retirement benefits
6 Ways to Make Saving for Retirement Easier
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
It’s America Saves Week! That means it’s a great time to see how you’re doing with your savings goals. Most working Americans know they need to save for retirement. Sometimes though, because retirement is far off in the future, we may delay saving. When everyday expenses routinely pop up, saving for a time that is […]
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4 Questions About Social Security That Can Help You Plan Your Retirement
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security benefits are part of the retirement plan of almost every American worker. If you’re among the many people covered under Social Security, you should know what your future benefit may be. These monthly payments may be a vital part of your retirement income. We base your benefit payment on how much you earned […]
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Military Service and Increased Social Security Benefits
Reading Time: 1 Minute
A misleading letter, from an unknown source, is circulating online that mentions a $1,200 special Social Security earnings credit for people who served in the military. We want to make sure veterans with active and inactive service have the appropriate information that they need and do not take unnecessary action. Under certain circumstances, special earnings […]
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Social Security’s Top 10 Web Pages for 2021
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
There’s no better place to do your business with us or get answers than on our website. We’re always working to improve our web pages and add online services to better serve you. Here are our top 10 web pages of 2021: Open your own personal my Social Security account, where you can verify your earnings, […]
Continue reading "Social Security’s Top 10 Web Pages for 2021" →Tags: Disability, fraud, General Information, Medicare, my Social Security, my Social Security account, online services, retirement, retirement benefits, social security, social security disability benefits

You and Your Family May Be Eligible for Increased Benefits
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
We know your circumstances may change after you apply—or become eligible—for benefits. If you, or a family member, receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), certain life changes could entitle you to an increase in your benefit amount. As part of our Potential Entitlement initiative, we want to help you identify where you might […]
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Check the Status of Your Social Security Benefits Claim Online
Reading Time: 1 Minute
If you applied for Social Security benefits, or have a pending reconsideration or hearing request, you can check the status online using your personal my Social Security account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one to see the following information about your claim: Date of filing. Current claim location. Scheduled hearing date […]
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Financial Literacy Month: A Perfect Time to Plan for Your Future
Reading Time: 1 Minute
April is Financial Literacy Month—a time focused on educating people about the importance of planning for a secure financial future. Social Security is a vital part of any financial plan. We have online tools to help you understand your potential Social Security benefits and how they fit into your financial future. You should periodically review […]
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New Fact Sheets Added to Your Online Statement
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Your Social Security Statement, available on my Social Security, tells you how much you or your family can expect to receive in disability, survivor, and retirement benefits. We’ve added new fact sheets to accompany the online Statement. These new fact sheets provide clarity and useful information, based on your age group and earnings situation. They […]
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Three Retirement Planning Tips For Women
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
One day in 1939, Ida May Fuller stopped by the local Social Security office in her hometown of Rutland, Vermont, and said, “I knew I’d been paying into Social Security and I wanted to learn more.” The following year, she received the very first Social Security benefit payment—$22.54—and it arrived as check number 00-000-001. Ida’s […]
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Direct Deposit: A Fast, Convenient, and Secure Way to Receive Your Benefit Payments
Reading Time: 1 Minute
At Social Security and Veterans Affairs, issuing timely benefit payments is a core service we both provide. After all, we know you want your benefits on time to cover your household or medical expenses. The most secure way to get your benefits is to receive them electronically. It’s faster, safer, and more convenient than a […]
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