COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. John P.

    So healthy workers will recieve $1200 but the disabled vets and seniors will recieve only $600? Disabled and sickly seniors are the most vulnurable from this virus and can die! Yet here again is a perfect example of how the federal government is going to help the disabled and seniors the least. This is discrimination and it’s time to team up and call your congresspeople!

  2. Linda

    I do hope you include people who have worked just about all their lives and are now senior citizens on social security in that $1000.00 pot because everything has gone up sky high and you have to hire people for services and now we can’t even shop things are so bad out there .WE too don’t have enough money to shop for food and meds. So please don’t forget about us we need more money too. Thanks


    S.S.D.I. recipients will probably receive the check. S.S.I. recipients probably won’t, which is completely unfair and inAmerican, since Corona is raising costs for all Americans and the amount S.S.I. recipients receive is an absolute joke. …but then again, America hasn’t been American in a long time. The most vulnerable people. The poor, disabled, elderly, will keep getting screwed, while idiots who have never suffered a day in their selfish little lives will crap all over the already less fortunate and look down their noses as us like the arrogant swine they are.

    • Mark

      The only reason SSDI recipients would qualify is because some that get it also have earned income. If they don’t or don’t have enough then they will not be eligible either. It has nothing to do with what benefit you receive it has to do with whether or not you pay any taxes. But this is only the Republican controlled Senate outline and I highly doubt the Democratic controlled House will go along with it. This still has a way to go. I just wish the Trump supporters who are on fixed government incomes would realize the Republican party is not doing them any favors and vote them out of office this November. Watch closely as the bill is finalized into law to uncover the truth about who you want to support. Stop supporting politicians that act against your own interests!

  4. Mau

    Please be nastiness.. they are that who DO NOT UNDERSTAND what will happen to them.. many are elderly &A have worked all their lives PAYING INTO THIS SYSTEM, which includes many people people who never worked a day in the life, in fact many who are 2nd&3rd generations of loafers.. so hard working people have a right to know what’s going to happen to them.. get it?!!!
    . So please be kind and stop talking to people like they are uneducated.
    The simple QUESTION:
    WILL THEY SEE any kind of help during this troubling time.
    If you don’t know for sure the answer, then don’t answer nasty because you don’t know yourself. Be understanding, not nasty.
    If you don’t know.. don’t answer.. it’s as simple as that. Don’t be keyboard warriors

    I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate someone talking your parents like to were idiots, so don’t do it to others

    Be kind.. please

  5. Cherryl S.

    I can only talk about what I know. I know I worked in a system that treats highly sensitive people the way dogfighters treat bait dogs. I know that no matter how many times I licked my wounds and went back into the Corporate ring, I got chewed up and spit out again and again. It wasn’t until I took a hard fall and sustained a compression fracture that ultimately caused a disc rupture that I was able to qualify for disability and a long-overdue release from the fight ring. I didn’t make a lot as a chew toy, so I don’t get a lot to live on. I gave and lost so much more than anyone but my Creator could ever compensate me for, and I can scarcely provide for my basic needs much less be able to buy a ridiculous amount of toilet paper out of panic. Do you think this administration gives a damn about those of us who have to live on barely more than 1000 a month?

    • Supperdodo

      Why is people so hungry for cash ? It’s a hand out to help, its not a million dollar’s it’s only 1,200.00 or 600.00 sure it can help, but what people never had shouldn’t be missing it, or worst complain about it., I’m retire i worked i put in money to soc sec and im getting what is now,, when i worked that money went to the other people whom were on soc security, and now it’s the others turn to feed the social security , i dont think other’s should bad mouth people on social security, if there lucky to live to an old age they will get what us old people get now. And then they can feel how it is. But besides this it’s still being discussed in the house floor on how to give this hand out to people, the news is fake CNN, abc, L.A. time’s, Yahoo, they just love. To stir up shit, we all got to wait till monday and see what is IT, im not a Republican or Democrat im who says who can ever do the job right gets my vote. Again i think this country waited too long to do something, and if it matters i am a veteran i did my time, never ever thank me it was my job to do, thank the government, they paid me to do it.and that is how i feel about all this. If i get it good if i dont then so what, i never had it to begin with .all be safe and if you can help out there for a needy person to be safe try and help.go in.peace and be thankfull your still alive

      • Just a.

        Well said sir, prayers to you and your family.

      • Some g.

        Well said

  6. Melissa

    I get 783 ssi I’m stage 5 end stage kidney failure and barely get enough to pay my bills each month if I could work I would I’m sure there are people abusing the ssi system but there is a lot of sick people that need thier check to live, I beleave everyone should get the check this is a very hard time that none of us have ever seen before and everyone needs help not just a few.

    • me

      sorry melissa, ssi is not getting

      • Todd

        600 hundred dollars you will get

    • patrick

      melissa;it looks as tho no ssi will not get it. i guess try and reach out to congress or go tweet at trump

  7. OMG M.

    Don’t fucking post anymore unless you have legitimate useful information. This back and forth shit is sickening.

  8. Josh

    I see everyone on here trying to decide who deserves a stimulus and who does not….You are forgetting the primary purpose of a stimulus. It is to bolster the economy through a crisis. The positive side effect of it is to help individuals through a difficult time. I don’t care who gets it to be honest. The point of a stimulus is lost on most of you. Complaining over someone getting it, or being mad someone you feel isn’t “worthy” of getting it is beyond petty.

    • goldberg, r.

      wow thank you for sharing that insightful and valuable comment that none of us could ever survive without. asshole.

      • Cherryl S.

        Like, if he “doesn’t care who gets it” and only sees people’s frustration as pettieness … God help him if he’s ever in our shoes.

  9. America

    If SSI doesn’t qualify for the check, can our Government at least consider giving us a way to get the needed cleaning supplies? I am spending a lot on them, and thats not part of my normal allowance. Not this amount anyway.

    • Mark

      Not likely…most of this stuff goes right over their heads. They wanted to do a payroll tax cut to zero (!) which would have boosted workers incomes about 8% but when it comes time for SS recipients to get a cost of living increase it’s all they can do to squeeze out more than a percent when one is given at all. Congress wouldn’t let Trump have it but they came up with something just as good-send out checks but short change the SS recipients! Yeah no don’t hold your breath…

    • lisa2727

      The upper middle class will get more money to hoard all the supplies while the elderly and poorest do without.

  10. Terry h.

    Dont worry for nothing just wait for the bill to pass and then all questions will be answered .there is alot of wondering and false statements here.take it easy people. Wait for the bill to pass…

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