COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. LoL

    Someone needs a friend.

  2. Charles P.

    I know dad in 2008 when everyone around me was receiving stimulus checks I was one of the few that I knew that did not receive one. I also at that time though had not filed my taxes the year before due to fight with my ex-wife and child support that I was trying to get through so I didn’t file in order to not lose that money to Friend of the Court right away for no reason. My tax money that is not the stimulus check that I had no idea about. So because I didn’t know about the stimulus check and didn’t file my taxes that year I did not receive a stimulus check. After that I got out and I work and you know if I have some taxes and stuff like that and never did receive any sort of stimulus text and then went on to disability insurance and VA compensation. When you do those things as far as I know you are not required to file taxes I don’t know too much of why I was just told that I wasn’t required to file taxes because my income was not taxable. Earlier this year I found through an article and was told by someone else that people in my situation we’re losing out on all sorts of money from the government that we were entitled to because we’re not filing our taxes so when we don’t file the taxes we don’t get the smaller different kinds of stimulus packages that we’re out there including one I think in 2017 that could have given us all an additional $250. I know that some people already find it unfair that we don’t so we’re already getting checks for not working so why should we get any more like the other people that do work yet. I for one know that most of us don’t want to beginning and trying to live on these small Social Security checks and VA compensation as put together they are not even close to enough to survive so we really don’t even want them except for how much they do help us if not fixing totally. I know that I am in many other people that I know are extremely grateful for the help that we get because we wouldn’t get it if we didn’t need it most of the people I know anyways I know that there are several out there that play the system in and just do it this way. So the little bit of extra money through these stimulus is that we could get that others get when they file their taxes would have been a great help to all of our Lives had we have known that they were out there and available and had been told in order to do this we should file those taxes even though we wouldn’t get a return on them most of us have to pay to get them done so it’s really hard to be on this such fixed income making it so we can’t afford to have somebody file our taxes and not know how to file taxes on Social Security disability and VA compensation could have conversation because it’s already so confusing. So a lot of us I guess have been losing these stimulus has that have been out there and I don’t know if there’s ever a way to get it back and nobody has ever told us you know hey file your taxes paid if I owe taxes even though you’re not going to get anything back unless there’s a stimulus involved. So not wanting to be one to complain a lot I do find it to be totally unfair that we have been skipped over for the stimulus is when there’s lots of other people out there that I’ve gotten them they needed far less than the rest of us. No I don’t know with this coronavirus or covid 19 situation pertains to us or if we are going to be allowed to get this stimulus even though we do need it just as much as anybody else that’s getting it if not more. I’m not trying to be bitter and say hey I deserve this just as much as anybody else but I do believe that if some people are getting it everybody should get it it’s only fair that when they say all Americans should be getting a check cuz even though I’m disabled and and I’m not required to file my taxes I am still an American in fact I’m an American like so many others that fought for this country for the rights of these people to be able to get these stimulus is in social security and disability so I think it’s totally unfair if we end up not being able to get them. Knowing that I did not file taxes last year because I specifically told that I did not have to that I hear it may be stopping me from being able to get these stimulus checks in the next couple of months much much needed stimulus check needed just as much for us as anybody else. Is there anything that can be done or any way to fix this so that we can be just as eligible as anyone else if this goes through and then we can get our checks sent to us or our money deposited onto a Direct Express cards just like everybody else is going to be getting them. I know that I can’t file my taxes for last year this year cuz for one it wouldn’t be done in time for another I can’t afford the money to send them I also don’t know how to do them and I don’t know enough people to talk to about how to do them. be getting in trying to live on these small Social Security checks in VA compensation as put together they are not even close to enough to survive so we really don’t even want them except for how much they do help us if not fixings totally. I know that I am in many other people that I know are extremely grateful for the help that we get because we wouldn’t get it if we didn’t need it most of the people I know anyways I knew that there are several out there that play the system and and just do it this way. So the little bit of extra money through these stimulus is that we could get that others get when they file their taxes would have been a great help to all of our lives had we have known that they were out there and available and had been told it in order to do this we should file those taxes even though we wouldn’t get a return on them most of us have to pay to get them done so it’s really hard to be on this such fixed income making it so we can afford to have somebody file our taxes and not know how to file taxes on Social Security disability and VA compensation could come station because it’s already so confusing. So a lot of us I guess have been