
Social Security’s Top Five Blog Posts

January 4, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: January 4, 2018

man on his laptop This blog is a go-to source for Social Security news and resources. That’s why we named it Social Security Matters — it matters to everyone, even if you don’t think you directly benefit from Social Security benefits today.

The popularity of our blog has grown. We’d like to share some of our most popular posts with you so you can share what you’ve learned with your friends and loved ones. Here are five of our top posts.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Chuck P.

    Is there a place online to pay my medicare bill? I’m terminated if not paid today.

    • R.F.

      Hi Chuck, if your bank offers an online bill payment service, you can use it to pay your Medicare premiums electronically. You can also sign up for Medicare Easy Pay, a free service that automatically deducts your premium payments from your savings or checking account each month. For general information on Medicare visit Thanks!

  2. Geçici D.

    Good Article geçici dövme

  3. Geçici D.

    Thank you

  4. Royce C.

    Wanting to change by mailing address. Difficulty finding address change page. My husband and I share the same e-mail address. g for Gerald and r for Royce. {grl381

    • R.F.

      We do not have access to personal information, therefore, we do not do direct messaging in this venue. Please be cautious about posting personal information on social media and communicating personal information via email.
      Visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page for information on this topic, thanks!

  5. Rita

    Can I receive x retirement. Where to apply? Tjankd

  6. Michael O.

  7. Yugank K.

  8. Sally S.

    I have a question not a comment .. Which I’ve been having difficulties getting anyone at the AS office to give me definite answer.
    I am a widow and I’d like to know is if I remarry what spouse would I collect off of (my deceased husband Or current Spouce) .. Then what If both happen to pass away?? I’m Looking at this purely from a financial side. Because I’m my opinion I feel I’ve earned my first husband’s social security..
    I want to be advised as to what is financially in my best interest.

    • R.F.

      Hi Sally! As a widow, if you remarry after you reach age 60 (age 50 if disabled), your remarriage will not affect your eligibility for survivors benefits.
      If your new spouse is a Social Security beneficiary, you may become eligible for spouse’s benefits on his record. Generally, you must be married for one year before you can get spouse’s benefits.
      Also, you may be eligible for survivor’s benefits on your current husband’s record. However, we are only going to pay the highest benefit amount from either record – meaning that you will only be allowed to receive one payment. If you’re due two benefits, you get the one that pays the higher rate, not both. We hope this information helps.

  9. Tom B.

    If I could have worked I would be working still that’s why they call it disability. But they waited so long as to make it beneficial to them. Why pay 2400.00 a month when we can just keep denying until we only have to pay 750.00 which is poverty level. Can’t even affort to live on that.

  10. Tom B.

    I have worked my whole life. In 2009 at age 52. I applied for disability because of numerous disabilities (3 bad disc in my back, mild heart attack, atrial fibulation, copd, athritis in both knees) among other issues. Bottom line I was turned down after all appeals. I reapplied on advice from my lawyer. I was turned down again after all appeals. Third time with the same disabilities I reapplied I was grant ssd but did not qualify for disability because I haven’t worked in 10 years. Can u say age discrimination. They finally give it to me at 60yo but here’s the kicker 750.00 a month instead of the 2400.00 I would have received in 2009.

    • Tami C.

      Yes my husband had this happen to him, we feel violated, why would you take credits away, when did this change, feels like I’ve been scammed by my own people

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