Disability, SSI

There’s Plenty You Should Know About Social Security Disability Benefits!

January 19, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

woman in wheelchair in library Life is unpredictable. When something interrupts your plans, it’s good to know there’s a way to supplement your income, in case of an unexpected life event.

Social Security has a strict definition of disability based on your inability to work and provide for yourself and your family. Disability benefits are available only to people with impairments so severe that they prevent any kind of significant, profitable work. Social Security pays only for total disability. No benefits are payable for partial disability or for short-term disability.

We pay disability via two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program, for people who have worked and paid Social Security taxes long enough to be eligible, and the Supplemental Security Income program, which pays benefits based on financial need.

When you apply for either program, we will collect medical and other information from you. Our disability examiners will make a decision about whether or not you can do work that you did before, adjust to other work because of your medical condition, and if your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or is likely to result in death.

Certain factors may speed or delay the decision in your case, like the nature of your disability and how quickly we can get your medical records. We may also need to send you for an additional medical examination at no cost to you.

If you would like to apply for disability benefits, you can use our online application. It has several advantages, including immediately starting the process, no waiting to get an appointment, and no trip to a Social Security Office. It’s easy, convenient, and secure.

You can find out everything there is to know about disability benefits online.


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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Richard

    I filed and was granted SSD, I recived my first check in September, I was told By the SSD office by phone I should receive my back pay perhaps before my next check, it is now January 19th and still have not received it, When I call Social Security they all tell me it takes 60 to 90 days…Hmmm?
    What is the hold up? I keep telling these bill collectors 30 more dsys, I’m fixing to start Loosing everything? ?

    • Juan F.

      How long did your case take to be resolved and even though your waiting on the retro pay from when you first applied

    • R.F.

      We apologize for the delay and inconveniences you are experiencing Richard. Unfortunately, but for your security, we do not have access to personal records in this blog. Please continue working with your local office. You should be allowed to speak with the manager to see how we can help to expedite resolution of your situation. If you are unable to visit the local office, you can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Generally, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week.

  2. CV

    CV: I am totally disabled and have been for about 5 years now. At one point the doctor told me he didn’t except me to live more than two weeks. They have no idea what is wrong with me. The only thing that still works well for me is my hands and at times they go numb. I am a wreck to say the least. I have collected SSDI the whole time until I turn 65 then they put me on SS with Medicare. If the full retirement age is 70 why would they put me on SS and not leave me on SSDI until I am 70 years old? My husband is partial disabled but goes to the VA and gets benefits and is now retired and gets SS. Without his income and even with it we just barely get by. President-elect Trump will end Obama care but Paul Ryan says his plan is better and wants to do away with Medicare and SS. What he will replace it with I have no idea but worries me.

    • Disabled W.

      Get a gun and ,do what you gotta do ,,, as Trump would

    • Susan C.

      FRA full retirement age is 66, 66 and 3 months for some, not age 70. Some wait until age 70 to get better benefits.

      • CV

        Susan I couldn’t wait. I am totally disabled and have been for at least 5 years or more. Had I not gotten Social Security Disability we could not have made it. I didn’t change to SS THEY switched me to SS at age 65 and I don’t understand why. Why didn’t they wait until I was 66 like you say?

        • R.F.

          Social Security disability benefits automatically change to retirement benefits when disability beneficiaries attain their full retirement age.
          For your security, we do not have access to personal information via this blog. We suggest contacting our toll free telephone number at 1-800-772-1213 and speaking to one of our representatives for specific concerns about your situation. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thanks!

      • R.F.

        Full retirement age is 66 and two months for people born 01/02/1955 through 01/01/1956. They are eligible to receive permanently reduced retirement benefits when they turn 62 in 2017.

    • james h.

