Disability, Retirement, SSI

With the New Year Comes New Changes

November 28, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

3 elderly menMonthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will see a slight increase in 2017.

Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $127,200 from $118,500. Of the estimated 173 million workers who will pay Social Security taxes in 2017, about 12 million will pay more because of the increase in the taxable maximum.

Thresholds for benefits will change slightly next year including the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), SSI Federal Payment Standard, and SSI Student Exclusion.

Information about Medicare changes for 2017 are available at www.Medicare.gov. For some beneficiaries, their Social Security increase may be partially or completely offset by increases in Medicare premiums.

The Social Security Act provides for how the Cost of Living Adjustment is calculated. To read more, please visit www.socialsecurity.gov/cola.

Learn more about the resulting changes at our factsheet on the subject: www.socialsecurity.gov/news/press/factsheets/colafacts2017.pdf.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Ann B.

    Sad. Very hard living on s.s. Or disability. Never did I imagine it would be this hard just to get by, just saying!!! Ann.

    • Jenni

      And, based on an income I received back in ’97! I’m scrounging around for $$ now that my last dependant turned 18, and, although he is disabled and should apply for benefits under my ex’s income, he’s stuck under mine!

    • Camille

      You are so right ann none of us ever imagined getting old would be like this. Seniors are treating terribly

  2. Susan

    I don’t know what world they live in but my medical and drug costs have gone up heck of a lot more than.03%.

    • Chuck

      Yes Susan how true that is,yes we all just got kicked in the xxx,yes thank you our great govermment.

      • GUIDRY


        • Kal

          Why are you always shouting? Is the caps lock key stuck on your keyboard?

  3. Patty

    The saddest part of SS that I can think of is when someone dies their whole monthly check has to be returned by the survivor even though the checks are held back when the person first becomes eligible. It’s the survivor I feel for since they are already going thru enough at that time. Shame on us!

    • Neneplease

      Yes it happen to me when my husband died June 19th. Got July and August payments and it took them till late September to take it out of my checking account. One good thing when I wemt to our local SS office, they sign me up for survivors and I got to retire..

      • Esme

        Your July check was for June (the month your husband sadly passed away) and the August check was for July, hence the return of benefits.

    • Sandy

      Our checks are always a month behind so, no you don’t have to return a check in the month your spouse dies. Ask your bank

      • bettyg


        i did; hubby died 11.13.14; i had to give month of nov. back since he didn’t live until MIDNIGHT NOV. 30.

        • mike

          im sorry for your loss . but you get payed in dec. for nov.

      • R.F.

        Hi Sandy. Please keep in mind that in some instances, the financial institution will automatically return payments upon notification of the beneficiary’s death, but you are right, Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. For example, if the person dies in July, you must return the benefit paid in August.

  4. Jerry

    Give me the Trump Train. Maybe he will feel sorry for all us old-timers. What an increase!!! Won’t even buy a kid a pack of sweets. Congress continually spits in our faces while they enjoy the harvest. Who cares any more? I’ll live til I die. Just might not be all that pleasant.

    • Coni

      Trump train? The Republicans have been in charge of the house and senate…now you have Trump and Ryan who want to cut everything and go to Vouchers. Start flooding your representatives by sending letters, phone calls and social media posts to remind them they work for us, not the other way around.

      • cdg

        Why do you liberals have to lie 24/7?

        • Barbara Q.

          You say the word “liberal” like it is a swear word. Who the hell do you think made it possible for you to get Social Security and Medicare? And which party has been fighting for years to keep it going? If you’re old enough to get SS and Medicare, you should be smart enough to do some research.

          • Angell G.

            Well said ..!!

        • GUIDRY


          • GUIDRY

            ACTION ?

      • Chuck

        Ride on!!!

      • D L.

        If they do anything to Social Security and medicare, there will be a revolution they can’t control and then the people will go to the streets in Washington looking for the Congress that did them in. There is already a Revolution going on in the pentagon. Something big is about to happen.

        • Marc P.

