Online Services

Our Customer Service Caught the President’s Attention!

February 4, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

shawn-lynchThe White House announced winners of the first ever President’s Award for Customer Service, and we’re proud to share that one of our employees received this honor among four other government awardees.

Shawn Lynch, a claims representative from the Dothan, Alabama, field office, was recognized for her superior customer service. Among her many contributions, Shawn led efforts to reduce appointment wait times and increase the number of my Social Security registrations within her office. She also took the initiative to reach out to applicants before their appointments, giving them the opportunity to have their disability claims taken early. Shawn educated claimants on the Self Help PC as well. Furthermore, she showed her commitment to service by taking part in community outreach.

Receiving a prestigious service award, especially from the President, is a great achievement! It exemplifies — to other federal agencies and the nation — our driving mission to provide world-class customer service that meets the changing needs of the public.

We congratulate Shawn on her accomplishment, as well as improving lives within her community! We’re lucky to have such a valuable, resourceful member as a part of the Social Security team.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Janet

    I have worked in customer service for 30 plus years both
    as a customer service representative and a Customer
    Service Manager. A company can have the best product
    or service there is but if they do not give ABOVE AVERAGE customer service they WILL those that
    customer to a company or person who DOES give ABOVE AVERAGE customer service. This day in age
    the customer has many choices and sometimes the deal breaker on the customer’s choice is where they
    feel they are receiving EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE.

    • Marc

      You’re so right. I feel the same way, and (hopefully) sooner or later more major corporations will wake up to this fact also. Outstanding customer service is so valuable to me that I will remain loyal to the company providing it no matter the cost. Believe it or not, in my mind, Verizon Wireless is one such company. While it’s true Verizon has the best coverage, great phones, and seemingly limitless options available to tailor a plan for every need, that’s not why I’ve continued to keep my wireless service through them for more than 11 years and have no plans to ever switch for any reason. That’s not to say Verizon has never made a mistake with me; in fact I can think of 3 major problems I’ve faced with them that caused me no end of frustration, and numerous lesser ones. Additionally, Verizon is unarguably the priciest of the major wireless providers. Even so i choose to remain a Verizon customer because of their unmatched customer service that in almost every case goes far above and beyond the norm. In all these years through all the problems, never once have I spoken to a Verizon agent who wasn’t unfailingly polite, patient, attentive, and knowledgeable. What makes Verizon agents stand out from the rest however, is the way they genuinely care about the problem and are personally committed to solving it to the customer’s best advantage. I don’t know how they do it, but any company that fosters such a customer-centered culture deserves my support.

  2. Barbara C.

    That’s great, but what about for the first time ever more $$ went for healthcare instead of into social security? I’m sure I won’t get a response from this.

    • Jon

      I would like to see a source on that, as I don’t believe it is accurate. Additionally, that is some very poor phrasing – ambiguous.

      Whatever $$$ goes to healthcare typically helps folks on Social Security by reducing the costs of healthcare, procedures, tests, and prescription drugs… all of these areas are used far more extensively by people on Social Security than the general population.

    • Marc

      FALSE. Social Security has no connection with any other government spending. It is self funded and has been since its inception. Health care spending comes from a completely different source. If you hsve enough time to post false claims about Social Security or any other topic for that matter, you have time to check for the FACTS.

  3. Lannie W.

    Congratulations. I am sure that you have made important differences in
    many Americans. Clearly, you have
    the gift of compassion and empathy.
    Continue to excell, and if given an
    opportunity to change a wasteful, or
    unfair situation. Change it!
    Lannie Wynn

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words Lannie. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

    • Lele

      That’s a creative answer to a diucfiflt question

  4. Mahammedabdallamussa


    • George K.

      Please don’t. We have enough problems with our country and social security without more of you raping our economy and killing any chance our children have at a good life. Stay where you are please.

