COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. LZ

    So the government sees $1000 being an adequate amount to cover the 2-4week needs of an individual, but only gives $780 monthly to individuals needing SSI. Those getting SSI should at least receive the difference of $220.
    An overall SSI revision is needed in general.

    • wanda w.

      Cash payments of up to $1,200 would go to individuals, with up to $2,400 for couples. The sum would increase by $500 for every child. The check totals would start to phase out above $75,000 in adjusted gross income based on 2018 tax returns. People with no federal tax liability would get only $600.

    • James

      I was thinking the exact same thing; it’s completely hypocritical…. just like if they were to do a UBI of 1,000 ; it’s more money then people on SSI, SSDI receive. Unfair and completely hypocritical.

      • amzue420

        Many people on SS work just as hard as anyone else and their SS payments are NOT entitlements they are earned. Why would they not be entitled to the same thing as everyone else?

  2. Joe

    Why don’t you all just shut the fuck up and wait and see if your getting the $1,000.00. That is the problem with this society, no respect, selfishness and everyone in a hurry for there own greedy ways.

    • Blair

      Your such a dombass

      • Anonymous

        GROW UP PEOPLE! You all sound like children

  3. Brad

    The answer to the question about the “$1000” is YES, if the Bill passes or when it passes, they will address when and where payments will be made. Mitch McConnel just this minute mentioned “disabled and retired people need the money”. Looks like he has our back. God Bless

  4. Betty B.

    Gonna say this….the stimulus checks are suppose to be sent to everyone who filed a tax return. We did not file our taxes this year cause we don’t have to file, but I believe it is not based on this year’s filing. Also, when answering questions in writing, be aware that people cannot see your voice inflections nor your facial expressions and while I did not take the response as rude I can see how some people may have, but everyone please give some leeway.

  5. William

    If we receive this and are disabled and on SSI, which isn’t garnished by child support, what happens regarding child support. I’m paid up with no debt. But if I receive a garnishable check my child support “obligation” (sexist extortion of a disabled male) could reactivate. I’d be screwed as I have no way to work or pay child support. …or will this $1,000 be ungarnishable just like SSI? I don’t want to go to jail just because some jerk sent me $1,000 garnishable dollars. …and I certainly don’t want my violently abusive ex benefiting from this. My kid is 17. He wouldn’t see a dime of anything she received. She’d just spend it on vibrators or pot.

    • Justa R.

      prolly your best bet would be to call your child support contact to start with since assuming you will be eligible for the money the child support would be the ones wanting their slice of the pie.
      and they have already been getting many calls about the same thing from others in the same spot

      in any case…best of luck

  6. Bayou B.

    I know we’re all in a panic , just try and take care yourselves as best you can ,stay safe especially for the elderly and the ones with compromised immune systems , I have Lupus so I’m being extra extra careful. I wish everyone good health and just continue to stay extra safe.

    • Nicholas

      So I did not have to file taxes in 2019, that is right when I started receiving my SSDA benefits. I got a tax form for 2020 from my SSDA earnings in 2019, but as it turned out, I didn’t need to file taxes this year either.
      From my understanding of some of your responses, this means I will not be eligible for the $1,000 stimulus, even though I am well below the poverty line? Any further clarification would be appreciated, thanks!

  7. Henry B.

    I agree if somebody answer the question at hand are we going to receive the thousand dollars or not

    • steve

      got my 2400.00 deposited

  8. Gerald C.

    Will someone answer the question already will SSI applicants be eligible for the roundabout thousand dollars

    • Donna P.

      From what I’ve read and understand, and if it follows previous stimulus checks, you had to have t filed taxes in 2019 and you will receive the check if you did file taxes and are currently receiving SSDI, but not if you receive SSI. No government employee here, just someone doing some online digging.

      • Rosemary c.

        There are many seniors who make under the amount of filing guidelines and do not file a tax return. I believe that the retired people will be picked up through the Social Security system hopefully.

  9. Jean


    • Bob U.

      Idiocy has turned this country into a clown car. Feel free to be idiots on social media, this is a specific thread, and most of you are stopping people from getting the benefit of this thread. The question was answered, lost in a sea of waste posts—no stimulus has yet been approved. (the news has been covering it fairly well)

  10. Mary

    I think the key word as far as us on SSI SSA etc getting the $1000 payout is economic “stimulus”. If the purpose is to “stimulate” the economy the money would be issued to boost people’s spending And if that’s the idea then it really shouldn’t be based on merit or usual income or even someone working at all. In fact I believe that poor people Might even be more apt to spend the money on things they need to put money back into the economy where people that already have money in the bank might just add that to their bank accounts or hide it in their mattress and not stimulate the economunat all. I for instance have had a car broken down for over a year that I have not been able to pay a mechanic to fix or buy the parts for . If I used part or all of that money car parts and repairs that would give business and working people money And even leave me to a position where , although disabled, I could go out and perhaps learn a little more money by working part time. I am just one example but I am quite certain money in the hands of the disabled and especially disabled senior citizens would be spent in many effective ways. Even if we make very little or no money we still have to spend it even more now call delivery charges for Groceries etc. I would love to buy some vitamins right now to help boost my immune system. So I sure hope along with all of you and pray that we do get this stimulus money. It would be one of the best things that has happened to me in several years and I really mean that from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all here and let’s not argue with one another I think everybody’s a little extra irritable and anxious these days. What we really need to be careful about is our tempers and good judgment because this is the kind of circumstance where our country could turn into a police state overnight. That might sound crazy to some people but it’s happened before in other countries and given the fact that our person to person face-to-face elections are being threatened already and that some people will also become very desperate for money The setting is ripe. I just saw where people are being arrested in early now we’re going out in public. Hopefully this money stimulus if it’s done effectively and happens as long as we need it will help stem the tide of panic that Well eventually come from a lack of freedom to move around in society as people naturally want to do

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