COVID-19, General

Supplemental Security Income Recipients Will Receive Automatic COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 15, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

The Treasury Department announced that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department.  Treasury anticipates these automatic payments to go out no later than early May.

SSI recipients with no qualifying children do not need to take any action in order to receive their $1,200 economic impact payment. The payments will be automatic.

SSI recipients who have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should now go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info section to provide their information. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If SSI beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

This is great news for SSI recipients, and I want to remind recipients with qualifying children to go to soon so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for. I also want to thank the dedicated employees of the Treasury Department, Social Security, and the Internal Revenue Service for making this happen and working non-stop on this issue.

SSI Recipients with Dependent Children Should Still Go To to Provide Their Information

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries (who don’t normally file taxes) will also qualify for automatic payments of $1,200 from Treasury. These payments are anticipated to start arriving around the end of April.

The Treasury Department, not Social Security, will make these automatic payments to beneficiaries. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI or Social Security benefits.

For those SSI and Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, with dependent children, who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take when claiming children under 17, on the IRS website.

Please note that the agency will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.

For more information about Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, please see our most recent blog.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found on the IRS website. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Terri

    You get a check once a month anyway. You’ve been buying food and paying bills. You’re getting a free $1200. Quit crying. And those on SSI I know got extra snap benefits too. Y’all ain’t foolin. But is quite hilarious that people actually think cause they have little kids that get SSI will get $1200. Sad and greedy

    • deane

      So? Give me my free fucking money. And quit being a cunt Terri.

      • John

        Free free free ! Get a job you bum!

        • deane

          No thanks.

    • Felicia

      That’s a dam lie from the pits of hell not everyone got extra food stamps I live in the state of NC and I get snaps I get $350 the the most you can get for a family of two I started checking my card the dates the extr ones was suppose been up there I got no extra ones I called customer service on my ebt card and they told me I was not getting any ectra snaps because my household already gets the most allowed. When people ask questions and give answers everybody situation is different because we all live in different states and every states county department of social services operates different. Everybody has been infected in some type of way by this deadly virus and everybody should be treated equal and not based on rather than rich or poor I am pretty sure we all have lost family members, or friends, or even know someone who has been diagnosed with cov-19 it is very disrespectful to call people names or judge anybody only them and God knows their situation I pray that we all survive and make it through this terrible crisis and I pray each and everyone of us on this blog get assistance. God bless our country the United States and I am praying that all of us get assistance

  2. Brian A.

    I am wondering if all of these glitches, mess ups, money sent to wrong accounts,is going to delay our payment even further. I haven’t posted before, but I am sorry, I am growing tired of all of this madness.

    • deane

      i don’t think it’s coming until early May, for everyone on social security/ssi. its probably better that way. Let them work out all those glitches first, so we don’t go through that hell too.

    • Will B.

      Join the club Brian, haven’t posted much myself but have exactly the same problems. Patience is running out for sure.

  3. Ashley j.

    I filled taxes 2 months ago and haven’t got them n they still dk when im getting it on the where is my payment page.i did not recieve the stimulus check either. Should i do non-filling?

  4. anthony p.

    waaah waaah waaah. how about you shut the fuck up? 🙂

    • Carl

      I need a serious answer no time for games I’m not the only one who has asked this question but no one is giving a for sure answer with evidence and a supporting link that gives the details about my story. we are all adults here . If anyone can help me please comment, I’m ignoring all negativity, just looking for a simple answer.
      Again ..
      Hello, I receive Social security benefits and was claimed as a dependent on someone else’s taxes, the story is, I am 25 and permanently disabled that’s how I was claimed on someone else taxes that ended up processing their Tax file as Head of Household. (This is my mother, who claimed me) I do not work because I cannot work due to my disability. and I do not file taxes I have filed a form for the non filers and have been approved but the message under that approval statement is saying I still have to wait until further notice something about eligibility. What does this mean? Is there a exception to receive the refund for dependents in my situation??


      • Meeka

        Hey carl I’m currently going through the same thing on the AARP website it says we are but then I read multiple other articles that say we are not so at the moment no one truly knows what’s going on. We all have to just wait and see if we get lucky at least by the first .

      • danny

        I’d help you but hey, you call people dick heads. You Cunt face


    I think my stimulus is messed up and I’m not sure where to ask. In 2018 I had a brief job where I was fired but rest of year got SSI. My husband got SSI awarded same year. I filed federal taxes for 2018 joint but got a measly 17 dollars return, but to receive it a letter said we had to go to a major city to show our IDs for some reason to prove our identities but well we didn’t bother. We were on SSI all 2019, but my husband died in December. I also moved this year. This year when I thought for SSI it had to be filed simple tax return I did. Now SSI is automatic…

    So now when I log into “get my payment” it claims me and my dead husband when I check his info too are eligible but it doesn’t have my direct deposit information (it should) but when I try to enter my direct deposit information it gives me an error 109…

    • V.V.

