Online Services

Three Online Social Security Musts

August 4, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

Profile of elderly man sitting at table typing on laptopIt’s never been easier to do business with us online. Often there is no need to call or visit an office. Here are three webpages that can make your life easier:

  • Create Your Personal my Social Security Account. Did you know you already have access to much of your Social Security information? All you need to do is create or sign in to your personal my Social Security account. You can verify your earnings, get future benefit estimates, instantly get a benefit verification letter, and more, with your own personal my Social Security account.
  • File for Your Retirement Online. Planning for retirement? Or looking to retire now? You can complete and submit your online application for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes on our Retirement Benefits page.
  • Stay Informed! Need more information about our programs? There’s a publication for that. Visit our publication library online (including audio versions) to learn more about our programs.

Our online resources don’t end there. If you didn’t see what you need in the list above, visit our Online Services page. Please share these pages with your friends and family.

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Linda

    I have not received ssa-1099 for 2022

    • A.C.

      Hi, Linda. Thanks for your comment. The SSA-1099 is mailed by January 31 each year. If for any reason you do not receive your SSA-1099 in the mail by then, starting on February 1, 2023, you can request a replacement SSA-1099/1042S for Tax Year 2022 by visiting your personal my Social Security account. We hope this helps.

      • John G.

        Problem is, “We’re sorry, but the online service you requested isn’t available right now. We apologize for the inconvenience.” It is now 7:18AM Eastern Time. Fix it please

  2. Diane P.

    I already receive SS but was working part time. I have now totally retired! Do I need to report that to SS? Will it change my benefits?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Diane. Thanks for your question. If you’re working, we usually ask you to estimate your earnings for the year. If later you realize your earnings will be higher or lower than you estimated, let us know as soon as possible so we can adjust your benefits. See the section titled, “Working and getting Social Security at the same time” in our publication,  What You Need to Know When You Get Retirement or Survivors Benefits, for help in making accurate estimates. We hope this helps.

  3. Mike

    Our checking account was compromised and the bank was required to change our account number only. Our routing number is the same. Our monthly direct deposit is scheduled in two weeks. Is there a way we can get that direct deposit on time?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Mike. Thanks for visiting our blog. If you are receiving Social Security retirement or disability, you can create a personal my Social Security account to change your address online. If you are receiving Supplemental Security Income, you should contact your local Social Security office immediately. To verify the the effective date of the change, you can contact your local office. We hope this helps.

  4. Tom G.

    I am completely in a quandary. I am 74 years old and receive Social Security. For the last 10 years I was a caregiver for my sister in law with advanced Alzheimer’s. She just recently past away and I was told I had to leave the house. I have become financially and health compromised. I have 3 terminal diseases and many other health problems. I need help. I contacted SSI for assistance but they said I’m over the cap to receive. They never asked about my health or my homeless situation pending. My SS benefit is 1447 before deductions and the $255 I pay for supplemental coverage. I am by myself and definitely need a caseworker to help me with obtaining benefits. Please help!

  5. Luis R.

    Hi my name is Luis Roberto Lugo Quijano & due to the fact that I suffer from severe chronic pain. I had to apply for this help as a human being no joke it’s not ez to have got my self caught up I think on the hands of people that need mental health at the hospitals, on the Str etc. Now the lawyers that went to court with me I never assigned them to be the payee of my personal benefits. I wish them the best in life you don’t take a person that’s hurt to get Federal confirmation from a very tough reality wich is to live sick. Then as a lawyer a assessment had to been done to notify me the judge desition also to mention the past jobs of mine. I was left with a devastating hurt specially all I’ve been going staying in the str in pain no money, not been able to recover well, they did surgical procedures on my head without my consent. Then I was told that they did a fraud I guess claiming a bunch of law suits on my name from all the none professional housing services, medicals & others. On the wich I got not a dime only pain, suffering, a social anxiety from all this attention I do not need from having the City’s people lleling day & night it’s something I do not wish it to no one to be put to live EVER no one should feel like this. Weird?

  6. Cheryl W.

    I am unable to sign into my online SS account. There is only a vague notice saying “Online Service Not Available
    We’re sorry, but the online service you requested isn’t available right now. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Please return to the Social Security Online home page.”
    We are in Medicare Open Enrollment now and need access. Why is there no reason given or date when these services will be available again? It seems short-sighted not to say why and when they will be available again. I imagine your phone lines and offices will be overloaded with calls from frustrated people needing this information.

  7. RAMONA S.

    My Social Security starts in October with the first direct deposit occurring the 4th Wednesday in November. Medicare starts October 1st, but I have not received a bill and do not want to be past due on my part B premium. I was told I would get a bill in September for the October premium and I would continue to get billed until I started getting Social Security payments at which point the premium would be deducted from my direct deposit. It is September 26th and I have not received a bill and have not paid my October premium yet. I’ve been bounced back and forth between Social Security and Medicare and I can’t get an answer to when I will be billed and how I pay my first few premiums until they start being deducted from my Social Security direct deposit. Please answer if you can. Thank you.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Ramona. Thanks for visiting our blog. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak to a supervisor on your next visit or call. We hope this is resolved soon. 

  8. Jeffrey S.

    I have sought access to My Social Security online for several YEARS without success. I live in France. As a result of not having a US zip code or a US phone number my information is not recognised by the SS site. Social Security has my correct (non-US) address as well as a US address (my sister) that I have furnished. I have tried to access the site via “” but an activation code is required. At one point, after I phoned in my difficulty, SS promised to send an activation code to my sister’s address in the US but it never did. I have an authenticator app (Authenticator). All to no avail. I need step-by-step help to access (or create) a My Social Security account.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Jeffrey. We are sorry to hear that. Since you are living outside of the U.S., please contact your local Federal Benefits Unit for any assistance related to Social Security benefits. Also, our Office of International Operations home page provides more information to assist our customers living abroad. We hope this helps.

    • Joy J.

      This is my situation exactly. I live in Paris and have found the Federal Benefits Unit at the American Embassy to not be very responsive. Have you found a solution? If so, I would appreciate knowing how you solved this. Kind regards,

  9. lawod

    I have set up an account with to specifically use website, however I have not received an activation code. I keep following prompts and checking that I do not have a code yet, but it keeps taking me in circles. What am I missing? Does this code come by mail vs email/text? Lawod

    • A.C.

      Hi, Iawod. Thanks for visiiting our blog. The contact center will assist you through the proofing flow only i.e. to help create, sign in and manage your account. This is done only through their online web support page ( where you can submit your questions/concerns. Though you can submit your questions at any time,’s customer support operating hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) and it could take up to two business days for their customer support agents to respond to inquiries. We hope this helps. 

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