
Are You Age 70 or Older and Not Yet Getting Your Social Security Retirement Benefits?

July 6, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: July 6, 2023

Senior man working at laptop to apply for Social Security benefitsRetirement is not one-size-fits-all. It can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you have not applied for Social Security retirement benefits because you’re still working or are delaying applying so you can get the higher benefit. If you’re age 70 or older, you should apply now for the benefits you’re owed. Your benefits will not increase if you continue to delay applying for them because you are 70 or older.

Did you know that you can receive benefits even if you still work? Your earnings can increase your monthly benefit amount – even after you start receiving benefits. Each year that you work, we check your earnings record. It’s possible your latest year of earnings is one of your highest 35 years. If so, we will automatically recalculate your benefit amount and pay you any increase due.

You can claim your retirement benefits now. The best and easiest way to apply is with a personal my Social Security account. You can create your free account on our website. Once you create your account, you can get an estimate of how much you might receive each month based on when you want to start receiving benefits and then apply.

In your account, you can also:

  • Access our publications – like the fact sheet for workers ages 70 and up.
  • Find your Full Retirement Age.
  • Learn about benefits for your spouse and family members.
  • Apply for benefits.
  • Manage your benefits once you start receiving them.

We’re here to help you secure today and tomorrow and we invite you to learn more about applying for retirement benefits on our website. Please share this blog with your friends and family – and post it on social media.

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  1. Manfred R.

    I turn 70 on 12/30/2023. Do I claim SS for December or January to get the full amount?


    • A.C.

      Hi, Manfred. Thanks for your question. If you want benefits to begin at age 70, you attain age 70 in December 2023. We pay benefits in the month following the month they are due. So if you begin your benefits in December 2023, you would receive your first check in January 2024. We hope this helps.

    • Premlata V.

      Manfred, you will get December SS benefits in January. Apply few months earlier for benefits starting in December

  2. Joe S.

    My brother-in-law is 73 and has not started his benefits. We’ve been encouraging him to start for over a year.

    If he starts now, does he receive the payments he missed?


    • A.C.

      Hi, Joe. Thanks for visiting our blog. Generally, we allow retroactive payments up to six months for unreduced benefits. For specific questions, your brother-in-law can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. He can also contact his local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  3. Clarinda M.

    I am 77 years old. I read if I turn 77 there is a benefit that would add additional income to my Social Security amount. Is that a yes answer? I remember reading it somewhere. ♥️ I thank you for your time. Sincerely, a retired lady seeking help.

    • Prema V.


      Why are you delaying your benefits? Make no sense.
      You should immediately claim your SS benefits now for July and request SS to go back 6 months and give you benefits.
      If you apply for July, your July benefit payment will be mailed in August.

      You have already lost so much benefits from age 70 till now. SS benefits does not increase after age 70.

  4. Panther B.

    Hypothetical question: If I turn 70 years old on September 1, 2023. If I plan on applying for social security benefit on March 1, 2024 (6 months after I turn 70 years old), and claim 6 months of retroactive benefit, will my retroactive benefit be considered as 2023 income or 2024 income?

    • Prema V.


      Start taking the SS benefits for the month starting in which you turn age 70. If you attain age 70 on Sept 1, your SS benefit check will come in October.

      Life has no guarantee. You can also play around on your SS website. Say you apply in July, your SS benefit will be few dollars less than on Sept 1. Is it better to apply now vs waiting till Sept? In my opinion, better to get now, because you will have benefits for July and August. You will never be able to recover that amount.

    • Paul

      Did you ever get an answer for your question as these reponses are AI generated and useless for a non standard question.
      I believe I read that the date you receive the check is the year it will be used for tax purposes,
      so it would be for 2024.
      Did you apply? What date did you request benefit to start?

  5. Anand K.

    Anand K.
    July 24, 2023 12:36AM

    I will turn 70 years old on September 1, 2023. I plan on applying for social security benefit on March 1, 2024 and claim 6 months of retroactive benefit. Will my retroactive benefit be considered as 2023 income or 2024 income?


  6. Anand K.

    I will turn 70 years old on September 1, 2023. I plan on applying for social security benefit on March 1, 2023 and claim 6 months of retroactive benefit. Will my retroactive benefit be considered as 2023 income or 2024 income?

    Anand K.

  7. C

    Sorry, but I’m still a little confused. Assuming I will be 70 on March 20, 2024, should I apply to begin receiving social security benefits in March 2024 or April 2024 to receive maximum benefits? I don’t want to miss a monthly payment I would be entitled to or to lose out on a month’s credit by requesting payment early. Thank you

    • A.C.

      Hi. Thanks for your question. If you want benefits to begin at age 70, you attain age 70 in March 2024. We pay benefits in the month following the month they are due. So if you begin your benefits in March 2024, you would receive your first check in April 2024. We hope this helps.

  8. wpminds

    “What an insightful and inspiring article! Love truly is the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of self-love, healthy relationships, acts of kindness, and gratitude. Your words have touched my heart and motivated me to embrace love in all aspects of my life. Keep spreading the love!”

  9. Jackson P.

    I turned 70 on July 1, 2023. I applied for retirement benefits this past April. I expected to receive benefits beginning in July but have received notification that benefit payments will begin in August instead.

    My understanding was that because I was born on the 1st day of July, I would have reached the maximum delayed credit as of the end of June, thereby qualifying me to begin receiving benefits in July (as opposed to FOR July received in August). Is this correct?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Jackson. Thanks for your question. If you want benefits to begin at age 70, you attained age 70 in July 2023. We pay benefits in the month following the month they are due. So if you begin your benefits in July 2023, you would receive your first check in August 2023. We hope this helps.


      • Jackson P.

        Thank you, Ann, for your quick response. To clarify, did I reach my maximum delayed credit in June or July 2023? In other words, had I asked for my benefit to begin in June 2023, would the amount of the benefit be the same as the benefit beginning in July?

        I ask for clarification because of this statement on the website: “If you were born on the 1st of the month, we figure your benefit (and your full retirement age) as if your birthday was in the previous month.”

    • Prema V.


      Social security pays benefit for July in August.

    • Paul

      Unless they changed the requirements you should have got your first check in July. Since your past your FRA and born on the 1st, SS counts June as your birthdate (SS goes one day back from actual birthdate).
      Your past your FRA, you don’t have to be 70 for the entire month. You should have received a deposit for July. They screwed up.

  10. John A.

    If one’s birthday is on the last day of the month is his/her age for starting benefits determined by that month? Or should he/she start the benefits in the next month in order to receive the highest amount?

    • A.C.

      Thank you for contacting us, John. To begin receiving reduced retirement benefits at 62, you are required to be age 62 for the entire month. We consider individuals born on the first or second day of the month age 62 for the “full” month and they could be entitled to benefits for the month of their 62nd birthday. Retirement benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, for instance, if your want your benefits to begin with the month of December, you will receive your first payment in January. The exact payment date is determined by your date of birth. You can visit our Retirement Planner for additional information. We hope this helps. 

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