      • Brian

        Your reply shows how are vocal hateful minority’s of Anericabs usuaklly angry as they feel their family legally immigrated to US whether in 1620 like mine did when we stole the land from Natuve Anericabs (remember that Geirge K (kk?) ! Or they were lucky enough to make it in through the racially motivated quotas against the latest hates minority which has gone from great US poulatuons lije Irish Anerucans and Itakuan Anmerucabs who were deemed Nigerian to the “whiterL northern western Eurioeans who could come at will almost always at turn if century. Then the next waves in 50s/60s the US citizen Ouerto Ricabs were told they should stay in Comminweamth earning lower wages than normal US citizens and then the orientali wave from Hong King ride in with cash so nobody griped in INS much. It is sickening that a man with Middje Eastern sounding name gets told to “stay put” when they may be more desevung political refugee or a professional even but the product of years of underspending in YS public education flyers trolls like this commenter being thinly veiled racist at best. It tires me that both honest and deserving recipients of SSA’s SSDI syten are akso singled out by a similar vocal grow who think SSDI is Amin to welfare when in fact one must have a work hisrtory to get any significant benefit that might sustain Ione to pay food and re t much less come near what the earned when they could work.
        Anyone would be nuts to go in SADI when it’s typically at most 30% of what ones earnings averaged over last 15 years. I can guess also that median SSDI recipient has at least 15 years work history often 20-25! In physically demanding jobs that ha e their backs or bodies give out in them in age 58-65 which haoiebed to many people I know and duke cannot find desk jobs or jobs that pay minimum
        wage would bankrupt many and mostly require a fewer deal of standing (fast food etc.).
        If the minimum
        Wage were $15 an hour then the yahoos that cry over any so labeled “entitlements@ would realize it’s not the.worjers who de suck or even the poor in welfare who can kit get childcare at affordable enough prices to make minimum wage even be a possibility..,well I only wish you’d wear shoes of many here’s who’s much rather be back at old job and rake is kit have their full health and salaries again!
        As for immigrabts- no worries for SSA as they will need to pay into system before they can collect benefits unless blind or other disability then SSInpays a fraction of what most SADI checks do.

        There iis no refuge fir civil discussions ieven on government blogs on the net that are meant to support the very people on SSDI or needing it with civil dscourse not lobbed frenades at posters that wish they were US Citizebs.
        Folks are here to discuss their problems or issues dilutes to cook SSDI and other related issues yet the always xenophobic angry trolls lurk on any site they correctly deem a drain on US resources- with aim squarely at the sick, poor, outsiders to their ethinic immigrant group ETV. They do not presume.US shortfall might be the unoarriotc tax laws allowing global ccoroiratiions that grew in US under protection of US rktaxoayers. Now are. not paying owes US taxes because they. place profits overseas that are questionable at best and greedy or criminal at worst. Seeking to throw stones aim higher lot lower Geeirge k. Or just shut it up!

        So your worried about one displaced political refugee (that’s likely been bombed out of home by middle eastern crusaders or Assad?) Geirgevsays to-“stay home” as “we don’t want any more citizens:outsiders” (because Geirge Ave his ilk deem it’s time to close doors by those who are is already safely located here n the good old USA)!
        Geirge be you a 1629 pilgrim or SAR member you are no more Anerucab than the last person to be sworn in! You descend from your own immigrant family that many would prefer had “stayed out as we have enough problems!”
        –nobody is a native to America except those here before the Mayfkower landed bringing the first nvaders/series here in 1620!
        And those f “settlers”” sought religious a doikuticak sanctuary and were fleeing religious oppression caused by HebryVIII’s lire church’ imposing one state religion on Engkavd. followed down to King George!
        — perhaps your loans is bad coincidence but naryy one of us in this “”your. troubled US” cane ihere any other way than way Mr. Mussa seeks to come! So is it just you are uneducated in hoistiry of US or are just being hateful and a web troll?

