Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration
Celebrating Public Service Recognition Week
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Since 1985, we have celebrated Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) during the first week in May to highlight the significant contributions by employees throughout government. I have joined 63 federal agencies as a co-chair to this year’s PSRW letter. Please know that we are here to serve you and join me in thanking our dedicated […]
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Commissioner Saul Communicates to Congress about the State of Social Security Services
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, wrote to key members of Congress to raise awareness of the resources Social Security needs to recover from the ongoing pandemic and improve service. “Since becoming Commissioner, I have focused our actions and our resources on efforts to improve the service we provide to the millions of people who […]
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Outreach to Vulnerable Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Last week, over 1,500 people joined me on a national conference call to learn how their organizations can help the Social Security Administration assist our most vulnerable populations during COVID-19. Participants included representatives of the non-profit community, health care organizations, private industry, Federal, State, and local government, and Congress. The response was nothing short of […]
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Commissioner Statement on Economic Impact Payments
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
I want to provide an important update about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) processing of Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. At each turn over the last 12 months, immediate delivery of EIPs has been, and remains, a top priority for this agency. SSA’s public service mission is squarely focused […]
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Letter to the Public on Service
Reading Time: 5 Minutes
I want to update you about how things are going at the Social Security Administration. About a year ago, I took the unprecedented step to close our offices to the public. I did this to keep our employees and you—the public we serve—safe. As we enter year two of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines and other […]
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Dorcas R. Hardy: Social Security’s First Female Commissioner
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Women pioneers have played a crucial role in leading and shaping the Social Security Administration over its eighty-five year history. From 1935, Social Security helped shatter the proverbial “glass ceiling” by hiring women in a variety of key positions, from staff workers to leadership. In honor of Women’s History Month 2021, I would like to […]
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How Social Security Helped Desegregate America’s Hospitals
Reading Time: 1 Minute
As we celebrate Black History Month, I want to share an incredible story. Back in the ‘60s, the Social Security Administration (SSA) played a vital role in desegregating hospitals in America. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks for your feedback!
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Social Security’s Plan to Better Serve You
Reading Time: 1 Minute
We are committed to improving service to the millions of Americans who expect and deserve timely and accurate help from us. This effort requires that we modernize our technology so we can provide our employees with effective, easy-to-use tools that help them do their job well. As the COVID-19 pandemic has also underscored, we must […]
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Our Newly Redesigned Retirement Benefits Portal
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Today, I’m excited to announce the first of several steps we’re taking to improve your experience on our website. Our newly redesigned retirement benefits portal will help you prepare for and apply for retirement. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks for your feedback!
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Supplemental Security Income Recipients, Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department in early May. People receiving SSI benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. […]
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