          Yep, and the militarized police and the death of the 1st Amendment courtesy of Mr. Trump will get all those protesters arrested, sprayed with a terrible cannons, shot with rubber bullets, sprayed with tear gas, and injured by concussion grenades, just like the peaceful water protectors at Standing Rock. Welcome to your nightmare, Trumpanzees.

      • mike

        do you really think, theyll listen. there rideing the money train. thats all they care about, not me and you.

      • Dana

        Agree. Trolls counter this truth, even here. (see below.) Nasty nay-sayers are sadistic, and the point is to destroy the social safety net. For less taxes, for the already comfortable.

      • Patti

        I have contacted my Democratic U.S. Senator about this and expressed my concerns. We all need to flood the House and Senate with calls and letters. It is the haves vs. have-nots.

        • susanne b.

          One of the smartest and most logical steps-to-be-taken to rebuild SS and our country to the forum yet!! I totally agree with you, PattiI

    • DrGonzo888

      The REPUBLICAN controlled congress ? SMH

  5. Sally


  6. James

    The United States has been in a very low inflation cycle for several years, the “basket” that makes up the formula for COLA gasoline, food, and consumer durables, all of which have stagnated in pricing. Medicare rates go up based only on medical and drug costs.

    • Chuck

      We the American people just keep on getting ripped off by our govermment.

      • Alfr

        Now you are talking

    • GUIDRY


      • mike

        ya buddy, big pharms and insurance co.

    • Dana

      Please protect our hard won Social Security and Medicare social benefits. We all sleep easier knowing we elders are cared for, not thrown out in the cold to starves, as in the 1930’s. There is a reason for Social Security. We must protect the program, despite the new billionaire class that has inherited this government, temporarily.

    • BGP

      Excuse me, I retired last December, and I am now currently paying $100/month for a drug that I previously only paid $3/month under my employee insurance! That seems to be a little more than the $3/$1K that we are receiving. SMH

      • susanne b.

        I hear you, BGP! I had to change from UH Plan 3 (HMO) and my dr visits went to $5 for pcp and $20 for specialists. That was good until I learned my prescriptions went from $1.20 a month to $95.00 per month or $145.00 per month!!!! I really got screwed until I worked with all my dr.’s found alternatives at $8.00 per month!!!! BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!

    • Esme

      James, gas has gone down considerable, but is now on the rise. Food prices and consumer durables however, have gone sky high. I’m sure I’m not the only person who has seen a big difference in my buying power.

  7. ben

    You’ll get a small (0.03) increase which they’ll take away it and more to cover your increased monthly medicare payment.

    • cdg

      Actually, according to law, the medicare premium is NOT increased more than the SS benefit. So you may see no increase because of Medicare, but you won’t receive less

      • R.F.

        You’re right, should there be an increase in the Medicare Part B premium, the law contains a “hold harmless” provision that protects approximately 70 percent of Social Security beneficiaries from paying a higher Part B premium, in order to avoid reducing their net Social Security benefit. In addition, beneficiaries who have their Medicare Part B premiums paid by state medical assistance programs will see no change in their Social Security benefit. The state will be required to pay any Medicare Part B premium increase.

        • Todd B.

          I guess I am in that 30 percent. 2015 Part. B was $104.90, 2016 was $121 and 2017 will be $134. Benefit keeps going down.

        • PW

          This does not include Medicare Part D increases. If you want the same drug coverage as last year, you will have to pay an increase in Medicare D premiums that exceed the SS COLA.

        • AnaMaria O.

          Mr. Ramirez,
          What about Part A is it increasing the premium? which one (A or B) is paid by SS?

          • R.F.

            Hi! Medicare Part A is hospital insurance. Most people do not have to pay for Part A. Individuals are eligible for Medicare Part A based on their work records or on their spouse’s work records. Part B is medical insurance. Most people pay monthly for Part B. For general information about Medicare go to http://www.ssa.gov/disabilityresearch/wi/medicare.htm. For information on Medicare Premiums for Part A & Part B click here.

    • Chuck

      May be we need to protest our govermment they got a 25% or a30% rase and we get 0.03 percent rase how nice that is!!!

