Online Services

Your Social Security Statement is now at your fingertips

July 7, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

SSA StatementHave you ever received a Social Security Statement in the mail? You know, the one that shows all the earnings you’ve had each year and how much you could receive per month in Social Security benefits when you retire? The Statement contains crucial information workers need to plan for a comfortable retirement. Now, thanks to my Social Security, this information—and so much more— is only a few minutes away!

Your personal my Social Security account is secure and gives you ready access to your earnings records, Social Security benefit estimates, and printable Statements. Those who already receive benefits can view their payment history, current status, and manage their benefits.

To open a personal my Social Security account, go to our website and select “Create an Account” to get started. You must be 18 years old, have a valid Social Security number, U.S. mailing address (or a military address if deployed overseas), and an email address.

In some cases — like if there was reported credit card fraud under your name or Social Security number — you may have to contact your local Social Security office to open a personal my Social Security account.

Once registered, you can:

  • Verify your earnings history.
  • View estimated Social Security benefits based on your past earnings.
  • View Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid over your lifetime.
  • Print your current Social Security Statement.
  • Request a replacement Social Security card (in some states).

If you’re currently getting benefits, you can:

  • View benefit payment information.
  • Change your address and phone number.
  • Start or change electronic payments.
  • Get a replacement Medicare card.
  • Get a replacement 1099 for tax season.
  • Get a benefit verification letter.

When you sign up for a personal my Social Security account, we use a secure authentication process to protect the privacy of your identity and your Social Security Statement information.  In addition to your unique username and password, you can also further protect your personal my Social Security account with a secure code texted to your phone every time you log in.

Just one more way Social Security strives to provide customers with peace of mind. Learn more at on our website.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Ida M.

    I have been getting the News Paper.

  2. Ida M.

    I didn’t know all about this.

  3. Barb

    The problem with this is that if you are divorced and receiving benefits from your ex-spouse you cannot view, or estimate what your benefits will be when you retire, because the system states, “you are already receiving YOUR retirement benefits”. Which is NOT true. You need to fix the system, as it is broken. I am not receiving my benefits. I am still working, my ex-husband was a lot older than me, I am receiving his benefits now that we are divorced. I want to verify my work history salary and determine what my SS benefits will be when I want to retire after I am age 70. Can’t do that….

    • D.B.

      Hi Barb, thanks for your comment. You may be interested in using our Quick Calculator to get an estimate of your benefit amount.

    • Susan

      This is so, so wrong! You are still working but receiving benefits from an ex-husband? No wonder Social Security is running out of money. I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong….obviously this must be legal, but the rules MUST BE changed!!

      • Teresa

        I might be wrong, but I believe she is only getting a portion of HIS social security. She is not getting a money handed to her by SSA and it will affect (lower) the amount she gets when she retires from her job. His social security benefits are less because she gets some of his. If she wasn’t getting it, then he would still get the money that is going to her so it doesn’t change what is being paid out overall. He worked all his life and paid into the system and is getting a small amount of that back (part of it goes to her). Social security is not running out of money because people that worked all their lives and paid into it are getting a small percentage back, it is running out because of the many social welfare programs that pay money out to those that rarely, if ever, pay into the system.

        • Sandy

          You are completely wrong. The husband is NOT getting a lesser amount or paying any amount to his ex-wife. He gets his full amount regardless. She is only getting half of what the amount based on his earnings is. When she retires, If it turns out her own benefit is higher than the half-amount she receives on her ex-husband’s earning record, then she will lose his benefit. You can’t double dip…you get either your own benefit OR your former spouses half-benefit, not both! And you must have been married at minimum 10 years before the divorce. So if a man is married 10 years and divorced, and then remarries and gets divorced from second wife after another full 10 years, the SECOND WIFE is also entitled to half of his benefit. But it never lessens the husbands own benefit. However the ex wives (or husbands in the reverse situation) MUST be full retirement age themselves to be eligible. And again, each gets only ONE benefit, but it will be the larger benefit based on their own individual situation. And they must wait until their own full retirement age for this benefit. They are not eligible at age 62 for this benefit. READ THE INFO PUT OUT BY SS OR GO TALK TO A SS AGENT IN PERSON. GET THE FACTS! I DID!

  4. eileen g.

    thank you – it was much easier this year posting my thoughts to you!!.

  5. Tom

    Keep in mind with a huge civilian database, information must be protected to prevent identity theft. SSA’s web pages say almost 455,000,000 people have or had SSNs. What is available is very helpful as Congress continues to reduce the budget. This has resulted in some offices closing, stations in remote areas also closing and 10% staffing losses since 2011 according to a recent article in the Washington Post. The taxpayers paid for these services while Congress determines how much (or little) to actually spend.

