COLA, Disability, General, Medicare, Online Services, Retirement

2015: The Year In Review

January 11, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

2015 was a special year for Social Security – we launched our very first blog, “Social Security Matters.” This blog has helped us cover the issues and concerns that are most important to our beneficiaries and their families. Thank you for reading our blog and joining the conversation about Social Security. We look forward to having more conversations with you in the upcoming year.

While we were partial to storytelling about the 80th Anniversary of the Social Security Act, we invite you to check out our top ten Social Security Blog Posts for 2015:

  1. Medicare Open Enrollment: Five Things You Need to Do

The Medicare open enrollment period ran from October 15 through December 7. This was the time to make changes to your current Medicare coverage for 2016. To get a jump-start on open enrollment season, we offered five helpful tips to make sure you were prepared to make a change on your Medicare coverage.

  1. Extra Services For Employers

Social Security helps employers too. Business Services Online (BSO) provides services for employers that make managing employee information quick, easy and secure. Once you register, you can interact directly with us through our online services to meet many of your needs.

  1. Disability Benefits: The Numbers Tell the Story

Social Security released two new online data resources based on disability benefits: the state disability fact sheet and a national disability issue paper. Both of these online resources show how Social Security continues to fulfill our promise of support to America’s workers and their families.

  1. myRA, U.S. Treasury’s New Retirement Savings Option

Are you looking for a simple, safe and affordable way to save for your retirement? The U.S. Treasury now offers a retirement savings account called myRA. This account is designed for people who don’t have access to a retirement savings plan through their job.

  1. Reporting Changes is Your Responsibility

If you receive benefits from Social Security, you have a legal obligation to report changes that can affect your eligibility for benefits. These changes must be reported no later than 10 days after the end of the month in which the change is occurred. You can find a full list of reporting responsibilities in the blog post.

  1. Replacing Your Medicare Card – Know Before You Go (Online)

Have you lost or damaged your Medicare card? You can order a replacement card easily with a my Social Security  account. All you need is internet access and your card will arrive in the mail in about 30 days.

  1. The Best Age for YOU to Retire

Retirement is a very exciting time in a person’s life. When to retire is a personal decision that you should base on your own personal factors, such as health, family, current cash needs and your future financial needs. You can retire as early as age 62 but the longer you wait, the more your benefit amount will be.

  1. Ex-Spouse Benefits and You

Finally, some good news about getting divorced. If you’re age 62, unmarried and divorced from someone entitled to Social Security retirement or disability benefits, you may be eligible to receive benefits based on your ex-spouse’s record.

  1. No Cost-of-Living Adjustment for 2016

This was disappointing news for our audience. The Consumer Price Index did not rise since the last cost-of-living adjustment in 2015. As a result, Social Security benefit amounts will stay the same in 2016.

  1. Two New Arrivals: Our New Blog and Top Ten Baby Names for 2014

May 8, 2015, was the launch of our blog with the top ten baby names of 2014. Since 1987, Social Security has released the most requested baby names based on requests for Social Security numbers for newborns. In 2014, “Noah” won for the males and “Emma” won for the girls.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Udo D.

    Where can I find detailed information about the SS benefits which will be removed on 1 May 2016?

    • R.F.

      Section 831 of the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2015 eliminates aggressive claiming loopholes related to “deemed” filing and voluntary suspension of benefits. The new law will be implemented on a prospective basis only.
      Our legislative and policy staffs are diligently working with Congress to analyze the intent of the legislation and update our instructions.
      Please check back for updates.

  2. Sheila C.

    Question: I nursed my Dad for nine months before he passed. Does his SS allow me any redress? Who pays for that daytime nighttime service? He was a US Medical doctor…Just wondering?

  3. Eric

    My story, my fight.
    Please take a moment to read & share if you would.

  4. Jody a.

    What’s the deal on the checks getting cut we the disabled are not going to make at all. If you cut the disability checks you might shoot all the disabled people then the ones worked for that money can’t have it not fair cut the veterans benefits also big time

    • John O.

