General, Online Services

Check the Status of Your Social Security Benefits Claim Online

July 15, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

Woman sitting down checking information on a tabletIf you applied for Social Security benefits, or have a pending reconsideration or hearing request, you can check the status online using your personal my Social Security account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one to see the following information about your claim:

  • Date of filing.
  • Current claim location.
  • Scheduled hearing date and time.
  • Incomplete applications.
  • Servicing office location.
  • Publications of interest, depending on the claim and current step in the process.

Use your personal my Social Security account to check the status of your application or appeal. If you have questions about retirement, disability, Medicare, or survivors benefits, as well as Supplemental Security Income, visit our Benefits page.

Please share this information with your family and friends – and post it on social media.

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Anthony s.

    Keep getting bec download ui when I check status of application

  2. Rick A.

    Appeals,hearings, lawyers, etc. A bunch of BS to create jobs. Here are two organizations that would eliminate all of our entitlement programs, poverty, and reduce the crime rate.

    [1] Guarantee everyone a minimum standard of living from birth to death.
    [2] The minimum will include Medicare for All and a minimum weekly or monthly check that increases on the persons annual birthday.
    [3] When a person goes to college they will have their minimum income as an allowance. [college will be paid for with taxes]
    [4] When a person enters the workforce their minimum will offset the minimum wage. [If the minimum wage is $10. a hour, then with the minimum guarantee they will be earning around $18. a hour]
    [5] The minimum will be reduced as the income increases, and at or around $40k a year will be eliminated, but will be readily available if the income changes.
    [6] The minimum will keep increasing and will become disability if necessary and/or retirement. This program could become available by making changes to SSA.
    [7] This program would replace private h/c insurance, child support, unemployment compensation, workers compensation,SSDI & SSI, SNAP, WIC, section 8 housing, Medicaid and the VA HC which will be included in the plan, CHIP, and numerous other government programs that we are wasting the funding for the programs on administrative fees, lawyer fees, and hearings and appeals. This entire government is a bureaucratic nightmare that could be replaced with two programs, and they are Social Security and Medicare, but guess which two programs many of our brain dead politicians want to eliminate?
    [8] If a person is incarcerated, then their minimum will be used to pay for their incarceration.

    • Nilda E.

      S. S. I. Is not enough to survive with all these higher cost of living. However we need our checks to increase according to our living expenses.

    • prc

      And just who is going to pay for all of this “FREE” giveaway? This is Socialism/Communism at it’s best which has failed everywhere in the history of mankind.

      If you are lazy you should be paid accordingly. If you work hard and do a good job you should be paid accordingly.

      Why should I pay for your college education or any other freebees you somehow feel entitled to? I took care of my Family even when we did not have much and had to do without.

      Over the years my family lived within our means and we made sure we saved for my retirement and we will not be sucking money from others to take care of us now that we are retired.

      If a person is capable of working then go to work and live within your means. Want more money then do whatever it takes to earn more money; work hard, do more than you job description, learn new skills on your own, take advantage of company benefits. If your company does not have any benefits to help you advance maybe you should look for a new job.


        Wow! You have no compassion for people that are disabled. I don’t have much but I DONATE some for Veterans & Pets. Get happy

        • Prc

          My response had nothing to do with compassion and neither did neither did Rick’s posting. His posting never mentioned disabled individuals. He made a statement about giving everyone free money even if you don’t want to work, free college educations, free medical, free child care, free everything! There is no such thing as free anything, the money has to come from somewhere!

          I also donate to a number of charities but I am not sure what that had to do with this thread.

          Read everything before you respond.

          • Kim

            He did mention disability. Reread his statement

          • Prc

            The posting he made was not about disabled people, it was for everyone. Yes he used the word “disability” one time, not in reference to disabled people but rather the minimum free money would keep increasing and get paid to you if you happen to get disabled and/or retire.

            My point about this type of socialist ideology has never worked throughout history and has destroyed many livelihoods snd entire countries except for the individuals in power, is what I am trying to make.

  3. francisco

    The decision on my claim is nothing solid as evidence in fact, they are assuming instead check the evidence in the record. I m so piss of with this bunch of idiots. but I have chose to close my claim because can’t stand this people that work at SSA office. I will have a surprise

    • Jason

      Are you threatening the SSA with your “surprise”? Sure hope not.

  4. Tessy P.


    I am totally physically n mentally disabled for over twenty years

    For instance I have schizophrenia and congestive heart failure.. I have a disc against my spinal cord…discs going left n right..discs missing .Spurs (6 just in my neck)

    I am on hospice…not expected to live much longer.,.

    I have lived on social security disability for over twenty years…my payments have been less than $800 per month this whole time…

    When we recieved stimulius I couldn’t believe…this was more money I ever seen at one time in my whole life. ..

    When I was taken to a state mental hospital over twenty years ago..I had to crawl into drs office…I was sent there because destitute n indigent..I had no income or insurance ..

    My parents were absent from my life from when I was 13… The Dr said that I fell through the cracks of the system n that I would never have to suffer like that he started me on disability…

    I recieved many surgeries n finally found a medicine regimin that keeps me mentally stable….

    Social security does for me exactly as it should it keeps me socially secure…I am no longer homeless and I live among my peers in elderly housing

    I am extremely grateful…it hasn’t been easy…my life…I squeak by ,I have no family contributing to my health care or financially..

    This is a great program n I noticed in news we are recieving new management of social security very soon….

    Thank you

  5. Theresa

    The SSA is full of shit…I filed for benefits in November 2020 they denied me in February 2021 even though I provide all my documents they asked for. I filed appeal in March 2021 and here we are in July still waiting for a decision on my appeal!!!