    • Dorothy O.

      My greatest concern about online of any kind regards to my personal information

      • Dorothy O.

        Hack jacking personal information on line

    • John D.

      Social Security is our Government pension/401 savings that we had to pay into. It is not Welfare for social programs. Only American Citizens who work and paid into it should be collecting SS. The Demoncrat Party has stolen trillions of our SS 401/pension money for social programs and have bankrupt SS for future generations. If a corporation did that they would be fined and every cent repaid. Why do we not require the Demoncrat Party to do the same.

  6. Gail T.

    I am pleased to have registered as a recipient of SSA news, especially information relative to me personally. Thank you!

  7. Charles G.

    Well done web site. Easy to navigate and find the information needed. Valuable tool for those of us in the income tax profession.

  8. Daniel F.

    Social Security is a great institution. My Social Security is very convenient and timely.

  9. J M.

    Great Customer offering, especially for those of us claiming benefits.

    • john D.

      Only when it works. The system locks you out after you type in the same ID and PW.
      Very bad system and it will not send you a temp PW to reset it. So if during the weekend forget it. You have to wait until they are working M-F. Must be nice to have weekends off. So I want my statements mailed to me until they get the system fixed or updated.

  10. Joe F.

    This sounds like a great idea, information with just an email account..

    • D.B.

      Thanks for your comment, David! In addition to a valid email address, you will need a Social Security number, a U.S. mailing address, and be at least 18 years old, to create a my Social Security account.

      • Casey D.

        I don’t trust this ad
        They want my SS #
        I don’t think the SS admin would send out this email

        • ..

          Hello Casey. This is not an ad. It’s our blog — Social Security Matters – Our goal is to gives readers information about a variety of topics, including our programs, online services, current events, and human-interest stories, usually in greater detail than typically shared on our other social media platforms.
          Creating a mySocialSecurity account is safe and secure. You can create an account to review estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, your earnings record, and the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid. To get started, go to We hope this helps!

        • mikey

          Its true! Social Security DOES STUPIDLY ask you to type your ss# in an email. EVERYONE should know that you NEVER type it in email . But we re talking about SS who also prints your full social on mail they send you,AGAIN STUPID! In addition they dont even know how to verify you when setting up this online account…THEY DO A CREDIT CHECK TO VERIFY YOUR IDENTITY..AGAIN,HOW STUPID IS THAT???? Nothing more than SS being nosey about what youre buying and paying or not paying for. If they have to use a credit check (someone else) to verify your identity that tells you something. You NEVER leave social on email or voice mail and you NEVER give your entire social to anyone. These people DO NOT protect your social and that includes SSA. Remember the IRS freely admits every year that they pay millions out to identity theives using others socials. They DONT STOP IT ..THEY DO IT OVER AND OVER AND ADMIT IT EVERY YEAR. Also this is for the convienance of lazy employees NOT for you. Keep SSA working by NOT signing up for anything online.

      • Forever

        It’s posts like this that make surfing so much plearuse

      • Ted M.

        What if you live in canada. Im being requested to file bank info but cant create an account.

    • Fermina P.

      wao that is great

    • Johanne P.

      I live in the Netherlands and receive social security.
      Can I still open a My Social security Account?

    • Joeph L.

      The ought to be a way for online verification if one has a freeze on their credit — say like what the Treasury Dept did for the bond site — one time code sent to the email address to log on. I have had a freeze on my credit for an extended length of time and to go to the local Social Security office for a log on is archaic.

    • Richard S.

      I live In a rural area and can not use a cell phone to get access to my SSA website. I can not afford to go to US cellular and Pay $60.00’s a mouth so I can get access to a cell phone to receive a code to Get in. Microsoft has much more to lose then the Government and they make it easy r those who can not get a code, They do it through Email. The Government has taken away from me the right to have access to my account. There are more ways to secure a site then a cell phone. It is time that the small person is taken care of. PLEASE Supply me with the funds to purchase a contract From US Cellar. I am on disables and don’t have money to throw away on a phone. Please Find another way also for security.

      • Jennifer

        Consumer Cellular, Safe Link, and other cell phone companies offer free phones and monthly service, so if you are choosing to pay for a phone – the key words are YOU are CHOOSING. Confirmation details CAN be sent via email or text – again, it’s an option YOU CHOOSE. If you don’t have a cell phone or personal internet service at home, there are always libraries and many other public service locations that offer free computer usage where you can sign up and view your account details. Why complain about not being able to use something efficiently when YOU are the obstacle?

    • judith f.

      i need to know if you have my present address
      Judith F. White

      New Address:
      4210 S. Yukon Way, Lakewood, Co. 80235.

      Old address 3560 kirby smith dr. wilmington nc 28409

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