        To Mr Geirge K.; a great Anerucam poet and song writer, one Mr. Bob Dylan (who like all of us is a descendant of immigrabts) and a national treasure)! Versus those that seem too be vying for the “national trash heap” growing higher by day with the newly indoctrinated haters that are still the mostly uneducated angry hatrets that you seem to be among:
        -“Ain’t nothing to hate except hatred” (It’s Alright Ma Um only bleeding”)

      • Brian

        Your reply shows how are vocal hateful minority’s of Anericabs usuaklly angry as they feel their family legally immigrated to US whether in 1620 like mine did when we stole the land from Natuve Anericabs (remember that Geirge K (kk?) ! Or they were lucky enough to make it in through the racially motivated quotas against the latest hates minority which has gone from great US poulatuons lije Irish Anerucans and Itakuan Anmerucabs who were deemed Nigerian to the “whiterL northern western Eurioeans who could come at will almost always at turn if century. Then the next waves in 50s/60s the US citizen Ouerto Ricabs were told they should stay in Comminweamth earning lower wages than normal US citizens and then the orientali wave from Hong King ride in with cash so nobody griped in INS much. It is sickening that a man with Middje Eastern sounding name gets told to “stay put” when they may be more desevung political refugee or a professional even but the product of years of underspending in YS public education flyers trolls like this commenter being thinly veiled racist at best. It tires me that both honest and deserving recipients of SSA’s SSDI syten are akso singled out by a similar vocal grow who think SSDI is Amin to welfare when in fact one must have a work hisrtory to get any significant benefit that might sustain Ione to pay food and re t much less come near what the earned when they could work.
        Anyone would be nuts to go in SADI when it’s typically at most 30% of what ones earnings averaged over last 15 years. I can guess also that median SSDI recipient has at least 15 years work history often 20-25! In physically demanding jobs that ha e their backs or bodies give out in them in age 58-65 which haoiebed to many people I know and duke cannot find desk jobs or jobs that pay minimum
        wage would bankrupt many and mostly require a fewer deal of standing (fast food etc.).
        If the minimum
        Wage were $15 an hour then the yahoos that cry over any so labeled “entitlements@ would realize it’s not the.worjers who de suck or even the poor in welfare who can kit get childcare at affordable enough prices to make minimum wage even be a possibility..,well I only wish you’d wear shoes of many here’s who’s much rather be back at old job and rake is kit have their full health and salaries again!
        As for immigrabts- no worries for SSA as they will need to pay into system before they can collect benefits unless blind or other disability then SSInpays a fraction of what most SADI checks do.

        There iis no refuge fir civil discussions ieven on government blogs on the net that are meant to support the very people on SSDI or needing it with civil dscourse not lobbed frenades at posters that wish they were US Citizebs.
        Folks are here to discuss their problems or issues dilutes to cook SSDI and other related issues yet the always xenophobic angry trolls lurk on any site they correctly deem a drain on US resources- with aim squarely at the sick, poor, outsiders to their ethinic immigrant group ETV. They do not presume.US shortfall might be the unoarriotc tax laws allowing global ccoroiratiions that grew in US under protection of US rktaxoayers. Now are. not paying owes US taxes because they. place profits overseas that are questionable at best and greedy or criminal at worst. Seeking to throw stones aim higher lot lower Geeirge k. Or just shut it up!

        So your worried about one displaced political refugee (that’s likely been bombed out of home by middle eastern crusaders or Assad?) Geirgevsays to-“stay home” as “we don’t want any more citizens:outsiders” (because Geirge Ave his ilk deem it’s time to close doors by those who are is already safely located here n the good old USA)!
        Geirge be you a 1629 pilgrim or SAR member you are no more Anerucab than the last person to be sworn in! You descend from your own immigrant family that many would prefer had “stayed out as we have enough problems!”
        –nobody is a native to America except those here before the Mayfkower landed bringing the first nvaders/series here in 1620!
        And those f “settlers”” sought religious a doikuticak sanctuary and were fleeing religious oppression caused by HebryVIII’s lire church’ imposing one state religion on Engkavd. followed down to King George!
        — perhaps your loans is bad coincidence but naryy one of us in this “”your. troubled US” cane ihere any other way than way Mr. Mussa seeks to come! So is it just you are uneducated in hoistiry of US or are just being hateful and a web troll?

        To Mr Geirge K.; a great Anerucam poet and song writer, one Mr. Bob Dylan (who like all of us is a descendant of immigrabts) and a national treasure)! Versus those that seem too be vying for the “national trash heap” growing higher by day with the newly indoctrinated haters that are still the mostly uneducated angry hatrets that you seem to be among:
        -“Ain’t nothing to hate except hatred!!” It’s Alright Ma ‘ Im only bleeding”)

  5. Gary

    Sadly, this is far from the normal level of service. The wait times on the phone, the inability to resolve anything once you get through, causes you to have to set a physical appointment to visit a local office. Of course the soonest available appointment is 7 weeks away. All this to change my mother’s mailing address who is 90 hears old, fell and after a week at a skilled nursing facility had to be moved to an assisted living facility.

