COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. brad

    i have read some of these where people are saying what they make on ss and ss disability, ill just add this if your disability check is only 750.00 or so that means that most likely you started getting disability payments when you were very young and didnt work ever to donate into the pool i worked almost 30 yrs in a good 22.00 an hour job,and that was in 1997 when i got hurt in and won my claim and without ever going to court i was awarded 1170.00 a month in 99 now i recieve 1790.00 so in 21 yrsit has went up little over 600.00 a month .youmg people who were on disability go like 700 back in like 2002 and they would ask me why do you get so much more and id say cause i worked 28 yrs and paid alot i also recieve a 28 yr pension from an auto motive factory for 1190 wich i also started recieving in 1998 so it adds up to about what a retiree from there would get who retired at age 55 with 30 yrs ,,to be honest its not alot but its enough to live on and not save

    • Thats a.

      Some of us were stay at home moms and never expected to end up on disability by 30. I struggled for 10 years trying to work with my disability but I couldn’t do it so I never had enough work credits. So, I’m stuck on SSI. I’d be living great if I was able to live off of what you do! SSI is not nearly enough to live off of. Not for anyone!

  2. Just M.

    Are they voting on the bill now????

    • warren t.

      don’t know about that but frump was just on my tv talking nonsense about as long as he is the president he will help us. lies lies topped off by lies and the asshole didn’t even offer me a cherry on top. cheap bastard

      • Just M.

        Yea I hear that and thought the exact same thing when I heard it lol

        Apparently they didn’t vote yet…not according to what he’s saying.

    • some g.

      they passed help for 3 states ny california washington. nothing about stimulous

  3. Elias

    we are all gonna die anyway who cares who gets what for $.

  4. larry w.

    If they don’t want to give us extra, then don’t discuss it publicly. they should atleast give us a one time large sum, so I could go out and stock up on products. I know it doesn’t help with deliveries and rides needed, but hey.. don’t believe for 1 second that the government gives 2 flying monkey’s about welfare or seniors.

  5. richard f.

    do you all think they will actually pass something tomorrow? i know the republicans are against the additional income, but this is just nothing we have ever seen before. it is an actual, honest to god crisis. please don’t tell me they can sleep at night knowing that their decisions could mean the health and lives of many… who were okay before this crisis.

    • Mark

      The longer they put it off the more the stock market will crash

  6. Sheri

    The current bill congress is considering does not include those who don’t file a tax return. And you had to file a return in 2018. They did change it to include Social Security as income, but did not address those of us that don’t file tax returns. I don’t know where this $600 I see mentioned alot comes from. Nothing is official yet. I think many are referring to the old stimulus packages from 2008 & 2001. This package is still under debate. So don’t hold your breath, the republican Bill only talks about current taxpayers, not those of us that paid taxes all those years before we couldn’t work anymore. I have almost all of the conditions listed as high risk for this virus. If I get it I’m dead. So I’m isolating like most elderly, barely survive now, but have to pay extra for delivery of things I need and help running errands, etc. I hope some congressman think about us and add something to the package, but I doubt it.

    • Just M.

      The $600 is for the lower of the peasants who are working. I don’t know numbers… but say someone is making 20k a year. They get $600. If someone is making 40k a year they get $1,200. It also phases out the higher you go, but in all reality if people are making good money I don’t think they need $600. This is how I understand it. So NOT all taxpayers are getting $1,200.

    • deb

      you are like my mom then. she won’t be voting republican in nov, if she is even alive by then. if she does not get help, if the other ssi and retired don’t get help, they will get their revenge by voting. no on will ever forget what is happening in our world today. it is do or die, literally

      • dallas

        Republicans have grossly underestimated where all those new votes came from last election. If they block support for those who need it most, people will never forget. Many Democrats are also opposed to helping those on SS. No matter which way the bill goes, I’ll be looking to see how every congressperson voted.

        • marie

          dallas you are thinking the same as votes will go to who actually helped me now, regardless of the party. its not about a party anymore, its about one nation, and seeing which human helps the other.

  7. wayne p.

    All the SSI recipients fill up Oprahs audience…

    You get nothing and you get nothing and you get nothing. Eveybody gets…. nothing!!!

    • Mark

      Haha…maybe they’ll give us 40 acres and a mule.

      Nothing would surprise me anymore.

  8. Jane K.

    stop speculating and getting yourselves upset. Nothing has passed regarding this and just so you know the preliminary information says increases WILL happen. Don’t worry, we won’t forget the elderly, the seniors , retirees that worked and paid taxes. This is not normal times, we have to stay calm and wait til we get all the informaton

  9. Terry

    Some people here just need to be patient and wait for the relief bill to pass then all questions will be answered. I am on ssi unfortunately intel I get back to work I’m grateful for just getting what I receive so if I dont qualify I just know that I’m still fortunate to have what I get to live on month to month it’s hard but it is what it is for now

    • Just M.

      Not all of us can get back to work… this is life for many of us forever unfortunately… I’m also very grateful for what I do get. Most of us I’m sure would be totally fine HAD the president not said EVERY American initially. Then for it to be changed to “tax paying Americans” that’s what pissed me off. If I don’t get anything out of this I really don’t care, I just don’t like feeling lied to or left to believe one thing when that wasn’t the case. Either way my life is going to go on just the same without anything extra… broke and struggling!

      • danny

        The extra IS needed right now. It is. If it wasn’t for the fact that I cannot leave my home and have to pay for deliveries, and higher priced items, I would be living as I always do. But this is too much, and I am sorry, but we need it way more than those who are employed do.

  10. Just M.

    I just saw this..

    President Trump has sent a letter offering assistance to Kim Jong-Un and North Korea in their fight against Coronavirus.

    But fk us huh????

    • Tammy

      SSI won’t be getting anything. I am sorry.

      I am going to stop coming to this blog, nothing good is coming from it. Just a bunch of links, unconfirmed plans, and fights. It went from Every adult American will received $1000, to maybe 2 or 3 times, to “eligible adults” to SSI will get $200 more a month, to republicans said no, to its going to be passed, to we don’t know. I am more stressed now, than I was last week. We are not getting the extra most of us really do need in these hard times. That is our reality. Please people, realize who you have voted for, and who, in the end, really helped you.

      • lisa2727

        How do they figure someone making over $6,000 a month is more needy than someone who brings in $900.00 per month? I’m not getting the math.

        • Tammy

          Are you serious? Since when have they given a shit about the poor? Only the employed are considered.

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