COVID-19, General

Economic Impact Payments for People with a Rep Payee, and People Living in U.S. Territories

May 14, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Social Security issued an update today about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments to certain groups of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. Beneficiaries who have their regular monthly payments managed for them by another person, called a representative payee, will begin receiving their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS in late May.

Special rules apply to beneficiaries living in the U.S. territories: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In general, the tax authority in each territory, not the IRS, will pay the Economic Impact Payment to eligible residents based on information the IRS will provide to the territories. It is anticipated that beneficiaries in the territories could begin receiving their Economic Impact Payment in early June.

“The Social Security Administration has been working with the IRS to provide the necessary information about Social Security and SSI beneficiaries in order to automate and expedite their Economic Impact Payments,” said Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security. “While millions of our beneficiaries have already received their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS, we continue to work hard for those beneficiaries who are awaiting their payment from the IRS.”

For additional information about payments to beneficiaries with representative payees, please visit our website.

For the territories, people should contact their local tax authority with questions about these payments. Please note their website may use the term “Economic Impact Payment” or “stimulus payment.”

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS Coronavirus web page for the latest information.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Lisa

    I’m on ssdi and still haven’t received my stimulus payment yet and I ha e direct express

  2. Merle L.

    Having a payee seems to be discrimination with a direct deposit account. ..It’s so unfair to find out lies in the beginning saying if you have direct deposit and get ssi/ssdi do nothing. Goes in right away. What’s the next story. I intend to call the white house as I need my stimulus for big meat cost and script prices and buying masks gloves extra cleaning supplies. More on ulitiles…etc. Why being treated badly. Disgusted. I am still waiting too. The portal no works. Sos

  3. Danny W.

    Will we receive another impact Payment. We have received the first one but I was wanting to know if we will receive more impact Payments?

    • loyd s.

      Serious UNBELIEVABLE

  4. Katrinia J.

    I have not got my stimulus check yet

  5. Salvador M.

    Hello I am on SSDI and still have not received my Stimulus check. I did file last years taxes with my wife but not this year. I am not sure whats going on but any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you and stay safe.

    Sal Martinez Jr.

  6. Leona C.

    I received ssld i have the green DirectExpress card i have not got my stimulus yet you say we didn’t have to do anything my name Leona Campbell at 954 Plateau st Elsmere ky 41018 so in fear depressed just wanted to know what happened

  7. MZ. T.

    I have a represent payee I’m on ssdi haven’t received n e information on when I will be receiving my stimulis payment keep saying same information no information

  8. Margaret G.

    I accessed the website to determine status of stimulus check. The website indicated the check was deposited in a bank account (last 4 digits) I do not recognize on April 29 2020. How do I go about investigating this deposit and correcting the error?

    • Tracy

      I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this before. On the somewhere on there , there’s a number. I’d call it and let them know. Or send them a email. It was suppose to put on the page , how to contact if your check hasn’t received. But I’d also while on the go to the non filers website ( be underlined in blue ) somewhere on home page. Click on it and make sure all yoyr info is correct. One digit from bank or one digit in zip code could mess up everything. Especially if you’ve moved or became disabaled. But if someone doesn’t get back to u. I’d definitely look it up. Hope this helps, it’s just what I ive learned

  9. shannon g.

    SSDI, Direct Express in Washington State. Get my payment tool still saying payment status not available (we are working on this). Everything I read says SSDI recipients were to receive stimulus payments on or around April 29th. Many, many of us have not! Please help us. Nobody is addressing this problem. Thank you.

  10. Thomas

    I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my direct express card on May 13rh I still have nothing pending when will i get my check???

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