COVID-19, General

Update on Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Beneficiaries

May 22, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Beginning today, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will issue Economic Impact Payments (EIP) to approximately 1.4 million SSI recipients with representative payees and 10.4 million Social Security beneficiaries with representative payees.

The IRS will issue the EIPs via direct deposit and Direct Express starting today, May 22, to the same direct deposit account or Direct Express card as the recipient’s monthly Social Security or SSI payment. Paper check EIPs will be mailed starting May 27.

Visit our website to learn about EIPs and representative payees. You can find the eligibility requirements and other information about the EIPs at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Wanda B.

    So I was claimed behind my back and there is nothing I can do about it

  2. Nhora F.

    As of today I have not received my Economic Impact payment.

    • V.V.

      Hi Nhora, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. If you are unable to find the answer, call the IRS hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

  3. Judy C.

    i am disabled and have not gotten my stimulas ck yet can u please tell me why

  4. Richard I.

    I think it’s all bullshit and these web address only run u around and around in a circle

  5. Del

    Y’all lie so much rep payees should see stimulus by now haven’t heard nothing ??

  6. Sally E.

    When will SSA offices be open to allow me to register for medicare and reset my SSA online account.

    • V.V.

      Thanks for using our blog, Sally. Our offices remain closed to the public for face-to-face service. We are still able to provide critical services via phone, fax and online. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page for details on how to retrieve or change your username or password and how to sign up for Medicare. Hopefully this is helpful!

    • Foxgm

      Social Security offices need to open. All of you employees have had a long enough vacation. It is a little funny how the government is opening up the country, but none of the government agency’s are opening. I’m sick of seeing the peoples tax dollars paying for government employees vacation time. Open offices, put up partitions and wear mask and all other CDC suggestions, just like the government is telling everyone else to do.

  7. Bonnie H.

    I have been unable to work as of February 2019, I have been living off my 401 but it’s almost gone due to medical reason and age I can not return to work, I’m 63 have COPD and a Pacemaker and I pass out due to my Cardio Syncope. With all of this going on I was denied my Disability. There is no treatment it only gets worse over time. I need help my 401 is running out and I do not have a descent medical insurance that helps to pay my medical bill.
    I hope you can help me
    Thank you
    Bonnie Hoover

    • V.V.

      Bonnie, we are sorry to hear about your disability. If you were recently denied, you can appeal the decision online if you are within 60 days of receiving the decision. You can provide additional evidence when you file the appeal.

      If you need help filing an appeal, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  8. Mellainie M.

    Husband has not yet received stimulas payment. SSDI stated it would be on my direct account and never got anything for him just my 1200? where’s his chevk

    • V.V.

      Hi Mellainie, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. If you are unable to find the answer, call the IRS hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

    • Peter

      May-be it was his and not yours ?

  9. Jess

    No second checks will happen. Senate is dicking around to show the economy is doing better and the people don’t need it. I cant wait for this virus to spread like wildfire all over again, and then what? Then the government will be totally screwed. How stupid of them.

    • joann s.

      I totally agree with you !!!!!

    • Gigitx

      Most people are praying the virus does not spread. You would rather see people die just to recieve 1200. You sound really selfish.

    • Peter

      Hello jess, i got that stimulus ck,. From checking ( get my payment ) site, and i still have it ! Came on direct express card,. As for # 2 ! You never know with theses people who think they run this country right, trump losing favoritism he may want to give in hopes for re election so he can brag what he done,.

    • Peter

      Jess up here northeast that virus is declining, because everyone has to wear a mask, can’t go in any stores without one on ! And we people care about this virus we doing our part in distances those who roam freely without a mask are the ones who become sick !! There will be another stimulus ck. But i would think it will be slightly different , people on social security should not get one , our check’s didn’t stop , food did increase tho , but then snap benefits should increase much much more for awhile, unemployment should be around 300.00 more and no higher, if we can live on s.s. month 2 month, then so can the others too in unemployment Some people need down size the things in life just as poor people have done, but then again no one will do it,. Its always is ( i want this or i want that ) welcome to the real world of not having,! !!!

  10. Leonard P.

    I have been out of work since May 21, 2020. I have been filling for Unemployment since and received nothing. On line it shows 197.00 per week. I believe I am also entitled to the 600.00 per week, Again NOTHING arrived.

    • V.V.

      Hi Leonard. We are unable to answer questions about unemployment insurance as each state administers its own program. Learn more here.

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