. She has a social security card in her adopted name, how they even messed this up in the first place is baffling. I go in frequently with all her paper work and try to get it fixed. Each person says they will fix it. The last rep said he could get it changed and updated on one system but the other wouldn’t update until the next day. He said he would check it and call me to verify it was done. He did call to say it didn’t update, he doesn’t know why and he will keep working on it. It still isn’t fixed.

    Years to get this done is not good customer service regardless of intentions.

  10. Ted B.

    When I retired in 2010 I dreaded having to deal with a government agency. I dialed the SSA number and was greeted with a polite and very professional person who first put me at ease and in a matter of about 10 minutes had me signed up.
    Congratulations and thank you to the SSA and the people who answer the phones. You do a great job.

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