      No one’s checks are being cut.

  5. Frank C.

    I have been paying a penalty of a higher premium on my Medicare part B since I retired in 2007 @ age 67. I was,still employed at 65 obviously. I didnt sign up for part B before I retired because I had health insurance through USA feds. I thought I was,saving the government in not having to insure me for part B until I actually retired. This did not and still does,not seem fair to me. I realise now that rules,are rules but in my case I thought I was,doing the responsible thing by waiting until I retired. It seems like I am being punished for the rest of my life for trying to be honest and responsible. There should be exceptions in cases,like mine, shouldn’t there?


      You need to send your local SSA office a written request for a “premium surcharge rollback” and provide proof that you had 1.)a qualified employer group health plan and 2.) we’re actively employed for those months after attaining age 65….you should pay normal premiums if these two things are true. It might take a few weeks or so for a response. Good luck.

    • John O.

      If you had employer coverage you are not penalized and your penalty would begin when you were no longer working. For example if you retired at age 80 and filed for Medicare at age 86 you’d be penalized for 6 years @ 10% a year.

  6. william k.

    Will someone explain to me what effects that the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 will have on people that is disabled and not at Retirement age. This Act was pass and sign by the President and is to take effect May 1, 2016, I am concerned because i am five years from retirement age and it is said that it will effect all baby boomers!!

    • John O.

      The act as passed has NO effect on disabled workers. It did effect those who are to receive retirement benefits. For instance your spouse can’t file and freeze payments so you can draw as a dependent and then file later on to receive full benefits on your own record..

  7. Norma C.

    I’ve been trying to get my Part B since August 15th 2015.. And to this date I’ve received nothing.. I tried October. Nov. and dec. and I get that an answer that it takes 3 months??? To complete???
    How can I get better results? Is it lack of employees? Or lack of managing– I need Part B for my State retirement… Please expedite this slow procedure???
    N. C. Campos


      It depends, if your enrollment cannot be processed locally due to computer limitations, then your local office must rely on a program service center to process manually. Yes, SSA is very short of staff. It is controlled by the National budget. SSA does a great job considering the volume of people they serve. Try calling the toll free number.

  8. JAMES L.

    I have a question, why is my spouse not entitled to her s/s benefits while she worked for private business, and later was employed by the state of Maine collecting Maine state retirement, where did her money go that she put into s/s before she worked for the state of Maine?

    • Elaine

      Make it your business to learn all you can about your benefits. Look into the Government Offset and the Windfall Elimination provision for Gov’t workers.

  9. Manuel S.


  10. Manuel S.


    • Melanie

      Why is it that people just assume because you are an older person that you no longer can find work or that you have become an idiot. You are all going to get here. So why don’t you start treating people with the respect they deserve. Just because we get old DOES NOT turn us into the idiots people see us as. We get put out to pasture and forgotten about. This new generation has a lot to learn about the older folks. They use to be respected, full of wisdom worth listening to and wise. I love my Granny’s advice and wisdom. Sorry, just can’t stand it when I see an article stating that because you are a certain age it makes you stupid.

      • Eugene

        I your comment, you stated, “so why don’t you start treating people with the respect they deserve.”
        Who is “you”?


        • Don d.

          I have a question if you live in the state of Maine and your are 59 years old and totally disable is there a law saying you have to be on Medicare?

          • J.Y.

            Thanks for your question. You will receive Medicare after you receive disability benefits for 24 months. When you become eligible for disability benefits, we will automatically enroll you in Medicare. We start counting the 24 months from the month you were entitled to receive disability, not the month when you received your first check. For specific questions about your case, and when your Medicare begins, you can call 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and ask a representative to assist you. Hopes this helps.

      • cro

        I agree with you whole heartedly

    • zerundrick g.


      • zerundrick g.

        why didn’t evaluation come on the check this ,I need more income to surrport my travilin,lease,food ,and clothing.

    • Charlotte M.

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