COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Diz

    It was just verified…and stated in this blog earlier today…

    Those on SSI/SSDI/VETERANS BENEFITS as of today the proposed bill has us getting a check of $600

    Not the 1000-1200 others are looking to get but it’s an amount to help with necessities during this time of uncertainty plus…we have our full benefits uninterrupted.

    The hitch in verbiage was the word earnings which in this circumstance meant any monies receive including through benefit programs.

    Can we close this blog now and only update if the amount changes?
    Everyone stay positive, keep your faith, observe social distancing and WASH YOUR HANDS! ♥️

    • martin p.

      Diz, you don’t know shit. Come here with actual proof before you get peoples hopes up. Tammi posted legit proof that it is ONLY, I repeat ONLY SSDI getting the money. NOT SSI. And who made you the king to close the blog? shut the fuck up and go wash your lying hands.

    • BigJoeComanche

      You want to elect someone providing reparations for everyone left out of this stimulus – unearned income, SSI/SSDI/etc. Keep bringing it up, and hold them accountable.

      • Kari

        I still dont get why they call ssdi unearned income in the ssa, because we had to work to get work credits to qualify for this program in the first place.

    • Kari

      But you also had to have earned income of at least 2500 I believe.

  2. Ali.

    This is ali i don’t know what is happening to people in this world because I’m Christian and i believe in God and i love to think that God is going to clean up the world and he is going to blessed us with health and happiness though this mass but just because you guys have no faith on him and all you care is the money that is very upsetting you guys doing wrong things and this isn’t the time for that what we need to do is pray and be happy with what we have and hope for the rest of the world to do the same because the faith is very important and powerful if it is truly in your heart please let God be with you and be grateful because this is nothing compared to what is going to happen later on all of this is you can find it in the bible it’s all there for you to read.
    Love you all very much .
    And thank God for all of us.

    • Kari

      I am grateful and happy I’m still healthy,and the money would be nice because I’m disabled.and get a small amount each month. But I just want this to end and for no more dying and sickness. And for life to get back to normal.

  3. red

    They should give every adult american with any sort of income 20k and tell them to make it work while they work to get a cure for this disease.

  4. Cosmo

    Nobody is being ungrateful here. It goes without saying, most people in need are certainly grateful for any assistance they receive.

    Like you, every American is worried in this time of crisis. If you’re making $20,000 a year and buying up every toilet paper roll you can afford, then I’m happy for you. Some of us are living on a budget below $1,000 per month, while supply and demand prices sky-rocket.

    Before the 18 year old, working their first job waiting tables passes judgement, please keep in mind.. you can’t possibly know what it’s like walking in some ‘Boomer’s’ shoes. We all have to put food on our tables.

    • Diana H.

      well i think most people here were ssdi, and they are getting a share. ssi isn’t. so if u have ssdi, you’re good. if you have ssi, you get 0.

  5. Jim M.

    I have to wonder how many of you people identify as Christians, or other religious affiliations, or even self identify as human beings. So many of you are so hateful in your comments at a time when we should be helping one another you are mostly worried about who is getting more than you are. If the stimulus were to be distributed based on Christian like behavior, or even simple morality, very few of you would receive anything but a lump of coal.

    If you are capable of it, you should be ashamed of yourselves for your comments.

    • wtf

      Jim please pedal your religious views elsewhere dude. god bless

    • Carolyn B.

      You have spoken the truth. I am amazed at he viciousness of many. I realize we are all frightened but some sanity should also be displayed. Thank you for your input. I now realize I am not alone in my thinking. God bless you.

      • davey


  6. Okaythisone

    Always ends in an argument, this is so depressing, nobody knows anything yet, we are all suffering.

  7. LaVonda B.

    OK, first things first. Some of you need to put your hearing aids in or put on your glasses when looking at the news or reading websites. The first part, which was already passed, includes a lot of the immediate expenses that are being faced due to this. Free testing, expands unemployment, provides paid sick leave to some workers displaced due to COVID-19. However, it seems every comment I read here, just like every able bodied person, is only worried about money and how much they’ll get when.

    Right now that I know of, there are 3 plans that are being DISCUSSED, which means they aren’t even being debated on the floors of the house or the senate yet. We’ve got a minute before all the details are finalized, trust me. Each plan states a different amount each person will get and how often each person will get it. NONE of these plans have publicly stated whatsoever if money will be sent to those of us on SSI or SSDI as of this moment. There is one gripe I have about this. Our POTUS is meeting with only republicans while democrats are doing their own thing at a time in our country’s history where party lines should not even exist, yet they only seem to be bolder and brighter, a situation made worse by the person leading us at the moment. That’s a scary thought honestly no matter what your political stance is.

