COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Linda E.

    I keep reading that the WH is going with Mitt Romney idea to give stimulus checks to EVERY ADULT. but unlike Romney , they don’t want to give it to millionaires , too
    That would mean SS and SSI recipients get one also .but it hasn’t even been voted on yet .Lots of conflicting info about details .
    If they exclude the most vulnerable , this is a. kicking in of the teeth to us by Trump and his wealthy cabinet friends

  2. Carolyn

    There’s so many comments and no one agrees about anything. But from different things I have read people on SS will not receive the checks only taxpayers. Now I can’t say if this is true I pray it’s not because I’m one of the people on Social Security.

  3. Daniel

    Will the money go on our Disability cards I’m between address right now in two different states

  4. Crystal M.

    I came here for the answer to the question in regards to the stimulus. We are entitled to our opinion but it’s hard to find answers in this difficult time and even harder still when everyone or almost everyone is going back and forth on other topic Only thing is wait until they do the stimulus to truly know if you are receiving one that will give the answer. I know this is a scary thing that none of us expected be safe stay inside and just keep ears and eyes peeled about it

    • Justa R.

      after reading the 1st few catty responses and realizing it would be a waste of time that i could be using for more important and interesting things (especially right now) like watching the water on my counter dry i just skipped to where i saw the actual SS worker reply and she never did reply to that question (which makes sense because the bill hasnt even been passed as of the question period) hopefully others may see this and go back to their counter-top activities.

  5. Anonymous

    Last time there there were stimulus checks given out, social security recipients and ssi/ssdi recipients received stimulus checks. As for the $1,000 check, not so sure if you will get the full amount. I have not heard anything. The stimulus bill has to pass first. Maybe when it gets passed they will say if social security recipients get a check.

    • Rosemary C.

      Mitch McConnell has proposed that a couple will receive $2400.00. Single people will receive $1200.00. Plus $500. for each additional child. These payouts will be for people who earn up to $99,000. People will get according to their income. Retired people are included in this. I would think that it would come through your Social Security payments or mail. Just a proposal at this time. Lets see where it goes. Also, what is all the Bickering about. Planning is in the works. Government can’t accelerate like a virus does. We must be patient.

      • Angelo B.

        The proposal you’re referring to only qualifies youfor the low end payments if you had taxable income in 2018 and filed a return. Otherwise it’s based on income tax returns. That’s the republican proposal. Lindsey Graham, who I’m sure enjoyed a nice tax break from his deal with the devil is totally against individual payments. He’s for bailouts of big business which employees people. Presently we are not included because the rich think we should just die off. Things are getting more expensive now. Can’t go bargin hunting. Have ot pay that extra $10-15 grocery billl because I don’t know what I can find a the next store or the next day. And if social security knew the answer then one of the Public Affairs Specialist would have posted the answer already. Notice other questions get answered? Check tomorrows headlines and see who cashed in their stock portfolios beginning in Jan when congress was first briefied about this virus. Betcha it will be 2 Republican senators. Really think they have your back?

    • W. L.

      The historical perspective regarding stimulus checks for Social Security recipients that “Anonymous” presented in a March 18, 2020 11:31 AM posting is helpful. I just hope the comment doesn’t provide false hope to desperate people.

      Nevertheless, the information is certainly more helpful than the hundreds of childish exchanges thrown back and forth ad nauseam about whether or not a previous comment was rude.

      For the record, the condescending tone of Dee’s original reply to Debbie Sakraida’s question certainly seemed to lack empathy and consideration for the circumstances that Ms Sakraida might be enduring.

      Was Dee’s reply intentionally rude? Or, merely thoughtless? I’ll leave it to petulant others to continue that debate.

      I came here seeking definitive answers that likely will not be available until legislation is finalized and directives passed on to bureaucratic functionaries.

  6. Anonymous

    Last time there there were stimulus checks given out, social security recipients and ssi/ssdi recipients received stimulus checks. As for the $1,000 check, not so sure if you will get the full amount. I have not heard anything. The stimulus bill has to pass first. Maybe when it gets passed they will say if social security recipients get a check.

  7. AMD

    Do we have to pay taxes in 2021 on the $1,000 stimulus?
    The comments or questions should be regarding the stimulus package and not how rude or not rude someone is. Take into consideration that we come from all different walks of life.

    • donnat

      Yes we will pay taxes. This is not “free” money you all.

      • mikki

        i dont see why they would tax this. this isnt just stimulus pay, it is EMERGENCY pay. that would be the gov. taking out this loan to help the american people but before they give it to us saying “here you go, but were going to take away this little bit…” ridiculous. but thats not to say we wont see a hike in other taxes in the years to come because of it.

  8. Teresa


    • Sheila B.

      You don’t know that
      Please stop spreading misinformation

    • Sheila

      You don’t know that
      Please stop spreading false information

    • Jj

      That is wrong info

  9. Muffin M.

    Omg all this back n forth about being rude get over it already!!!DAM…its a simple question if u dont kno the answer move around, yal sound crazy the corona must infected yal WHOLE brain

  10. Me

    Omg all this back n forth about being rude get over it already!!!DAM…its a simple question if u dont kno the answer move around, yal sound crazy the corona must infected yal WHOLE brain

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