
New Option for Submitting your Disability Update Report!

November 3, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 16, 2020

We are required to conduct continuing eligibility reviews for disabled beneficiaries every three years. This process requires that beneficiaries complete a Continuing Disability Review mailer to update information about their medical conditions and recent treatments.

We now offer an online option to complete this update and provide any supporting documents about your medical treatment or your work.

We designed this new form with convenience in mind—and to save you time. You can access the online form. (Use either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome for the best online experience.)

You will need your Social Security number, your current address and phone number, and a valid email address to complete the form. Also, you must have received a request for an updated disability report in the mail.

Once you “Click to Sign,” you will receive an email from echosign.com asking you to confirm your digital signature. Check your junk folder if you don’t receive it within a few minutes. Your signature isn’t complete—and your form won’t be processed—until you complete the instructions in your email.

Please visit our blog for more articles—and our frequently asked questions page. Be sure to let your friends and loved ones know about this new online option.

NOTE: The mention of Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the Social Security Administration.


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  1. Anne D.

    I have been reading posts regarding this topic and this post is one of the most interesting and informative one I have read. Thank you for this!

    Please see my also blog,
    Don’t Let Disability Hold You Back
    Hope this will help, Thank you!

  2. James S.

    Amazingly, after being on SSI DI for the past 26 years after getting hit by a car in a crosswalk, I have had my benefits cut either through a scam, or a real caseworker, who is discriminating against old, disabled white males. I figure that will cause me not to get the EIP. It sure as hell looks like it will cost me my house, which would be paid for in 3.5 years. A woman called and said she was SSA, and wanted to talk to update my file. She asked me very few questions, that was on 02/02/21. I didn’t think a lot about, but I never got a letter scheduling an appointment for a call. 02/14/21, I received a letter, dated 02/05/21, stating that the document was a Redetermination for my SSI benefits. Everything in the document was false. The woman I had talked to falsified everything on almost every question. Why? Did she set up, so that she gets my check? I don’t know. I do know that 02/17/21, I received another letter dated 02/05/21 which stated that I had missed my appointment on 2/5/21, and that I had until 03/02/21 to respond to the same lady who falsified the report.

    I went to social security website and saw that there are tons of phone scams where people are trying to steal your payments. I became concerned that I was a victim. The letters sent, had red Pitney Bowes machine stamps, every letter I have ever gotten from SSA had envelopes with the preprinted information about bulk sending and SSA, not on these letters. The paper that the letters are always on, is printed on both sides. Not these letters. SSA has proof marks on this paper, a little square mark showing it is definitely from SSA, not these letters. SSA letters always show the same BNC code, and my id # has DI after it. Not these letters.

    So, I believed I had been a fraud victim, I am 70 years old, and disabled. I filed the information about the incident and the letters to Office of Inspector General Online Complaint. That was on February 28, or March 1. At the same time, I sent SSA Fraud a FAX of a letter explaining the whole ordeal. I received no response from anyone.

    My benefit checks are always direct deposit. My house payment is auto paid from that same account. I didn’t think a hell of a lot more about it, thinking I had been an attempted fraud victim, and believing that the Inspector General was investigating my complaint. Mid March, Bank of America contacted me because my balance was very low, and other issues with my account. I went to the bank’s online site and saw that no March payment had come into the account, no house payment had been made, and I have no way to pay the house payment.

    I called the Washington SSA, I don’t trust the one here
    anymore. I talked with a lady on 03/15/21, whose name I did not get, and explained it to her. She said that I had missed my appointment. They claimed that a letter scheduling the appointment/phone interview had been sent to me on Jan 27, 2021. The problem with that is, I received no letter, and the Rules state that they consider 5 days for mailing, and have to give 30 days notice for an appointment like that, in case of problems, you can reschedule. From 01/27/21 to 02/05/21 is less than the time figured for mailing, 5 days.

    I read to the lady on the phone the first page of the Redetermination Report, and she said Oh My God. She put me on hold for a long time. She came back and said that she had put in for an expedited emergency payment to come. I thanked her and we said goodbye. That was 3/15/21. I filed another complaint with the Office of Inspector General.

    By 3/22/21, there still had been no further communication, and no deposit into my account. I called SSA Washington again and this time talked with “Ivory”. When she first started talking to me she too said I had missed an appointment. I explained the whole thing to her, and she said oh, well Ms. Holten did not enter the Report until two days ago, and they have not yet made a determination on my continued eligibility.

    At this time, I have not received a notice that my benefits have been cut off, nothing I can appeal, and I have no benefit payments coming to me.

    What? Nothing in my life has changed or will change, except I am a lot older now. Then all of this talk about the Economic whatever payment, I figure that since I am not receiving benefits of SSI anymore, I will most likely not get a payment from the EIP either. I checked the IRS website, and it said the same thing it says to people that have not gotten their checks for the past payments. Something about needing more information.

  3. Sean

    I did my SSA 455 form online but made a mistake because i didn’t use all capital letters.I want to know if i will loose my disability check or not.

  4. claveto

    New Option for Submitting your Disability Update Report is really helpful . Thank you for sharing this blog with us . Thanks
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    • Tammie a.

      Trying to do my Disability update report online.

  5. Kim s.

    Why can’t I get a replacement social security card mailed to me instead of having me go into an office. I live in cincinnati Ohio
    Thank you Kim

    • V.V.

      Hi Kim, thank you for your question. First, realize you may not need a replacement card. You will rarely need to show it. Knowing your Social Security number is what is important. Check out our Social Security and Coronavirus web page for details on getting help with your Social Security number. We hope this helps!

  6. Charlene h.

    I did my short form ,cdr 2 page update reveiw online. How long do i have to wait for the results??? Will i get an answer by mail or my email.

    • V.V.

      Hi Charlene, thank you for using our blog. Check out our Social Security and Coronavirus web page for details on continuing disability reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic. You may find our Continuing Disability Review web page helpful in understanding the process. You can call your local office if you still have questions. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal.

  7. Barbara F.

    I received a text message from ssd saying I had to sign in for a medical appt. You don’t send text messages you send the appt by mail . I’m I correct

    • V.V.

      Hi Barbara, thanks for checking in with us. Generally, we will only contact someone if they have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. To see if Social Security did contact you, you would need to call your local office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

      • Michael K.

        I got a text message the other night and it was like 1:30am in the morning and it was telling me that there was some unusual activity going on with my bank account and that was to emeditly to report all of my information to blahs to them and I didn’t SEND anything to them and I looked up the number and it was not who they are an I still have the MESSAGES from it what should I do?

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