COVID-19, General

Update on Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Beneficiaries

May 22, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Beginning today, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will issue Economic Impact Payments (EIP) to approximately 1.4 million SSI recipients with representative payees and 10.4 million Social Security beneficiaries with representative payees.

The IRS will issue the EIPs via direct deposit and Direct Express starting today, May 22, to the same direct deposit account or Direct Express card as the recipient’s monthly Social Security or SSI payment. Paper check EIPs will be mailed starting May 27.

Visit our website to learn about EIPs and representative payees. You can find the eligibility requirements and other information about the EIPs at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Margaret B.

    I keep getting these SS updates on the EIP payments to be issued however their are no payments. Why? The most recent is May 22nd and still no payments. Is the IRS issuing these payments as stated? OR are these recent payments delayed due to Congress inflating the third round with pork? Please clarify! If there isn’t a second round of EIP’s not coming, please do not publish that these payments are being issued as it creates a sense of false security.

    • Anon

      As of now, there is no second round of stimulus payment. Just the one approved in March.

  2. Cynthia J.

    Prayers for us all

  3. Maria T.

    I’m 62 female with Lupus and lots of underlined issues. My mother pass ed Nov. 15 2018. I became homeless. My daughter toke me in. I lived with them for about 1 year 4 months. She used me as a dependent so she wouldn’t have to pay taxes. I never knew the status of this issue. If I would of known about the stimulus benefits I would have never agree to this issue. I’m 62 years old Disabled with Lupus and underlined health issues. Back then I became homeless. My daughter works and her Husband receives VA benefits. My daughter also received Provider Income for me.
    I’m the one in need for the stimulus benefits . I know 2 car payments, credit cards and auto insurance.
    My bank account shows 0.00 balance and I’m also behind my payments..
    With my Social Security Disability Benefits wouldn’t be enough for everything. I moved out of my Daughter’s house April 2020 with the help of the Housing Authority Section 8. What can I do to Claim the Stimulus Benefits. I’m in disprit need for help.

    • Anon

      If you daughter claimed you as a dependent on her taxes, you are not eligible for the stimulus payment.

  4. Tyanna H.

    So this is more money right? Ppl trying to make ends meet. Its no more low income housing. The way the government working by opening up the state while ppl are still dying. Sad

  5. Maria O.

    Good for my relative that have specials needs

  6. Aurea e.

    I am 71 yrs. diabetic and hypertense my only income is less than1,200 monthly from social security. Have a direct deposit bank account and did not have to file taxes for 2018/2019. Have not received, like many others on social security, the covid-19 stimulus. What is wrong? I have read in the news how others with a much higher income or that do not qualify have received a check.

    • Jo

      I am a Ss recipient, residing overseas, still awaiting my stimulus payment, not required to file
      taxes – SSA website shows a date for the deposit is 29th April, long passed. Unable to ask irs or SSA for help

  7. Lanny D.

    This is the most gross injustice that the so called American Government has perpetrated on any American citizens. So many of these people do not even make it to the end of the month in a normal social setting. That it is negligent and should have Congressmen, Senators and the President, locked up and flogged. Each person who looks to purge the elderly, poverty stricken and the disabled should have everything taken from them and I mean everything. Now with the covid 19, skyrocketing costs of goods and services have taken the poverty stricken problems to a new level. Instead of having one foot in the grave we are waste deep and just sinking lower. The United States working class and it’s government want to purge the elderly, disabled and poverty stricken to all die. So if you are among the Elderly, poverty stricken or on disability be very well educated that this is how your government treats you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You are meaningless and will never have anything, including hope.

  8. Marilyn S.

    I have been getting SSI for many years same direct deposit account it has been a couple of months and counting could really use the help..any idea what the hold upbcould be??????

  9. VaLenda M.

    I am on SSDI and my sister in law is on SSI. In Oklahoma,where we live, groceries have tripled, free clinics have closed and we are sinking fast. I am going to lose my car, she is already without a vehicle and all we get is the run around. No one helps and no one cares about us. I’m tired of this my health is going down fast and I can’t get help.

  10. Janice K.

    This is great!

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