COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Ron

    I think and who really cares what I think . People are to thin skinned today , buck dish it back and then laugh .

  2. Tony R.

  3. Mary

    Is people on SSDI going to have to file or not????????????????????

  4. Mary

    Will we have to file on SSDI or not?????????????????????

  5. TippyToes

    Well, I came here looking for some answers and found the one of the best laughs I have ever had on the net. ROF Still LMAO. I’m going to weigh in and say the comment was “Unprofessional” at best and rude at worse. Thank you for the laugh at this time it was very much needed. No insult or making light of persons serious inquiry intended. Stay safe and don’t be sharing your info with strangers because you feel the need to chat.

  6. lorena

    acabo de recibir mi tarjeta de recidente como puedo optener mi numero del seguro social para todos los venificios otorgados por la pandemia

    • The O.

      Nadie sabes que tienes en la olla mas, que la cuchara de la manea. EEE Ho La!

      • no


    • Esperanza

      I don’t think you will be able to receive it without a 2018 or 2019 tax filing.

      Please petition your Democratic politicians to either donate their pay role to you and your families, or set up a charity.Seriously.

      They encouraged many people to immigrate illegally, so they should be held responsible for the well being of illegal immigrants.
      I honestly do hope even illegal immigrants are able to survive this and have some financial assistance during these times, you’re democratic and globalist politicians have urged you to come here knowing tax payer funding does not go to you. The least they can do is help you out of their own pockets.
      I think as long as you are a tax payer or legal citizen this stimulus payment should apply to you.

      God bless you, and I hope there is at least something for those left out. Citizens and politicians who have foolishly urged people to immigrate illegally should be required to give you their payments, or at least donate to a fund to give illegal immigrants financial. There may be charities for you to apply for if you are left out.

      II can not stress this enough, You will have to petition your democratic politicians to give their own money to you and set up charities for illegal immigrants to receive assistance.

      Make phone calls, send emails and keep searching online because something might come up over the coming months.

      • The O.

        I agree wirh you 100%, Only Republicans should get stimulus funds, not the Plosies, Shoemers, Rodhams, Wassergate-Shultz, Pocahontas, Camel Hairas, Bomas, Orca Winbags, Ellen Degenerates, Rachel Madcows; They are the problem, the Republicans are the solution.

  7. Lynda M.

    My disabled son is 30. He lives in a group home and receives SSI benefits. We do not claim him as a dependent, but we are his legal guardians. We have a few questions.
    1) We are unsure if he is eligible to receive a “Stimulus” check?
    2) If he is, does he need to fill out Tax forms? He does not file.
    3) How does this effect his account if it “Tops it over $2000 as they have not been able to go out shopping or on activities.
    The group home has not been helpful and they have had quite a few times where they let his account reach $2000 and have had to frantically “Spend down” his account. I would like to just know what is happening with his personal account. I have no issue if the house takes the money for extra food, supplies(no dayhabs so extra staffing and extra meals) whatever they need to keep him safe, but I would like to know if he is eligible so I can make sure they are filling out the necessary forms etc. Thank you so much.

    • Alexandra

      My understanding is you don’t have to fill out any tax forms, they changed that. If his money is direct-deposited they should have his account on file.

      As far as his account reaching $2000…I think you’ll have to keep spending away.

  8. gh

    how long before the portal will be set up so that we can enter our DIRECT DEPOSIT info, if we do not currently have one set up??? & how will we be notified that it is ready???? THANKS

  9. Alexandra

    My 18-year-old son (dependent) receives SSI. If he gets a stimulus payment, does he have to report it to Social Security as unearned income?

  10. Hillary C.

    dependence getting nothing is complete bull shit!!!!

    FU Mr.Trump 🙁

    • Daniel V.

      F.U. Mr. Putin

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