Securing Today
and Tomorrow
Securing today and tomorrow starts with being informed. Learn more about our tools, online services, and how our programs benefit people just like you. Sign up below.

Social Security is Here When You’re Ready for Retirement
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
When you think you’re ready to retire, we’re here to help you make an informed decision about when to apply for benefits. You should decide based on your individual and family circumstances. Would it be better for you to start getting benefits early with a smaller monthly amount over a longer period? Or perhaps wait […]
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Social Security’s Top 10 Webpages for 2023
Reading Time: 1 Minute
There’s no better place to learn about Social Security programs and do business with us than on our redesigned website at Visitors to will experience a new design to help them find what they need more easily. Here are our top 10 webpages: my Social Security — You can open a personal […]
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This New Year, Learn About Social Security Online
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security programs touch the lives of more than 70 million people. We work hard to ensure critical benefits and other services are accessible to you. Consider the start of the new year as an opportunity for you to engage with Social Security online. This begins with creating your free and secure personal my Social […]
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U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy: Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Offers Best Protection
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
For nearly three years now, Americans of every age and from every community have stepped up to help keep themselves, their loved ones, their friends, and their neighbors safe from the COVID-19 virus. Millions reduced exposures, wore masks, and most importantly, got vaccinated and boosted. And because of those extraordinary efforts, our country is thankfully […]
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Understanding the Need for a Representative Payee
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
You may know someone who gets a monthly Social Security benefit or Supplemental Security Income payment and who also needs help managing their money. If someone you know needs help, we can appoint a person or an organization to act as a “representative payee” responsible for receiving and managing a person’s benefits. When we assign […]
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Happy Holidays from Social Security
Reading Time: 1 Minute
The holiday season brings us feelings of warmth and joy. At Social Security, we want you to know we share the same joy when it comes to serving you, whether it be in person, by telephone, or online. Our online services are available to help you do business with us in an easy, convenient, and […]
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Helping You Avoid Scams this Holiday Season
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security-related scams continue to be widespread, especially during the holidays. Criminals pretending to be from Social Security and other federal government agencies are tricking victims into sending money or sharing personal information. The scam tactics and scripts may vary, but the ultimate goal is to pressure victims to send money using methods such as […]
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Stay Healthy and Independent with the Senior Nutrition Program
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Are you eligible for Social Security retirement benefits or already receiving them? Did you know that you can also receive healthy meals and other nutrition services through the national Senior Nutrition Program? Local meal programs in communities across the country are waiting to serve you. As we age, we have different needs, different ways we […]
Continue reading "Stay Healthy and Independent with the Senior Nutrition Program" →Tags: retirement, retirement benefits, social security, Social Security benefits

Getting Two SSI Payments in One Month
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
For most months in the year, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients get their SSI payment on the first day of the month. But when the first day of the month falls on the weekend or a Federal holiday, you receive your SSI payment on the last business day before the first day of the month. […]
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Social Security Launches Redesigned Website at
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Starting today, visitors to will experience a fresh homepage and a new design to help them find what they need more easily. “ is visited by over 180 million people per year and it is one of our most important tools for providing efficient and equitable access to service,” said Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner […]
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