    • Jon

      Social Security checks have not been mailed to anyone for years – in part to save $$$, and in part to prevent the theft of paper checks from mail boxes or to prevent older folks from being assaulted and having their checks stolen. Social Security $$$ is deposited into checking/savings accounts or to a debit card that is set up through Social Security.

      [I[f you only need a change of address, that can easily be done online in a few minutes at

      • Julie

        You are incorrect. They do still mail checks. My daughters check is mailed. I am unable to get it direct deposited because it has the wrong name on it. SSA keeps saying they will fix it but haven’t. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve gone into the local office with her paperwork and been told it will be fixed.

        • Lakeisha

          The exrietpse shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

    • Carol T.

      I went to the local Social Security office in Panama City, worst service of any office I have ever been, horrible, could not answer any questions, even though rep over the phone said she could not answer and that questions would be answered at my appointment, total waste of time, sad our taxpayer $ are being wasted in such a big way!

      • Darice D.

        As a SSI recipient, and therefore, a customer, I get your frustration/irritation. Have experienced same over the years as offices in affluent areas provided better service than those that served disadvantaged areas. However, over the last 2-3 years here in Southern California at the 20th and Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, CA office I’ve found much-improved service. The only problem for me now is the security guards, especially in the disadvantaged areas, who treat everything as if we live in a military state which stresses me a lot.

      • R.F.

        Hi Carol. We are sorry to hear you did not receive the level of customer service you expected, and we can understand your frustration. We respond to questions and provide general information on our Retirement, Survivors, Disability, Medicare and SSI programs. If you have a general question, we encourage you to ask here. But remember, never post personal information on social media. You can also create a my Social Security account to get estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, and review your earnings record and the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid. We hope you try again. Thanks!

    • John O.

      And this makes Ms. Lynch’s dedication to service all the more commendable. You went through a lot of bother to change an address. You could have done this on line.

    • Marc

      You can do that online in 5 minutes if all you want is to change an address. Additionally, you can always walk into any local SS office without an appointment, just like a hair salon or barbershop. You may wait awhile depending on day of week/month, time of day, and the location of the office – my local office is never busy
      I walked in to get a replacement SS card when I lost mine and it took 30 minutes from the time I walked in till I had a new card. If you’re online on this site and read this blog, it’s impossible not to know you can do almost everything you need to online. I’ve seen this in every single blog post, Twitter,and even on all the correspondence they and Medicare send out. How much simpler can they make it? People are always so quick to blame the government for everything – they don’t do enough, they do too much, government is inefficient, etc . . . Yet they still get their noses out of joint when they’re can’t be bothered to do their part. Sheesh.

      • vjones

        you are blessed. most Social Security offices have a long wait. Even with an appointment.

        • Marc

          This was not an isolated or one-time occurrence. Since that time, I’ve had several more occasions that necessitated going into my local SSA office. As I’ve noted, some days I’ve waited longer than other days but never has a visit taken over an hour including wait time and service. In my experience, the DMV office is far more painful to deal with than SSA. Here’s a suggestion that might work for those of you who have busier offices than most: perhaps you could find another SSA branch office in relatively close proximity that isn’t as crowded? Alternatively, try to plan when you go; for instance, never go on a Monday or Friday (Tuesdays work well for me), go around 10-10:30 am or between 2:00 and 3:00 pm, and never go during the first 3 or 4 days of the month. I hope these suggestions might prove helpful to at least some here.

  6. Diane S.

    Nice to see there is still customer service in this tech age. Hopefully this will trickle down and inspire others. Congrats to you Shawn. Be blessed.

    • bettyg

      shawn, dito to the comments above … congrats.

      hope this type of service goes to ALL 50 states.

      those NOT giving this type of service, please let the federal SS know about your experiences so they can be CORRECTED.

      bettyg, iowa

      • bettyg

        i forgot to say, my LOCAL SS office were wonderful to work with and very ENCOURAGING on not giving up when trying to get SSDI, disability approved!

