COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. gail j.

    Note that Senate Republicans dropped a proposal to provide smaller checks to lower-income Americans. Under their original plan, taxpayers with little or no income tax liability, but at least $2,500 of qualifying income (earned income, Social Security retirement benefits, and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans), would have gotten a minimum rebate check of $600 ($1,200 for joint filers). However, Democrats and some Republicans strongly objected to that provision and forced its removal. But other plans are still possible plus democrats are proposing their own plan

  2. Daniel A.

    Wow so much anger going on but it’s a good question. I am on SS Disability and yes it’s real I know that what we get is not enough to live off . And we paid into the system for this so it’s our money but it’s not enough I always run out by the 3rd week and then I starve. So we should get the same amount as everyone else

    • Margaret J.

      Yes lord it’s hard enough trying to make it day by day with income only once a month now this covid 19 stores getting empty we have no money to purchase anything we need the same amount as everybody else kids hungry no school lunch no car can’t go to sites and they sure haven’t came to us so it’s very very crazy right now and I have good neighbors that trys to help but now with the curfew being put out we have no help I pray we all be safe and if u do recieve any extra help spend wisely cause yall it’s only the beginning we dont know how hard this will be in the end keep praying and stick together we all in this together stay safe ???

    • Tami H.

      Yes and prices of everything are rising so if we dont get more we will all be out before the month even starts

  3. deborah l.

    how do you know are you a drug addict thats not right to say that grow up

  4. Gary

    I’m on Railroad annuity (permanently disabled) was wondering if I qualify for the stimulus check? I haven’t filed taxes since I got disabled back in 2016.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Gary. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

  5. Dave

    Crying Chuck Schumer could care less about the people in this country

  6. James E.

    I am retired but would like to go back to work and help. I retired at 62 so I can only make so much per year. Is social security considering waving the earnings limit so experienced workers can help out during this crisis?

  7. Christina R.

    Will people on SSI/SSC get the stimulus checks as well? We barely make it as is and the President did say EVERY AMERICAN, just wondering.

    • Scott

      If you find out let me know cuz I’m on SSI and sure could use it.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Christina. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

  8. Jack J.

    Jason is a dickhead fuckin idiot !!!!!!!!!!

  9. Kari

    I just emailed senator Chuck Schumer, and told him about what we are all going threw because I know he is trying his best to help unlike the Republican party. Dont know if he will even see it but at leaste I stated how I feel.

    • Jen P.

      And you Deary are an idiot, Schumer is nothing but a Cornflake without the milk, I thank God he’s not the President, The only reason he pleads to poor people is for votes. What did he accomplish when the other asshole was President for 8 years…take your blinders off Kari…

      • Kari

        Just love rude people. I came here to get some answers since I worked all my life and now elderly and disabled just to get called a idot and laughed at..But I’m not going to stop to your level that’s not what this blog is for. We come here for help not to be degraded.

        • Lola

          Kari-don’t worry about ugly comments. This person obviously has no respect and is probably one of Trump’s bitches. You should be respected and one mad dog should not influence on how you feel.. Just keep asking until you get your answer.

    • red b.

      hahahaha so you e mailed CHARLIE BROWN NOSER!!!

  10. Ferd

    The bill outlines clearly qualified income as written in the Internal Revenue Code 86(d) states that SSDI and Railroad tier 1 are deemed as qualified income so therefore as written in the proposed bill ppl on SSDI would be eligible for stimulus read the fucking bill and read the I RC codes first before you bloviate your noxious uneducated guesses

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