losing these stimulus is that have been out there and I don’t know if there’s ever a way to get it back in nobody is ever told us you know hey last year’s taxes or not. Could anybody please forgive me for this long rant I’m here and give me any information as far as what can be done to not only help me get my stimulus check but for me to talk to other people and help other people get stimulus checked it’s going to be very much needed by the time this is all over with I’m sorry to have such a long comment here but I’m just so scared and freaked out like I said I didn’t get the stimulus check before and I know quite a few people that did not get it either. And I just so happen to have been reading something saying that seniors and people on disability and supplemental security Insurance are leaving all sorts of money on the table because they’re not doing whatever it is they’re supposed to do to be considered an American citizen even though it’s obvious that we are American citizens because we get a check sent to us every month to an account from the government so they know we’re here and they know that we get paid so how hard is it to say oh yeah well this person in this person are on Social Security Disability they’re disabled and can’t work but they didn’t file taxes last year so we’re not going to give them money even though someone that made 90 mm last year and they can get it because they file their taxes they got a big huge fat income tax return and now they’re going to get the stimulus to even though you got people out here starving on a daily basis poverty they could really benefit from this but can’t get it because they didn’t know that even though they were required to file and they still should file them so they can get their Fair extras I guess I mean I’m not going to do anything stupid if I can’t get it it’s just making me sad because people could really use the help. It goes back to when I had first gotten out of the army will I’ve been out for about 2 or 3 years and I made a move to another state and I had applied for some help with insurance to get Medicare or Medicaid I’m sorry and while I was there to like a we can help you get some food stamps you know and I was like really I guess I could work that could work for me and then they were like are you a student and I was like oh yeah I was trying to better myself I’m taking a couple of college courses right now not too many but just a couple to get back into the scheme of things and lady was like oh I’m sorry you can’t get food stamps and I was like why not she was like well because you can’t go to school you know she brought the fact up to me they hey there’s a lady out there in the hallway that comes in right before you she has been on aid for years and years and years she gets so much money in food stamps it’s ridiculous and on her bridge card and she’s not she doesn’t have a job and she’s not doing anything to better herself besides besides having children and getting child support from the children’s father not going to school not going to work not doing anything to better herself living off the system yet I was trying to get through physical and psychological disabilities to include actual physical injuries and PTSD as well as a few other things that I shouldn’t talk about I wasn’t even receiving that help yet I was too hurt and sick to go to work but I was taking a couple of college courses like a few credit hours barely any getting anything at all and because of that they denied me and wouldn’t let me get food stamps and even though they had talked to agreed that it made no sense that people are out there trying to better themselves by going to school and and then a lady who is doing nothing but having a bunch of kids not going to work not going to school doing nothing to better themselves except collecting massive amounts of child support from fathers who doing it and working as hard as I can to make money to pay that child support and pay for all those kids has insurance and everything like that and they can’t even get food stamps because they’re going to college so that they can make and get all this money to have nothing and give it to her and Lee bunch of a a bunch of kids and doing nothing to better themselves while we or people like me are bettering ourselves and trying to make a change and try to do things better so we’re not allowed to get food stamps it’s like a slap in the face trying to tell me go ahead and go home sit around and don’t do Jack crap and we’ll give you a bunch of money but since you’re trying to go to school I’m pulling above and on top of your physical injuries and disabilities and mental disabilities and PTSD from going out and defending the people of your country in the rules in the rides in the laws basically going out there and getting hurt coming home and trying to go to school just so these people can get the help they need and you can’t get anything I think that that was crap. I know that this isn’t everybody’s fault I’m just kind of venting and there’s probably not a lot that can be done but I think that it would be a total slap in the face to all of us in situations like this if we do not receive a stimulus check because we were told that we did not have to file taxes and since we didn’t file taxes or pay to get taxes filed for not getting any money back pay did not get no money back but now there’s no way for us to get these much much-needed stimulus checks to people that need to greatly so if there’s any advice that can be given or anybody can tell me where I’m wrong about this and how I can help fix it please do I don’t want anybody to be super rude to me like they have been be in this the other statement so far but please at least let me know if you agree with me or if if I’m totally wrong or if there’s a way that it can be fixed or if maybe it is just it even though we didn’t file taxes they can see that we get checks every month so that she at least prove that we’re here and how many of us there are you know so anyways thanks for your time and consideration reading this please somebody answer me and tell me

