Online Services

New Year’s Resolution: Get a my Social Security Account

January 4, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

2016, silhouette of a woman standing in the sun, blue sky

The holidays are over, and a new year is upon us. Now that you have no more holiday parties to attend or gifts to buy, you’re probably kicking off the New Year with your resolutions to improve your life.

With a healthy, new you in mind, you got a shiny new gym membership and revamped your grocery list to add more vegetables. You made resolutions to better manage your finances and to finally start planning for your long-term financial security, which you’ve been putting off because you didn’t know where to start. Now is the perfect time of year to do a financial planning checkup. And what’s more, we can tell you the best place to start.

We have a solution that is easy, convenient, and secure; sign up for a personal my Social Security  account. You can do so from the comfort of your own home, office, or any preferred location. It only takes a few minutes, and once you see all the benefits of having an account, you will be so glad you followed through with this resolution.

If you’re still working, you can use your my Social Security  account to access your Social Security Statement to keep track of your earnings and verify them every year. You can review the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you paid.

You can also get a benefit verification letter stating that you never received benefits, received benefits in the past, or a letter stating that you applied for benefits, but your claim hasn’t been approved. If you’re currently receiving benefits, you can use your my Social Security account to get a letter stating your benefits, and to check your benefit and payment information. You can also change your address or telephone number, start or change your direct deposit, and get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S.  And now, in several states, many can get a replacement Social Security card!

Managing your information has never been easier.

Sign up for a my Social Security  account today and cross this resolution off your list. You’ll be so glad you started the New Year right by taking these easy steps to have a better financial future.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Carol E.

    I would like to set up an account. How do I do that on line?

    • R.F.

      Hi Carol, just click here to create your personal my Social Security account. Thanks!

  2. William I.

    Be advised that getting a social security account sounds great? What are the steps?

    • R.F.

      Hi William, to create an account click here. Read and follow the steps provided. Thanks!

  3. Harry f.

    I would like to open an account.

    • R.F.

      Hi Harry, to create an account click here. Read and follow the steps provided. Thanks!

  4. Harry f.

    Sounds good to me. I would like to open an account

  5. Jerry T.

    With the rise for ins. and no cola, I get less this year than last. It sucks

    • Jo W.

      TV reporters said that gasoline price reductions caused the CPI to stay level. It doesn’t make sense to me that a commodity that most people on Social Security don’t use as much as prior to SS dependence is keeping the cola down. When do I apply for foodstamps?

  6. Saheb R.

    How to refer SSN not received so far but others are mentioning Let me know my SSN for security. No banks showing status of accounts
    FCC to supervise all biz activities to get daily updates. Keep transparency in daily activities. Thanks… 04.01.2016 20.35
    Biz policy not yet decided get it set asides as earlier Boston knows all.

  7. RONALD R.

    Why did we not get a raise in our checks this year the price of everything has gone up and up just because the price of gas is down we can drink gas

    • John O.

      Generally speaking when the cost of fuel goes down so does the price of other things even if that change lags behind. So you’d see the cost of utilities also going down in many areas. The food costs should be reflected in the delivery costs. The inflation rate has not been high enough to trigger a COLA increase. Expect an early announcement for next year and an increase. It’s an election year and politicians are not wont to not have a COLA before an election of such importance.

  8. Judy G.

    Sounds good. I’d like to open an acct.

    • R.F.

      Great idea Judy, just click here to create your personal my Social Security account. Thanks!

  9. Ana M.

    Tengan ustedes muy buenos dias,
    Desfe el pasado Agosto de 2015, que solicite mexiante formulario mi pension de viudez de tipo open benefit .Hasta la fecha espero mi numero de beneficiaroa y una respuesta al tema.Hoy ingresaron los papeles por medio del Consulado de USA en Santiago de Chile.
    Quedo a la espera de su valiosa respuesta.

  10. Blanca E.

    If I have been working as a self employed most of my life and filing taxes every year will benefit me for my retirement as well as getting paid by check?

    • R.F.

      Good question Blanca! 94% of all workers are covered are either employed or self-employed in work covered by Social Security This means they pay into Social Security and are subject to either payroll (FICA) or self-employment (SECA) taxes. Even those working in covered employment must work long enough and make enough money to earn the required “credits”. If a person works but does not pay Social Security taxes, that person may not qualify for Social Security benefits. See our Retirement Planner: Self-Employment web page and read our publication “If You Are Self-Employed” for more information.

      • Joe

        Americans working or living outside of the continental United States. Are not eligible for access to “Social Security My personal account”. With today’s technology; every American should have access to their Social Security Account from any place on this planet.

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