COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Doug

    Quote from Moody’s
    * Moody’s also recommends:

    • Sending a $1,000 check to Social Security recipients as well as workers.

    •Paying Americans for all diagnosis and care related to the virus.

    • Allowing homeowners receiving unemployment insurance to also receive forbearance on their mortgage payments.

    While Moody’s proposals would cost $600 billion, they would result in an $825 billion boost to the economy. That wouldn’t prevent a recession, Zandi says, but it would lead to a swift and strong recovery.

  2. Billy

    Why would not people get their social security or SSI check in April the federal government’s not shutdown Social Security is not shut down the president or the federal government didn’t say anything like that at all so why are people panicking and also has Pharmacy stimulus check I think that’s what people who own a business off of work and has nothing to do with SSI social security

  3. Rosalie

    A would give at least $1,000 to everyone making less than $65,000. This means 75% of Americans would qualify for it.
    An additional plan would go further. It would give $2,000 for every American adult and child plus, if the public health emergency continues, another $1,500 check in the summer and a $1,000 check in the fall.
    Economists across the political spectrum have been urging Congress to do this. The money could be delivered faster to a lot of the hardest hit people, if it were sent via Social Security payments to the elderly or via the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) debit cards that government aid recipients already have.
    Considering the difficulty of identifying the truly needy and the problems inherent in trying to do so, sending every American a $1,000 check asap would be a good start.
    Therefore I would say YES it is very likely SSDI and SSI recipients would also see a stimulus payment.

  4. Kat

    Listen people you are sending messages this is not face to face, so face to face it’s not what you say to people it’s how you say it, so when you reply to a message some people will take it as sarcasm, rudeness, etc., because again they can’t see you so when they read the reply however you worded it may come off strong or rude, noone knows what’s gonna happen that person about SS just wants to be reassured, because again it has happened.

    Be nice & Be patient on here (explain)

  5. Sneha J.

    Thanks for this amazing article about Coronavirus Covid-29. Because our world is fighting with this virus. I’m feeling greatful after reading this article. thanks again

  6. Rutan

    Ur full of shit nothing like that was posted or even ssid

    • Dave S.

      These damn snow flakes are happy as a pig in shit . When money is coming there way from a wonderful man president Trump

  7. Doug D.

    Whether or not SSI/SSDI and SSA recipients receive this economic stimulus will not be decided exclusively by the executive branch. The two segments of our legislative branch the house and the Senate will have input on the decision making process. If the stimulus is passed and social security recipients are left out of the equation then we all need to vote out all those in the process who selectively edited us out of the process. While we may not be able to work any longer many of us have put in years of taxes through both payroll and state taxes. We are suffering the brunt of this pandemic burden on both the fiscal and physiological level. Therefore, if the president and the two chambers of Congress refuse to include us throw them all out in November regardless of party affiliation unless they’ve showed a desire to provide us franchise. Stay safe and God bless the USA ?!

    • Melissa

      I agree. I’m so sick of the government ignoring us . I worked all my life until I got sick . We can’t afford to stockpile like other people . It’s election year I hope they make the right choice .

  8. SuzyQ

    I believe it’s only for American taxpayers whose job is affected by the Coronavirus. I don’t see anyone receiving SSDI or SSI too get the stimulus payment

    • amzue420

      Hey SuzyQ What about people on SS who are working to make ends meet? SS is NOT an entitlement, people EARNED it. That is their money not the governments or yours. If SS people are not entitled to a check then neither are YOU.

  9. Candace W.

    I have a hearing scheduled on 5/11. SSA assigned my case as a dire need case. Is my hearing going to be canceled? I’ve been waiting 2.5 years already and I don’t know how much longer I can last.

    • Melissa B.

      I wouldn’t think so – they’ll probably have limitations on who is in the building, but from my experience everyone sat 6ft apart anyway!

    • Laura c.

      I would think that your hearing will be via phone. But, I would call the location of hearing or ssa for updates. Have faith and know it will work out.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Candice. For updates and information about how our services may be affected, please visit here. Since you have a hearing scheduled, we will call you to discuss alternatives for continuing with your hearing, including offering a telephonic hearing. Our call may come from a PRIVATE number and not from a U.S. Government phone. Please remember that our employees will not threaten you or ask for any form of payment. We hope this helps.

  10. Terry o.

    I recieve sdi but ny husband jurt got ssdi issue to him. My question is since i get a small amount cause i sidnt work long. Can i collect ssdi from him and get more money

    • Michelle H.

      no you don’t get any money

    • A.C.

      Hi, Terry. To qualify for spouse’s benefits, your husband must be receiving retirement or disability benefits and you must be age 62 or older. Also, when you qualify for Social Security benefits on your own record, we pay that amount first. But if you also qualify for a higher amount as a spouse, you’ll get a combination of benefits that equals that higher amount. Visit our Retirement Planner: Benefits For You As A Spouse for more information. We hope this helps.

    • Brian C.

      your check will drop to 1100 you will get all of the SSDI and very little of your SSI totaling 1100 monthly for the 2 of you.

      • Chris P.

        Margaret Awrey, thank you for the information. This was very helpful.

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