Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications
Celebrate Your Independence with Social Security
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Every July, we take pride in celebrating our nation’s independence. For nearly 90 years, our programs have helped provide financial independence to millions of hardworking people. We have useful online tools like the Social Security Statement (Statement) and our benefits estimator tool that help people not yet receiving benefits. The Statement shows the benefits that […]
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Ten Years of my Social Security Means You Can Do More
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Ten years ago, we launched our my Social Security service to offer more secure and convenient self-service options online. Initially, the service supported two types of actions: People receiving Social Security benefits could view their benefit information. People not receiving benefits could check their Social Security Statement to see estimates of future benefits and their […]
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A New – and Faster – Way to Request a Social Security Card
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Do you need to apply for an original or replacement Social Security Number card? We now have a new – and faster – way for you to start online. When you go to our Social Security Number and Card webpage, we now ask you a series of questions to determine whether you can: Complete […]
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Your Personal my Social Security Account and Your Career
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Your online personal my Social Security account is here for you at every stage of your career. You don’t have to be retired or even close to retirement to benefit from it. Most people can conduct their business with us online with their account without contacting us, whether they receive benefits or not. If you are […]
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New Statement Fact Sheet for People with Limited Earnings
Reading Time: 1 Minute
If you have a personal my Social Security account, you can view your Social Security Statement online to learn about your future benefits and recent earnings history. The Statement also includes fact sheets that provide helpful information based on your age group and earnings situation. We recently released a new fact sheet specifically for people […]
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Plan for Your Future During Financial Literacy Month
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Financial Literacy Month is focused on educating people about the importance of planning for a secure financial future. Every April, we like to remind you that Social Security is a vital part of any financial plan. We have online tools to help you understand your potential Social Security benefits and how they fit into your […]
Continue reading "Plan for Your Future During Financial Literacy Month" →Tags: Disability, my Social Security, my Social Security account, retirement, retirement benefits, social security disability benefits, survivors benefits
Use These Scam Tools to Spot Fraud
Reading Time: 1 Minute
On March 10, we held our annual National Slam the Scam Day to raise awareness of Social Security-related scams and other government imposter scams. In case you missed it, here are our top tools and resources for this year: Check out our Fraud Prevention and Reporting page to learn about Social Security fraud – and […]
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Slam the Scam: How to Spot Government Imposters
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Do you know how to spot a government imposter scam? That’s the question we’re asking as part of our annual Slam the Scam Day on Thursday, March 10, 2022. Scammers continue to evolve and find new ways to steal your money and personal information. On Slam the Scam Day and throughout the year, we raise […]
Continue reading "Slam the Scam: How to Spot Government Imposters" →Tags: Federal Agencies, fraud, Office of the Inspector General, OIG, scams, telephone scams
Social Security’s Top 5 Data Privacy Resources
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Are you looking for better ways to stay safe online? As you know, Security is in our name. We are committed to protecting your personal information and take this responsibility seriously. We keep this commitment in mind when we collect information from you to carry out our mission. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes […]
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4 Questions About Social Security That Can Help You Plan Your Retirement
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security benefits are part of the retirement plan of almost every American worker. If you’re among the many people covered under Social Security, you should know what your future benefit may be. These monthly payments may be a vital part of your retirement income. We base your benefit payment on how much you earned […]
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