COVID-19, General, SSI

Commissioner of Social Security Shares Update about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries

April 3, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“I want to provide an update to people who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration.

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 to generate $1,200 economic impact payments to Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019.

Treasury, not Social Security, will make automatic payments to Social Security beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will receive these payments by direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their Social Security benefits.

For updates from the IRS, visit their web page.

Note for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients:

We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients in an attempt to make the issuance of economic impact payments as quick and efficient as possible. We realize people are concerned, and the IRS will provide additional information on their web page when available. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Raquel M.

    If I receive my Social Security payment to the Social Security green direct deposit card how will I receive my stimulus check

  2. Cheryl M.

    My son is legally blind but does work and earns the allowable amount under SSI rules. He is also eligible to apply for unemployment during the shut down. My question, if the government will be giving an extra incentive amount to the unemployment benefits and that put him over the allowed amount would that cause him to loose his SSI? Is there a place I can look up the information or some place to call?

    • V.V.

      Hi Cheryl, thank you for using our blog. If your son is receiving SSI benefits, and has unemployment benefit income, we will count that income as “unearned income”. Generally, the more countable income there is, the less the SSI benefit will be. If his countable income is over the allowable limit, we may temporarily or permanently suspend the SSI payments. For more details on what and how income affects SSI benefits, check out our page on “Understanding SSI – Income”.

      You son should report all changes of income to us by calling 1-800-772-1213 or contacting the local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

      • Cheryl M.

        I spoke to my son and he informed me that I had it wrong. He is drawing SSDI for the blind not SSI. Does that make a difference as to unearned income? Really sorry I got it wrong the 1st time but I really do appreciate your time. Thanks

        • V.V.

          Hi Cheryl, thank you for the clarification. It does make a difference. Any benefits you get from unemployment insurance will not reduce Social Security disability benefits. We hope this helps.

          • Cobyco

            Von Van Till,
            You just told Ann Kroc that” We don’t count pensions, annuities, investment income, interest, veterans, unemployment or other government or military retirement benefits. For more details, check out of our publication “How Work Affects Your Benefits“. We hope this helps.” But you told “Cheryl Miller”
            “It does make a difference. Any benefits you get from unemployment insurance will not reduce Social Security disability benefits. We hope this helps.”
            First you said Unemployment doesn’t count, however you tell another person that unemployment do counts against the SSDI. Please advise, You gave conflicting statements regarding the affect of receiving unemployment.

          • V.V.

            Hi there, thank you for your question. Income is treated differently depending on the type of benefit the individual is receiving. Social Security administers both Social Security disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Unemployment income affects SSI benefits and does NOT affect SSDI benefits. Hopefully this helps.

  3. Anne K.

    If collecting unemployment with the $600 weekly incentive and the $1200 economic impact payments puts me over the social security yearly earnings limit of $18,240, will my social security benefit amount be reduced next year?

    • V.V.

      Hi Anne. Thank you for your question. When we figure out how much to deduct from your benefits, we count only the wages you make from your job or your net profit if you’re self-employed. We include bonuses, commissions and vacation pay. We don’t count pensions, annuities, investment income, interest, veterans, unemployment or other government or military retirement benefits. For more details, check out of our publication “How Work Affects Your Benefits“. We hope this helps.

  4. Sandra

    So if I claim my parents on my 2019 tax return and they are on SSDI they will not receive a stimulus check

    • Sandra

      can someone answer this please

      • helping t.

        no, your parents will each receive the amount, as a couple, and they are over 17. the 500$ is just for children under 17.

        • Confused i.

          Hi I’m on SSI not SSDI. And my mother is my rep.payee and yes I have direct deposit but it’s in my mother’s name. On my debit card it is printed my mother’s name for my name will I receive anything or is that considered me being her dependent they keep changing their answers for people on supplemental income.

  5. Russell H.

    If I’m on disability and my 8 year old son also will I get a stimulus check for him too ?

    • ssdi i.


  6. William

    For those who are still confused, read this article…

    Don’t let this situation go unresolved.

  7. Wojo

    I get SSDI (SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY INSURANCE) I have never filed a tax return while on SSDI….. they deposit my monthly payment into my bank account..DO I GET A CHECK??!!

    • V.V.

      Hi there. Thank you for your question. Economic impact payments will be made to eligible people who receive Social Security retirement, disability, or survivors benefits. The IRS will use SSA-1099 information that we provide them to automatically generate $1,200 economic impact payments to eligible Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019. Please visit to learn more.

      • Kelly

        There is still nothing on the website link to provide any direct deposit information and this is suppose to start tomorrow?

  8. Lynn

    I just read half of the replies and didn’t see this mentioned. Does anyone know if someone on ssi with a child(who is not on ssi) will get the $500 also? I don’t file taxes because I just receive ssi. I am single also. There has to be other people in my situation.

    • Lovely

      I’m also wondering same thing good question?

  9. Donna S.

    I’m on ssi my kids do t receive benefits can I claim. Them on the stimulus package?

  10. Me

    don’t any of you understand they haven’t decided how people on SSI are going to get the money! The stupid IRS is not saying the people on SSI need to file or anything. So the people on SSI or just left wondering how are they going to get the stimulus money

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