    • lisa s.

      everyone else is getting stimulas money but what about seniors we got to eat and pay bills to. non documents residents get something why cant we.

      • prc1wrt

        Seniors also got the stimulus money. if you did not you should follow up with the IRS.

    • Marie S.

      Honestly, if you feel you have a solid case to receive (not doubting, just saying. I don’t know you or your circumstances and they are none of my business), contact your State representative in Congress. They can look into why you were denied and push through your appeal. You will probably get an answer quicker this way instead of waiting for them to get to your appeal.

    • Kim

      They almost always deny the application the first time. Don’t waste your time waiting get a lawyer and they will get it done for you.

    • P.H.

      Hi Theresa. We are sorry to hear of your experience. The length of time it takes to receive a decision on an appeal can vary. For security reasons, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 to discuss the status of your appeal or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  6. Charlene B.

    I filed, via certified mail, a Request For Reconsideration in 2020 to my local SSA office, after receiving an SSA ltr that I would be receiving less retirement benefit payments, resulting from an IRS report of having received more pension than I actually did in 2019, . Unfortunately, I made an inputting error in my 1040 tax filing. I then filed an IRS claim, and now monies alleged owing the IRS was taken out of their system & my original refund is to come. The SSA appeal status however is NOT listed on my personal SSA page as the blog states it should be. I never even received an acknowledgement of the Request For Reconsideration filing.

    • P.H.

      Hi Charlene. We are sorry to hear about your situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

    • Minerva P.

      I also filed for a reconsideration in March 2021. I sent in all the documents that SSA sent for me to make a decision. I haven’t heard back yet. Calling the 1 800 number does not help. I’m calling my State Representative in Congress for help.

      • V.V.

        Hi Minerva, thanks for using our blog. You should contact your local Social Security office. Look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. We hope this helps.

  7. I'm a.

    I called by phone from 6:30 am wasting my time listening to messages over and over pressing buttons to try to find out the office was closed til 9 called them they pick up the phone put you on hold 27 mins then and while you say hello… They don’t say a word just still waist your time as proof I had my roommate dit in they here then talking and hang up in my face. I called and got transfered more worthless numbers.ore nasty butt agents hanging up in my face. I did not deserve to be treated like that. Wasting my time being lied to your check was sent out on time, they sent it back, back were? They got 1 number wrong after 20 mins talking to some one else that read the numbers back to you that were right. You buch of liers, sorry They even keep your phone number so if you all them back to complain they refuse to answer. A nasty patch of animals that should be laided off in Houston, TX they started out having to give there badge number how about Maryanne 65? S- scum. For no reason you cut me off if my check when it was faught by a lawyer and your judge approved it and good old southern add holes want to take it away from me stick it up your Ass—

    • Phil

      Do you even have a social security number, did you ever pay social security taxes over 40 yearly quarters? If so and you are age 62 or older you can file for social security. If you are having problems over the phone why not setup a mysocialsecurity account on the SSA web site. You can file for social security benefits there without having to talk to anyone. May make it a lot easier for you.

    • P.H.

      Hi. We are sorry to hear of your difficulty reaching Social Security and we understand your frustration. We encourage you to continue working with your local office and ask to speak to a supervisor. We have referred your complaint to our Office of Operations. We hope this helps.

  8. Marianne N.

    I am trying to check the status of a claim. I cannot get thru to speak with anyone

  9. McDuffy O.

    (1) I have contacted governor’s office several times trying to get a issue solved about my Social Security incontact Congress to see could I get help to solve these issues but I still have it received any cold from our governor office about this matter in everyone is dancing around this issue I can’t keep living like this because I wanted a piece to have my own to do what I need to do with to pay my bills but the way it’s going now I can’t pay my bills so I’m down to my last resort to get this issue solved I don’t know what I’m supposed to do is the Social Security Administration who’s in charge of there so I’m just getting beat down knocked down I haven’t received a paycheck from no one to pay my bills or put food in my house. So when are y’all going to take your knees open my nick way I could live I agreed to pay$250 per month back to the system and I agreed in 2019 to pay Social Security administration back but end December of 2020 they had cut it off and then I started it applying for my Social Security in January of this year and I had to to give university Maryland my two notice and March was my last check i received. In 2008 December Social Security sent me $2692.76 for back money that they said they owe me,I called the social security administration and ask them was they sure about this money. So i took that money to fine a place to live, and in march 3, 2009 i did not get a check that’s when i went to social security and find out that they said yhat i owe them money the sum of $11,519, I agree to pay $330.00 by to them. While i was in the office i ask themcould i switch over to my social security, and the lady stated that i would be losing money but i asked the lady theykeep cutting it off on, I thought maybe the government supposed to help AMERICANS PEOPLES, I WENT IN THE ARMY IN 1978 AND SERVED IN THE NATIONAL GUARD AND I STILL CANNOT GET NO HELD WHEN WILL THE WHEN WILLTHE GOVERMENT TAKE THEIR KNEES AND GET OFF OF MY NECK WHERE I CAN TAKE AND IIVE. OUR GOVERNMENT TALK ABOUT PANDEMIC OF THE COVID-19 BUT SOMETIMES WE HAVE TO USE ALL COMMON SENSE.




    • P.H.

      Hi Rob. We are sorry to hear about your experience. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. You also have the option to submit feedback by visiting our Contact Social Security page. Once there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “email a Question to our Support Team” form where you can complete and submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this helps.

    • Kim

      If you were in the service during any war time you can draw a pension from them as well if your disabled. It doesn’t matter if you were not in a war as long as you were enlisted during a time of war. Just FYI in case you didn’t know.

  10. Robert T.

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