      Hi Angela, thank you for using our blog. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your SSI benefit.

  6. Allen R.

    Hey i have a similar situation. I receive Social security benefits and was claimed as a dependent on someone else’s taxes, the story is, I am 25 and permanently disabled that’s how I was claimed on someone else taxes that ended up processing their Tax file as Head of Household. I do not work because I cannot work due to my disability. and I do not file taxes I have filed a form for the non filers and have been approved but the message under that approval statement is saying I still have to wait until further notice something about eligibility. What does this mean?

    • V.V.

      Hi Allen, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

  7. Hillary E.

    I am currently receiving SSI (Supplemental security income) but I filed my 2019 taxes before the non-filers took came out so I could claim my two dependents. Now I am stuck in confusion because I cannot seem to submit my direct deposit info using the get my payment tool because I neither owe taxes not do I expect a refund (aka I owe 0 and am getting 0 refund). The get my payment tool keeps telling me I am submitting incorrect info, and I don’t know what to do because finding want to lose out on the ability to get my payments for my two dependents but because my tax return was accepted I can’t use the non filers tool and.the get my payment tool is telling me incorrect info…..I am beyond frustrated what do I do???

    • figures

      Next time, have patience. This is what greed does. Haha

    • Brenda

      You’ll need to do an amendment to add your dependant (s). Stay encouraged.

    • V.V.

      Hi Hillary, thank you for using our blog. You may find the IRS Online Tool Guide helpful to determine what action you may need to take. Hopefully this information is helpful.

  8. Tracy

    Will my ssi stop if I get the stimulus check

    • ANGELA

      They said no it won’t on websites.

    • V.V.

      Hi Tracy, thank you for your question. Social Security will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months. Hope this helps!

  9. Tara

    My social security stopped two months ago will I need to go to the irs site and file for the stimulas check

    • Rigyy

      I have the same problem

    • V.V.

      Hi Tara, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. You may also find the IRS Online Tool Guide helpful to determine what action you may need to take. Hopefully this information is helpful.

  10. Elisha

    Dear mr troll.
    You do not know what these people actually have going on in their lives, they are just simply looking for answers like everyone else. To Julianna you will be fine and receive your refund once the IRS views you and your mothers information together, that is most likely why it is processing still. As long as you and your mother come to a agreement and follow the correct procedures for your provided information to irs , being homeless and I’m assuming you tried to live with her at some point but things didn’t work out, or something in that area either way don’t listen to this TROLL WHO IS TYPING IN ALL CAPS TO EVERYONE. He doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about HES CLEARLY HERE TO HARRAS THE DISABLED. he will get his hateful karma.

    Elisha S

    • Sarah R.

      I think he made some valed points and she was obviously lying and he was right about the law so why is he a troll? Not taking sides but she was obviously lying and you are not telling the truth about adult dependants not being able to get the stimulus money. Maybe lets just drop it for now and whoever is a non filer and received their stimulus check just let the rest of us know. ok guys?

      • Elisha

        How do you know she’s lying? For a fact? You don’t know exactly everyone’s situation is different a lot of things can be expedited if you have the right connections point blank, I have seen multiple comments now for ssi people are started to receive their pending payments through there banks depending on if the e filed non filer form or not correctly. Like I said you don’t know what these peoples or her herself has going on in her life.

        • anthony p.

          Elisha, you are a gullible douche. That was me, posting a few times that I got my check. Jesus you people are stupid.

          • Carl

            How about you stop bullying people from behind your phone screen and act like a mature man you clearly don’t understand how to carry yourself with respect you will be tracked down eventually for the hateful comments you have posted along this site I hope you get reported we don’t need your input if your going to be a dickhead with your valid points or wrongful point s

      • Hitler J.

        Donald Trump says that all German citizens that resides in Germany will be getting a check from America, but i see no money in my bank account. Where is the money Mr Trump?? where is the money. Why did you lied to us Germans about getting money! I don’t like Americans. That money is also our money. Mr Trump made a promise and he fell back on it!

    • ricky

      OMG Elisha S, you are so right!!
      I have seen the errors of my ways!!!

      Now be a dear and piss off. Your long ass anti troll message is about as interesting as my last dump was. It was green from eating lucky charms, and that’s basically an every other day occurrence… so uh, next?

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