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words Diane. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  7. Chimanlal G.

    My congratulations Shawn.
    She will be a good example for others.
    Our president did the right thing and now whoever is the boss for this unit has to follow his foot step to keep this spirit..

    Chimanlal G. Patel.

    P.S. Hope I get an E-mail on this response.

    • RICARDO E.

      don’t be a fart smeller!

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  8. Vivi


    • Vincent C.


      • S.L.

        Thank you Vincent!

    • R.F.

      Thanks. We are committed to providing the public with the best service possible.

  9. Dawn C.

    Congratulations Shawn. As a soon to be retiree, I truly appreciate your “above & beyond” customer service. I have been dreading the process of filing my retirement papers and to go through the arduous process but people like yourself make it easier for soon to be retirees very hopeful! Thanks again. Hopefully, your work ethic and spirit will progress to other customer service reps across the country. Thanks so very much!

    • S.L.

      Thank you so much for your kind words Dawn. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. The unveiling of SSA’s E-services brought with it tremendous opportunities to assist our well-deserved clients at an ever higher level. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

  10. Deloris V.

    way to go! Keep up the good work.

    • Fermina


      • Patti

        Congratulations! A job well done!

        • Sherri M.

          Congrats, we could use more dedicated people like you!!

          • S.L.

            Thank you so much for your kind words Ms. Marquis.

        • S.L.

          Thank you Patti!

        • S.L.

          Thank you so much !

      • S.L.

        Thank you!

        • Rhonda

          Nooo…thank you and congratulations. My hope is you will teach others this. Please come to New Orleans, you can teach so many so much….especially advocacy. We are not case numbers,we are very much. real and thank you for validating that. Your absolute dedication can help through your tools of service a very over loaded , overwhelmed n well intentioned system of workers here.

    • R.F.

      Thank you! We will continue our efforts to meet your requirements and expectations in the years to come.

    • Hospitals &.

      Social Security Amendment of 2016 HA-7-2-16

      Free DIRT (Disability Insurance Reallocation Tax) and 3% COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) Act of January 1, 2016

      To amend the DI tax rate from 1.80% to 2.40% in 2016, 2.30% in 2017 and 2.20% in 2018; from 0.90% to 1.20% in 2016, 1.15% in 2017 and 1.10% in 2018 for employees and from 0.90% to 1.20% in 2016, 1.15% in 2017 and 1.10% in 2018 for employers under Sec. 201(b)(1)(S) of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)II§401.

      To amend the OASI tax rate from 10.60% to 10.0% in 2016, 10.10% in 2017, and 10.20% in 2018; from 5.30% to 5.00% in 2016, to 5.05% in 2017, to 5.10% in 2018 for employees under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3101 (a) and from 5.30% to 5.00% in 2016, 5.05% in 2017, and 5.10% in 2018 for employers under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3111 (a) to avoid depletion of the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund in 2016 without increasing the overall 12.4% OASDI or 15.3% OASDI and Hospital Insurance (HI) Federal Insurance Contribution Act tax-rate under 26USC(A)(2)§1401.

      To legislate a 3% annual COLA at Sec. 225(i) 42USC425(i) retroactive to January 1, 2016 under Sec. 204(c) 42USC§404(c).

      Be it enacted in the House and Senate, Assembled

      Health and Welfare. 11th Ed. Hospitals & Asylums HA-7-2-16
      251 pg. Text

    • cynthia w.

      I knew that a hard working and sincere person like you will be a winner all the way. Congratulations.

      • R.F.

        Thank you so much for your kind words Cynthia. I am truly honored to represent Team SSA and our hard working clients. Helping people is what I love most. Without our clients, we wouldn’t be here nor have a need to be here. I sincerely consider myself blessed to come to work and do what I truly love doing.

        • Wyinonna a.

          I am disable I received ssi at the age of 62 now that I am 65 they took it away I still get 851 .00 every month no changes in my income I can’t believe I only get 851.00 a month which I no I have 40 hours of credit

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