COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Santa C.

    Trump is going to kill us all one way or another. He tells us to stock up but not panic buy (so what is the difference anyway) but how does he expect those of us on fixed incomes to do that? I barely have enough to meet my needs for the month forget trying to buy extra. And let’s not forget the outrageous tariffs he unilaterally imposed on consumer goods from China which is just about where they all come from…the least he could do is temporarily suspend them during this crisis to give us a break if they can’t find a way to boost our incomes but no. His goofy trade war is too important to his perceived reelection chances. It wouldn’t even have to go through Congress. How he can stand there with a straight face and act like he gives a damn about Americans is beyond me. We are Americans and we are begging for help why the hell can’t you do one damn thing to help instead of making everything harder. Trade war indeed! There is no more economy to save at this point. If this is America being great then I’m Santa Claus, good thing I live at the North Pole or I might have to be ashamed!

    • jim

      Grow up….
      Little if any of our everyday household goods and food come from China…unless you consider a 50 flat-screen TV an an essential household good.

      • Mark


  2. Sarah

    This virus is a real pain in the ass, I get SSI and I was having a lot of trouble making my SSI payment work for the whole month. I was fired from my job last month and my SSI isn’t enough. I wanted to file for unemployment and I even TRIED to. I was told because I only worked 16 and a half every week it would never happen.

    I need money now more then ever (as we ALL do) I hear they maybe giving us 200 more in our checks. But they have to get it passed and that’s a big if. I am just worried that while everyone else gets helped, that those who have SSI or SSDI will end up suffering the most since I heard they wanted to give every checks for over a grand, and no saying that those who have to have Social Security payments will get such a check.

    Its frustrating and need help but there isn’t much that can be done, in order for me to get SNAP I have to be able to get the information I need, but because NY is on “Pause” I can’t get paystubs or a letter staying how much SSI I get. I wish they would let us get credit cards, and I do NOT mean 1,000s.

    Just a credit card worth 500 bucks that would help that is for sure.

    • Tom D.

      You just have to be hopeful kid.

  3. donna

    sun day night and still no word
    dont plan for word
    tomorro eether.

  4. Jane

    What if your on SSD and had filed taxes in 2018 just to get the housing money back?
    Did it for 2019 too….
    Would I get the $200 on top of the stimulus that those who filed gets?
    I’d rather have the $200 each month.
    At least I can put that aside and get a car!
    My ex took off with my car October 2018.
    Paying rent and groceries don’t leave but $20 left each month.
    I’m on SSD still making less then $1000 month.

    • Tom D.

      Greedy much? You’ll be lucky to get one, NOT both. Heres the thing, the idea of the additional temporary income is to help make it through this crisis with the new high costs endured, not for you to buy a god damned car. Stupid bitch.

      • Jane

        At least it will help me save for on
        You try going 2 fcking yrs with out a fcking car! Not able to leave your front step for 2 fcking yrs!
        Only going to the store 1 time a month!
        Privileged much?!?
        If I had a car I’d be able to get a fcking job!

        • Tom D.

          Cunt bag, I don’t have a car. Welcome to the real world you horses ass

    • A.C.

      Hi, Jane. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

  5. John

    The purpose of stimulus checks is to stimulate the economy. The money is meant to be SPENT as quickly as possible to give the economy a boost. It is NOT unemployment insurance (that’s something very different and separate). Therefore, ALL AMERICANS should receive a stimulus check.

    • davey

      Sure. But in reality they will just give extra to those who are working, and we won’t get anything.

    • Just M.

      That’s what I was thinking… what exactly is this? Is this to help those who lost jobs or is this for the economy. If it’s for those who lost jobs then why would all who have taxable income receive it. If it’s to boost the economy then why don’t we receive it.

      I’m all for those who are NOT working and for whatever reason can not collect unemployment to get money to help them out. BUT if everyone (but us) are getting it to boost the economy then well, that’s just not right. Why are we left out of it. Believe me I can boost the economy lol

      • Keith F.

        I agree 100%. They need to be fair to everybody.

  6. Catherine H.

    I have to comment because I have been reading this for two days just to see what people are thinking. Gotta say, I personally just want to keep what I have. I’m not gonna broadcast what that is but I just want the government to leave me alone. It’s been my experience that whenever you take something from them, they take it back and then some in another way. Better to just struggle through the best you can with whatever your lucky enough to have. I try my best to keep my distance from the government and their red-tape. They DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT give away free money. You always pay a high price for it. Maybe not right now but somewhere down the line the time will come to pay back those checks, for WHOEVER gets them!!!

    • sean g.

      take a fucking pill and mellow out you ass cracker.

    • Keith F.

      What? Nobody knows you, or cares how much you get. Take the stick out. Keeping your distance, eh? Afraid to be under their radar? Fraudulent? It’s people like you that give the rest a bad name. Scammer

      • Just M.

        They hiding something it seems….

        I have absolutely nothing to hide!!!! I’m one of very few who never had to fight for my SSI… the state Dr himself found me disabled so I was granted right away. Took me 4 months.

        • Courtney

          Same for me. I couldn’t hold a job, applied at 19, suggested by my doctor. I got it, and never had hearings and whatever. I think I waited about 4 or 5 months also. The back check I got for was about 1k I think. Long time ago.

        • Keith F.

          Nothing to hide on my end either. Doesn’t want to be on their radar….. imagine that. Fucking people, unreal. I doubt that’s even her name.
          Watch out lady, they might have your IP and find out that you’ve sold them a load of shit.

  7. Giles L.

    you idiots. just agree on a deal that includes all. and do it now. i need to save some of it for what will inevitably be my very near funeral. we are dying off one by one and you rat holes are being stingy. come off of it. you can afford to do it, so fucking do it.

  8. goldberg, r.


  9. Mike H.

    I’m on ssi an have 3 kids I cant work because of spinal stenosis if people on ssi don’t get the relief check it’s not fair concerning our president said I quote all Americans will get it if we don’t than that means he isn’t going to honor his words an for all you saying that people on ssi should get off our butts an work grow up you have no clue what kind off pain I go thorugh each day

    • nick

      Since when has trump honored his words???

    • Liz

      Ya’ I feel your pain!! Have had 4 back operations, 2 shoulder surgeries, 4 elbow surgeries, a lung operation and lupus for 30 years. Guess what? I am 71 and still work to supplement my SS. I’ve paid taxes for 50 years and still do.
      DON’T BE A DAMN CRY-BABY!! I’m paying for you too, thanks

  10. willis t.

    looks like democrats blocked the 1200 0r 1000 or whatever they changed it to now, package.

    Well if retires and poor cannot have it, neither should they. ?

    • Just M.


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