      You get paid simply because your hands go numb? Good grief

  3. Dina P.

    I would like to know who to contact on the facts that my application date was CROSSED OUT by the CR & postdated to the next year and that i WAS NOT GIVEN SSDI benefits. I was given SSI benefits and the employer stated on a form filled out by the SSA that the insurance adjuster for the employer would give me x amount per month and never did, this resulting in lower benefits by the SSA. This all comes out of th SSA paperwork I do have and I have been trying to get this resolved through the SSA with nothing more than blatant lies and obstacles. It would be great to get this fixed through the SSA right away as I’ve been getting far too low of my SSA monthly benefits for quite some time. I don’t want to think that this was set up this way but it’s looking as such by folks that work in the SSA.
    Sincerely. DJ.Padilla

    • John

      Send a letter to your Congressman, maybe he can make sense out of what you are saying. SSI payments are not based upon what an insurance adjuster fails to do. Good luck.

    • Hope F.

      Padilla, what do you mean your application date was crossed out ?

      SSA decides when you became disabled based on your medical records and non medical evidence. When was the last time your worked or paid into Social Security.
      If your Established Onset Date is not before your Date Last Insured, you are not eligible for SSDI. What was your Established Onset Date and your Date Last Insured ? You must have worked and paid into Social Security at least five out of the past 10 years before your Established Onset Date to be eligible for SSDI.

  4. Mary M.

    It is true, some people who are truly disabled, are pass on. I have seen it for myself. My daughter is BIPOLAR. I HAVE TRIED 4 times. To fet her on ssi. They give sorry reasons why not. Like she went to the prom. And she had baby sat one time for friend with who had a son the same age as my daughter. My daughter was their to play with the little sister. We had her in girl scouts from dasieys to, borines. Than seniors. She has not one friend. , from All that time. The same School District. No Friends at all. SHE HAS EVEL THOUGHTS. With MENTAL HEALTH You can not see it. So it is not their…

    • Inquiring M.

      Let’s get this straight, who is the one who is bi-polar, you or your daughter?

      • Mike H.

        Lol he just has grammar issues inquiry minds

        • Barbie

          We’re so happy to hear that, Ralph! We hope yo8l;u217#&l never have to use the red button, but we’re glad you have been able to take advantage of Roadside Assistance when needed. How long have you been an OnStar subscriber? – Lisa

      • Dawn

        Why do you have to be so hateful? It’s NOT funny.

        • Alicia

          Right it’s not funny. I went through a lot to get my disability benefits. I’m now 55 I had my aorta and fermoral arteries replaced with artificial ones. Less than a yr later I had a brain bleed in my sleep.Then I was diagnosed with pseudo tumor celebri. Which is too much fluid in the brain cavity. That is causing my optic nerve to swell. I see an eye doctor twice a yr. To keep an eye on my eyesight. Bulging herniated disc, arthritis, diabetes melitis, I have no feeling in part of my feet and legs that cause me to fall a lot. That one of my falls i landed on my face chipped some teeth that got shoved up my jaw and to my right side of my mouth. No dental insurance. That i also banged up my knees pretty bad.I have a very hard time walking. I have restless leg syndrome, aortic valve needs to be repaired,high blood pressure, among other things .I worked 35 yrs of my life. With enough medical information the process is a lot easier. I’m not saying it wasnt a struggle. Believe me I got mistreated because I didn’t look disabled. Fought long and hard. Denied 2 or 3 times. Got an attorney and appealed it. Law judge was very kind. My attorney was excellent. The system has so many people on disability it takes time. My advice is don’t give up. I have so my issues it’s unreal. But my attorney collected lots of medical documentation. I’m lucky to be alive. I thank God for that. Don’t give up. Thank you SSA. For all you’ve done for me.

          • R.F.

            Thank you for sharing Alicia!

    • Mike H.

      One thing i have noticed if you have a reputable lawyer you get it faster i used David Thouresh out of Pocahontas Arkansas South west Mo he’s an awesome lawyer indeed .

    • james h.

      bipolar is a scam, we all have “good days and bad day”
      Give us a freaking break with this imagined illness.
      Just as fake as some REMF claiming PTSD because the mess hall runs out of chocolate sprinkles.