      • Kal

        Not 0.03 percent but 3 percent.
        0.03 is the fractional representation of “3 percent”

        • bill

          NOT 3%%=I get a $5.00 raise and my Medicare goes up $4.50.Should I put the 50 cents in mutual funds?

          • Fran

            Lucky you!! I got a $3 raise and the cost of my Medicare Monthly payment went up $10. I’m now gonna be $7 deeper in debt each month.
            All the Government needs to do is make everybody pay their fair share & we wouldn’t be having these problems.

        • Richard J.

          Neither answer is correct. It is .3%, for which the decimal equivalent is .003.

          • Kal

            You are right. It is 0.3%.
            That works out to $3.00 for every $1,000.00 of benefit.

          • Cindy B.

            What difference does it make if it’s 0.03, 3%, or whatever? It’s an insult at the little they DO pay us!

          • Fran

            $3…what a joke, when they raised my monthly Medicare cost by $10. ??

      • Wiselady

        That’s why Trump got elected– a massive protest of the goverment establishment by the greatest generation!

        • Trish

          Agreed!! Hillary wanted to bring in up to a half a million refugees…when we have our greatest generation starving?? What the hell???? My question to her was, who is going to support these people?? If you can’t take care of your own…you have no business bringing in more mouths to feed!!

      • mike

        we need to take our government back. but people wont rise to the fact it needs to happen. soon. while were still alive

      • Dana

        Erasure of Medicare with new appointees. We are going to need everyone here and more to let representatives know we will not starve and die to please cost cutters..

      • DrGonzo888

        Chuck, what government employees got a 25-30% raise, please cite the positions and state locations as I would like to know.

    • GUIDRY


      • mike

        it wasnt hilary

  8. Joan C.

    I’ve seen food prices triple during a year where we received no COLA. It’s getting especially hard to find meat at a decent price.

    • D L.

      I had a protein deficiency because i couldn’t afford meat. The Hospital bill to medicare was $64,000.00. If I got an increase in COLA the last 4 years where i could afford meat, this wouldn’t have happened. I wonder how many more are in the same boat as i am.

      • GUIDRY


        • mike

          must be a clinton fane

          • DrGonzo888

            What does fandom have to do with any of this ? They are making a point that they need to complain to the people that can possibly change it. Your views are uncalled for.

          • Jane

            Yup! I agree!

      • linda j.

        Don’t feel alone! I was in hospital for malnutrition. Can only afford to eat one small meal a day sometimes no meal!!

      • josey

        that’s because they want you to eat beans for your protein. save the meat for them. lol

      • Jane

        D Lynch…Not to worry as far as meat as the main source of protein in a diet.
        There are many other sources of protein that should be part of a daily diet…and can replace the need for meat.
        For health reasons…I do not eat meat…Lequmes (beans), and many vegetables are excellent sources of protein.
        Eggs are an excellent source of protein also. And contrary to what many of us have believed for sooo long regarding rais ing cholesterol…..that is untrue.
        Many doctors, including Holistic and Cardiologist are now confirming that eggs do not cause heart problems….based on current research.
        Social Security (COLA) needs to be increased for sure.
        Contact your local state representatives let them know what you want….remind them as a voter you have leverage. Encourage everyone you know to do this too. If our representives want our vote…we expect them to work for it…let them know that.
        Whining to each other does nothing…Taking action makes change.

        • Jane

          Just an afterthought on my previous post…it’s been overall confirmed that eating a daily diet that is anti-inflammatory (Meditteranian diet: vegetables, fruits, nut, grains, fish, eggs and moderate amounts of cheeses.)
          Meat is a real no,no when it comes to optimum good health.
          Hope this info may help.

  9. Jack C.

    Will we see an increase in SS this year.Its been awhile since we had a cost of living increase,and Medicare continues to go up?