    • UGH



      • Tammy

        holy crap man. I am NOT reading that post. It is larger than my ass.
        And that’s pretty bad.

      • Getalife

        Lol….. someone needs a friend.

        • Dave

          I’m.thinking dude is in quarintene and bored

        • Jimbo

          I need a nap after reading that!

    • Booger

      Do you actually believe someone will waste their time to read that endless rambling hot air ? Sheesh, lay off the happy pills !

    • C J.

      Pearson – This was too much to read and the amount I read looked like one whole sentence. I suggest that if you want anyone to answer whatever question you were trying to ask that you;
      1) re-read what you wrote and notice how long and rambly it is
      2) Ask yourself what you really wanted to say. Get rid of all of the side points that have nothing to do with your question and add periods at the end of your sentencs so people know when to stop
      3) repost just the info NEEDED to answer your question.

      Good luck!

  3. Steve

    My wife receives SSDI. There is no final answer if those who receive SSI or SSDI will receive the stimulus. The current presentation is those only who filed tax returns. The current thought is those who receive Social Security had no decrease in income but taxpayers most likely did. My wife was advised to just file a tax return. The IRS will not accept “0” refunds electronically but it is not illegal to file a “0” return. Some politicians want *all* adults and children with social security numbers receive the $1000, some are even pushing for much more, up to $4500 for families

    • Steven

      The “0” refund means, At least one of these lines must contain a number other than zero:

      Form 1040, line 7b, line 8b, line 12a, line 12b, line 13b, line 15 or line 19.

      • Jennifer M.

        Yeah I am definitely not messing around, filing “0” tax refund for a check. I am on SSI, and do not expect to get it. I struggled before this virus, and I’ll struggle during and after it. The only thing that really pisses me off is places raising their prices on necessary health products. Now *That* hurts. Plenty of people that get this money are just going to go on huge shopping sprees.. while people like me get shit. That’s life friends.

        • Micah

          Yep. Saw on the news some chick saying how 2 grand would be great. It would pay off her sons tuition. I mean, can’t they give the SSI individuals even just a little of it?

  4. Laura

    A few people have asked a simple question, several times In fact. AND you all keep arguing. Who is being rude now??

    Please, stop this childishness. We have more important things to worry about in this messed up world than people being so bitter toward each other. STOP IT!

    As to the question that has been asked over and over yet rudely ignored, I can answer that…

    The last time we got stimulus checks, It was between $300-$600 for singles and couples. You got more if you had kids. They may do the same thing this time as well but with 1000 and 500. And yes EVERYONE who works, disabled or elderly will be getting a check. No matter how much you made. If you haven’t filed and you work, you might NOT. You should check into that.

    Prayers for everyone to stay healthy throughout this entire ordeal and to keep a roof over your head & food on the table for you and your families!

    May your God bless you!

  5. John

    No one knows yet. NO final bill has been crafted for a vote in the House of Reps nor for the Senate approval and then on to the desk of the President for final approval !!!! For ANYONE on here to state they know for certain one way or the other is purely speculation on their part. Understand?? We will all find out the details/nuances of said bill if and when it is approved by all governing congressional parties. UNDERSTAND ??? Until then for ANYONE on this site to say they have the answer is making a guess, trying to tick people off or has wishful thinking delusions, psychic abilities the rest of us don’t possess or misguided biased interpretations.for a bill that has not been passed much less finalized for a vote. UNDERSTAND ? For anyone here to state they know one way or the other is simply wrong at this point !!!!

  6. Cindy J.

    will my husband will he receive sim. package he still working

  7. Jamie

    On ssi, I’ve never made enough to have to file taxes- will I be eligible for stimulus package?

  8. Ian M.

    Mar 17, 2020, 12:32pm EDT

    A payroll tax cut, for instance, only benefits people currently working, does nothing for people who’ve been laid off or for hourly workers, and, as Mnuchin suggested, moves slowly. An unrestricted cash check of, say, $1,000 to every American adult, as Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has proposed, would also benefit people out of work, those on fixed incomes or living on disability or retirement benefits, and so on.
    We don’t know yet if Trump and Mnuchin’s plan will be similarly unrestricted, or even what size it will be. Mnuchin hinted that the checks could be bigger than $1,000 but did not clarify if every American adult, or every adult and child, or every adult and child below a certain income threshold, would get the benefit.

    • Micah

      I guess we have to wait and see what happens. Some places are saying one thing, some say another. I saw that “every” American adult will be getting the “1,000” dollars, and every child will get it, or “$500”.. so I am unsure how it would be okay to send CHILDREN more money than people on SSDI or SSI. Granted, SSI is a government based program, but children do not work either.

    • Laura

      One said he wanted to give out 4500 to each american. ?
      That is going overboard

  9. Micah

    I had to scroll to the end, how many comments need to be left about rudeness?

    So if I am understanding correctly, people on social security.. SSDI and or SSI, WILL get something, but more likely around $350?

  10. Nate

    2020 Stimulus .For Social Security Security Recipients?

    If the link below doesn’t work type. the following into Google search:

    The government wants to send you money but how soon will it arrive? Into Google search

    《《《”Depending on how the law is written, the easiest people to pay quickly include those who

    “Already Receive Benefits from the Social Security Administration”

    and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The government already sends them money routinely, which means it has accurate bank-account information》》》

    Next are people who file tax returns. More than 80% of taxpayers who get refunds receive them through direct deposit, so the IRS already has complete bank account information and addresses from 2018 tax returns and a partial set of 2019 information. Some of those electronic payments are set to go to tax preparers and then be distributed to individuals, said Dick Gregg, former fiscal assistant secretary at Treasury.
    There are potential hitches, however. The older that information gets, the less accurate it is. Some people change bank accounts, resulting in bouncebacks. Others change addresses.
    “The IRS right now is probably overwhelmed,” Mr. Hammond said. “It’s tax filing season. You’ve got still tax-law changes that are being implemented. And now you’ve got the effects of the virus on their workforce.”

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