COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. liz

    The General public asks the General public to answer any concrete answers to any thing regarding the stimulus, when the Government hasn’t made any Straight, Concrete answers to the matter as of yet is really stupid. People are reading posts of other crap online, when it’s nonfactual is stupid. Just wait to hear from the damn Government it’s self. Yall are like dog’s in heat. Your checks will be gone in a day, then you’ll be bitching for more. This is what the Government has said up to today.

    • Tammy

      Nah, mine will last a day and a half, thank you very much.

      • flower


  2. Think c.

    I am a 38 yr old disabled veteran from
    combat injures during my last tour in Afghanistan I have one child who is 10yrs old I am also her payee my question without getting into the whole who was rude argument earlier is simply does anyone know if you recieve SSDI and veterans disability payments do u qualify for the check based off income or based off current benefit recipients are we like first in line cause of that or does my veterans be edits exclude me from such payment I ha e found no answers on any veterans website and I understand completely there is no finalization an this matter in the Senate Congress house whatever but my daughter is special needs as far as her education and I am 100% disabled due to my injury so very limited in figuring out how to help her continue her education and this money would really help me purchase the proper equipment and training I need to be able to help her she is in fourth grade but reads and writes at a first grade level which is hard enough for me to deal with alone the school is amazing they work there butts off for my daughter thank God but it’s a continuing fight any days off school away from the classroom can be cruscial for her education so please out of respect for me as a combat veteran and a conserned father limit your responses to helping me not criticism and arguments thank you and God bless hope everyone gets through this safely and if I could reinlist to help in any way I would immediately but unfortunately I can’t so thank you all for your time stay safe out there

  3. Glenda

    I have a disability case pending for 2 years now. Will I get the stimulus package?

  4. Shawn A.

    It’s 1000$ not 350 where do u people get this shit

    • helen

      if you read the news they say the stimulus checks will vary based on your income and family size. there are probably other parameters as well.

      I certainly agree that the seniors, retired, those on ssi, disabled need it the most and should get more.

      but i doubt it will work out like that.

      I’ve watched the video where people are saying McConnell said he’ll put money directly into the hands of the elderly and disabled…he does NOT mention that everyone will get $1000.

      • wanda w.

        Cash payments of up to $1,200 would go to individuals, with up to $2,400 for couples. The sum would increase by $500 for every child. The check totals would start to phase out above $75,000 in adjusted gross income based on 2018 tax returns. People with no federal tax liability would get only $600.

  5. vicky

    There’s been no such announcement that SS recipients wouldn’t be receiving stimulus checks.

    That said, the two checks will be UP TO $1,000 each, and seniors, many living alone, can’t compete with multi-child families. Those are the ones who’ll be getting the max. Single/widowed SS recipients will be lucky if their checks are $250 each.

    Given the anemic SS COLAs, seniors should be getting the max.

  6. AJ

    I can’t believe many of you are going back and forth about a “rude response” lmao. Do we not have MORE IMPORTANT shit to worry about right now? My God you all are annoying as hell.

    THANK YOU to everyone who Actually Answered the damn question to the best of your knowledge.

  7. Ryan D.

    Yes, 100% you will. It may not be $1000.00, but probably closer to $350.00. Americans who make closer to the cap at $75,0000.00 will get the full $1,000.00 and you will not need to fill anything out. The social security administration will receive and allocate the funds directly into your account. It should come in late april, and late May. Two checks minimum will be sent separately to each American who makes under $750000, but above $3300.00

  8. Ryan D.

    No, no paperwork is needed. It’s sent through the social security administration which deposits it in every account that receives ss, ssdi, and ssi. People who filed tax returns would receive a check based on the family size and income that they filed for under the previous year’s taxes, and if they revived those returns through direct deposit, then the stimulus check would be directly deposited into the same funding account. I’m not sure how everyone else will get their checks. I do not think they plan to physically mail any checks.

  9. Bob-W

    So we will get a stimulus check WOW I need it so Badly with all this virus stuff it cost money to have food delivered and stores have increased I Mean “UPTICK” (the new word instead of increase) Prices no matter where you shop have “UPTICKED” Prices that make it difficult to live.

    • Ryan D.

      Yes. It should be around $350.00 twice. One $350 payment in April and one in May. It could be slightly more, or slightly less.

      • flower

        I find it funny you can come to that announcement when the Government itself has not officially disclosed any concrete figures as of now, to who will get what exactly.

  10. Rae

    I lost my debit card recently and requested a new one. With everything going on will this effect my payments and deposits.

    • Ryan D.

      No this will not effect your deposit. Your debit card is attached to your account but is not actually your account itself. Your account number is separate from your debit card number. You will be fine.

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