COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Rick

  2. Gertrude G.

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  3. andy j.

    How much will seniors on SS get?

  4. J W.

    Right now Democrats are fighting for us!!! VOTE BLUE, VOTE BLUE!! VOTE BLUE!!

    • The O.

      Yeah Bernie Sanders is working hard to get us money, MWAHAHAHA!. You think a Party (demonrats) care about the elderly? They think about us the same way they think about the unborn, Kill us all…Death panels, marry your brothers, open the borders so the rest of the world will get what real Ameriocans work and pay taxes for.

    • Jenny

      Actually it has finally passed but in all honesty the Dems were what held it up adding unrelated and unnecessary requests in the bill. It wasn’t until the Republicans called them out on it when it finally got straightened out.

      • Jen W.

        Yeah right, it’s just like conservaturds to turn and twist everything around, lies, lies! If it wasn’t for the Dem. unnecessary request, we would only be receiving $600!

        • The O.

          If it weew not for the Great Republican Party the demonrats would give the money to illegals and abortion clinics. God Bless America (and no one else).

    • michael a.

      blue used to be republicans….then they won so the dems wiggled it their im 60 no democratic principle has ever worked in my lifetime..if you dont get the reality of politics this mess is what you get…..most should not vote….too ignorant so selfish about being wrong…they dont tell you your very vote will put families out will harm and mame others..if you dont think so proves you should not vote..period.

  5. Kris

    Write to your congressmen & senators & let them know how you feel about being totally disregarded. Not that it will actually do any good, but at least they will know how you feel about it.

  6. Tina

    Are new applications for SSDI on hold for now? I have an application to mail in to the SSA. Thank you.

    • V.V.

      Hi Tina. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are extending our deadlines wherever possible. If we asked you to contact us by a certain date, you can contact us once our offices reopen to the public or you can mail your documents to us. We will follow up with you once the COVID-19 public health emergency subsides. We are providing maximum flexibility in applying our good cause policy. For you local office mailing address, use the Social Security Office Locator. For more information, visit our Social Security and Coronavirus page.

  7. Alicia

    Did anyone get extra funds deposited from SSA this week?

    • The O.

      No, I got the same amount today what I always get. Maybe next month.

  8. wondering

    I was married in 2018-2019 and we filed jointly. However I am divorced and now on SSI. How would that work out with a stimulus check?

    • V.V.

      We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments.

  9. Andrew F.

    Where in the stimulus bill does it state that people who are on Social Security and don’t make enough to qualify to fill out a tax form will get the stimulus check? Please put the link to this valuable information on here, because nowhere do I see this in the current legislation. Someone said the fed said it a few days ago but they aren’t always telling the truth. I want to see it in writing.

  10. Felicia T.

    Hello, I have a question.
    Will people on SSI receive any of the Coronavirus stimulus money? I do know that they did vote on the stimulus money. But I’m still unclear if people on SSI will receive any of the money.
    Thank you so much.

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