    • JILL

      Thank you, Jack Colando, that little nugget of information was conveniently withheld by SSA. What else can we expect to be surprised by?
      Typical governmental bureaucracy!
      Why can’t we just have the complete TRUTH?J

      • Bob W.

        they have never been trained to simplify their words. That’s a skill that not even insurance companies have a hard time mastering even though Federal Law demands that they do. Unfortunately, Congress exempted its own from simplifying their words. Now you know why most of those serving in Congress are life time employees – they no longer have the ability to get real jobs.

    • Josh

      No, but next year there will be a COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustment.) of +3%.

      • Jesse

        the cola is .03% not 3% not enough to buy a loaf of bread SAD

        • Bill

          and if our MEDICARE payment goes up, our COLA is erased.

        • K S.


          • Ray

            For all of those complaining about a 0.03% increase, please remember. Politicians know which side their bread is buttered on, and it isn’t by the working man, nor the person who worked hard, paid their taxes and retired- no, it’s the free loaders who vote to keep them in office. And the illegals! Now you know why politicians won’t give you a living increase.

      • Ski

        That’s 0.3% not 3%

        • Kal

          You are the only one with the correct answer. Yes, it is 0.3%
          A whopping $3.00 increase per $1,000 benefit

          • Tom

            I guess that means I’ll have to put off my Mercedes purchase for another year

          • Shirley

            This really sadden me beyond words………….Lord Help

          • Lucy

            And if you get 999.00 a month its nothing lol. What a joke.

          • Supercat111

            How much did are great senate
            Tom C and all the rest them
            Ah’s vote their increase to be.?

        • Bill

          The people in Gov.
          Make out good why the rest. Of dont same on this Gov they treat us like second hand people

          • Wiselady

            In Communist countries, only Communist Party members get cushy goverment jobs. Hope Trump can beat the govt unions so all Americans get treated fairly.

          • mike

            we are worse then second hand, we are slaves to the rich. i dont know any poor gov. employees. that is washington d c ,employees

    • Mary A.

      Oh yes .3% which will be about $3.00. What a slap in the face

      • DrGonzo888

        Wiselady : what impact do unions have, which are for working class government employees (ie. @ 30K/Year), have to do with Congress passing the laws governing the COLA ?

        Do you think they are stealing your COLA ? That’s insane and uneducated.

      • Frank

        you people ask for the slap. Did any of you depend an explication to HILLARY CLINTON OR DONALD TRUMP WHEN THEY WERE CAMPAIGN? NO. LISTEN TO THE TUBE ALL DAYS. DID THE TUBE EVER DISCUSS IT? NO, SO

    • R.F.

      Hi Jack. Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 65 million Americans will increase 0.3 percent in 2017. You can find details about the new COLA at http://www.socialsecurity.gov/cola.

      • Suzanne B.

        Hi ssa
        My email is Tabbycalio11@gmail.com
        I did called untius bank told me dont pending depoist checking dec 1 checking ss forget my dec 2 my ss calendar 2016 ….i dont get my ss check dont pending depoist untius bank today wont get my ss …i must important rent apt and billing emergency me…dont late rent apt by dec 3 must rent apt dec 3…cant late apt will cost my apt…please depoist untius bank important my ss check where email me is tabbycalio11@gmail.com from Suzanne Bowyer

    • Paula F.

      The cost of living adjustment never even covers the increases in Medicare, much less the real cost of living. We are continuing to go backward!

  10. Tom

    Before you post that SSA has determined an unfair COLA amount, keep in mind that Congress not only determines the formula, but delegates the Bureau of Labor Statistics to collect the data upon which the formula is applied. To complain effectively, one should direct complaints to your elected federal officials in the House and/or the Senate. The folks you elected to office are the only ones who can change the formula or the designated data that is collected. However, keep in mind there has been periodic debate in Congress to switch to another formula that more often than not would play out even more unfavorably. Be careful what you wish for!

    • Desai M.

      It is unfare on the the part of State of New Jersey to stop the COLA as the Retirees & Pensioniors benefit since the year 2011 which NJ State Govt. is supposed to pay to the eligible pensioners & Retirees . This needs to be reinstated as soon as possible.

      • Vince

        But governor Christie needs a new car.

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