
New Option for Submitting your Disability Update Report!

November 3, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 16, 2020

We are required to conduct continuing eligibility reviews for disabled beneficiaries every three years. This process requires that beneficiaries complete a Continuing Disability Review mailer to update information about their medical conditions and recent treatments.

We now offer an online option to complete this update and provide any supporting documents about your medical treatment or your work.

We designed this new form with convenience in mind—and to save you time. You can access the online form. (Use either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome for the best online experience.)

You will need your Social Security number, your current address and phone number, and a valid email address to complete the form. Also, you must have received a request for an updated disability report in the mail.

Once you “Click to Sign,” you will receive an email from echosign.com asking you to confirm your digital signature. Check your junk folder if you don’t receive it within a few minutes. Your signature isn’t complete—and your form won’t be processed—until you complete the instructions in your email.

Please visit our blog for more articles—and our frequently asked questions page. Be sure to let your friends and loved ones know about this new online option.

NOTE: The mention of Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the Social Security Administration.


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  1. equilla

    We are required to conduct continuing eligibility reviews for disabled beneficiaries every three years. This process requires that beneficiaries complete a Continuing Disability Review mailer to update information about their medical conditions and recent treatments.

  2. Charles R.


  3. Lauren J.

    At the end of 2019 my husband had a review and was then was told he was no longer going to be on it, cause he was fine enough not to be on it. He filed for an appeal. At the end of 2020 he recieved another letter for a review. I called the number on the form and asked why he was recieving this letter again, he filed for an appeal. The woman on the phone said that because of Covid-19 they were Re-Doing his claim, as if he had not been kicked off yet. So he went to the Dr appointments and never recieved a letter after stating that he was to be kicked off again. As if he passed and was still on and never kicked off. He recieved a letter in the mail 2 weeks ago from SS temorary and Disability Assistance reguarding his Appeals trial. I tried to explain the gentleman on the phone that he was told that because of Covid-19 they redid his review. Im not sure if the gentlman understood him or not. But now we are confused if he still has to go to the appeals trial or not. If they redid his claim or not. Could someone please help with some info. We are confused.
    Thank you.

  4. Joseph M.

    My late wife received SS disability, until her death at age 45.

    Three years years later, at age of 52, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

    I tried to apply for Survivor Benefits.

    The SS screener said I wasn’t entitled; because I wasn’t receiving SS Disability.

    My work history is 10+ years old.

    Why can’t I apply for disabled spouse Survivor Benefits?

  5. David N.

    There is no link to check for his disability case pending can u call him at 2529403815

  6. David N.

    I want to know about David crisp case he is my boyfriend

  7. Leslie R.

    Si vivo fuera de los Estados Unidos siendo ciudadana americana y teniendo discapacidad puedo aplicar para tener mí beneficio?

  8. michele

    I am Michele sparks and my I live in Sonora Californa my rent went up from 600 to 650$ for a room . I wants to know how much can put out for rent . Am 67 have medical issue and he keeps raising the rent , I get SSI my check is 951 $ a month . He does not pay my power bill the room mate does and I have storage bill plus my phone and internet , but I think am paying out to much for rent . What can I do ? There no places to go live except a friend but she lived in another state . Help? Michele sparks

  9. Obeidullah a.

    I mailed my ssa 455 short on November 24 , do I have to do it again online?
    How to get information about the status of my ssa 445 form and find out they received my form ?

  10. Obeidullah A.

    I sent my short form (ssa 455) on November 24, do I have to do it again online ?
    How to get information about the statuses of my form to make sure they received my form ?

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