    I’ve done what I can do to make my voice heard, using social media (mainly twitter as that is what usually garners more of a response rather than facebook or a phone call 90% of the time). Now I’ll share with you since I have more characters what that opinion is. I think every American except for those incarcerated and a few other restrictions should receive some sort of relief from this gigantic stimulus package. Oh I have been attacked up one side and down the other just for feeling that those of us who receive what some are calling “guaranteed income” should get some monetary compensation of some sort. Hear me out before you join them and maybe you’ll agree with me. Social Security has stated that those of us who receive money from them via direct deposit will still continue to do so even if their offices are closed in which you can see them in person. I can see where people can see that as “guaranteed income”. However, if you look at the numbers the federal government have released to even consider a $1000 stimulus payment, they state that is what the average American makes a week. A WEEK! That’s more than some of us make a month and that is before we pay expenses such as rent, utilities, groceries, medications, medical supplies, a phone so we have ways of contacting loved ones in emergency situations, basic things for a decent quality of life. Not all of us fell of a turnip truck yesterday and can do math decently, realizing that’s us getting screwed before the global pandemic came to be. Then you take into account price gouging, having to spend more than we’re used to due to availability or lack thereof of the things we need, yea, we need some compensation. I’m not saying you have to come up with $2000 if we go by Romney’s plan over a 2 month time frame, but half would be nice as it’s going to take some time for things to get back to normal for all of us who contribute to the economy, not just those who had to file taxes for this past year.

    Be smart, go ahead and budget out April just as you would March and take every shortcut that you can. I know things are going be vice-like around my small apartment as is due to what I had to do when this all happened. If we get something out of this, yes we will all be thankful as we deserve it. If not, just think it’s another day on the calendar that we’re getting screwed by our government on. Nothing new.

    • Just M.

      All I could do was laugh every time I’d read someone say “People can’t live off of $1,000 check. I’m thinking WOW I live off of under that and am expected to live… I don’t see the gov. caring how I’m struggling. If no one else can live off of less then $1,000 a month HOW do they think we’ve been doing it?

  8. Camden

    So let me break this down. If you worked hard for 20 years, then became disabled through no fault of your own.. follow all the rules, but now only receive unearned income in the form of SSDI you paid into, you will get $0 stimulus.

    However, your drug dealing neighbor, who only earned a messily $2,500 through odd construction jobs, but filed those taxes, and just sits around beating his wife and playing Xbox all day – he will get the full $1,200 amount.

    Also, people who work hard and make $77,000 a year, but just decide to convert all their earnings into more bills and debt, without any savings – they will also get the stimulus.

    So moral of the story is, that if you get about $800 unearned income each month, $600 of which is your rent, you will get $0 stimulus. REMINDER: it’s voting season again.

    • hi


      SSDI is INCLUDED. It is SSI that is not getting anything.

      • Camden

        I thought it was just retired (not disabled) SS people over 62. I combed through the proposed bill, which is still a work in progress.

      • jay

        Wow how unfair is that. Its just more of the same from politicians. Why are SSI elders so well off at our lousy 1000 a month we will not need any stimulus money?

  9. Marisa H.

    Oh well. I get SSI, so I don’t qualify. But I don’t care when workers get their taxes, and this really isn’t much different than those times. SSI is welfare, I am grateful I have it. I am incredibly young for the conditions I have, and I got approved first try. I have a rough over my head and food. I just wish they would at least give us a little extra for the higher costs of things like deliveries and cleaning supplies.

  10. Zara

    I’m on SSI and I am unable to work do to major health problems, some that are very serious, and I’m physically disabled and use a powerchair to get around I already know I won’t be receiving any stimulus check. I get less than $800 a month and have no family, and I’m alone in this world. I have to make it work with what I get. After paying rent and my bills there’s not much left. What is left I have to divide between food and personal/house supplies. A lot of times it’s very hard to make ends meet. (Buy cheap as I can) I’m almost 60 years old and know that there is nothing coming my way. No one thinks about or really cares for older, single, disabled people much anyway. So I won’t be getting my hope up. Wish everyone the best and please stay safe in these uncertain times.

    • lonely l.

      Zara I am in the same boat . No family and on SSI. There is just no care for us but, nothing we can do. take care

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