      • Marc

        Says the highly educated and experienced medical doctor with hundreds of years of physical and chemical science to back his ludicrous statement…troll. No, that’s not accurate…ignorant, hateful troll.

  5. Therese R.

    I have had 5 surgeries, 2 back 2 neck and bladder…I never tried for SSD until I was unable to clean homes anymore,I always had pain, but at 50 I was done..I got denied twice..I know several people that never had any surgeries , that got approved right away…one girl, that was teaching gymnastics, got it for having a bad back..Her sister is getting it because she took Xanax and oxycontin, and got a dui…somehow they said she suffered seizures (not taking pills) and she got it right away…It’s disgusting how SSD works…If you get a good lawyer your in, if you fake your in, if your honest and really disabled your screwed….I am praying that this turns around soon….

    • Juan F.

      Totally agree those scam artists get bebefits with no difficulty but folks like myself who have worked for these benefits and need them for everyday life are denied so sad and frustrating. Things need to change.

      • D.H. F.

        That is false. Take some time to learn what is actually required to apply and qualify for disability benefits. One is required to provide medical verification, not only of a disability, but of the fact that the disability is so severe as to make gainful employment impossible.

        • Mike H.

          I agree its rather hard to recieve benefits theres alot that has to be done to get any benefits i feel sad when people say they’ve been trying for years and are in worse shape than i am i feel guilty i fell off my lawn mower in 2011 went to doctor they treated me for pulled mussel for 3 weeks and it never got any better so doc sent me to get an MRI a week later doc comes in looks at the floor and says im sorry to tell you but you have some issues that are going to take more to get over than just a few mussel relaxers i went to a pain clinic recied 2 epidural injections started on hydrocodone 3 up to ten mg in a years time which never helped with pain i filed for disability in that same year month after my 2nd injection nov 2011 i had a heart attack they put two stents in i was in recovery when ss office called and did my interview over the phone she tried to get me to reschedule i said no im ok lets get this over with so she interviewed me ,then they had a case worker call me ever so often over the next 4 months asking questions and asking for forms from doctors i had seen on my back the pain clinic said i had a misalignment in my lower spine from l5 to l2 my spine pushed forward said i didn’t need to pick up more than a gallon of milk jan 2012 another heart attack and another stent placement by February 2012 i was notified that i was approved for ssd i had worked 23 years i was so frustrated to see that i was only intittled to draw 927 a month my children i thought would each draw half of what i was drawing wrong she said your family benefit is 1300 so you get 927 and they get 126 each i said to the case worker well thats not enough to live on but its better than nothing then she explained that if i hadn’t mentioned my kids that 927 would be all that would be allowed i said even after paying in for 23 years she said yes so all you people trying to get disability even if its fraudulently you best if possible keep working now all thats left is my son and he has one year left in school and his benefit will end and now i have medicare premiums and humana insurance my benefits are 870, i just went through open heart surgery and im taking 27 different medications im up to 100mg morphine twice daily and 7.5mg oxycodone for continuous break through pain 2x daily baclofen for mussel spasams been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes i have diabetic neuropathy in legs feet and hands im 52 any one wanna trade places with me open heart surgery is the worst thing to try and get over i would just a soon die than go through that ever again if i have choice and dont die if i have another attack im not do surgery if they cant do a stent im not doing it no way no sir ree.

          • mary

            you spelled muscle wrong on several occasions in your story, It is muscle and mussel; if you are filing a case without an an attorneys help, no wonder you are denied. Learn to spell important words like muscle correctly.

          • Mitch

            This should be a help site for social security not bash someone’s character shame on all of you bash hrads

    • D.H. F.

      The majority of first applications are rejected, actually. Contrary to what the public were led to believe, the application process is very long and difficult.

    • Betty S.

      Therese Rogers, I agree with you 100%. I truly hope they fix the system soon. I know people who are severely disabled and cannot get disability, but fake it and pretend to be mental or whatever and they get first try. Very sad.

    • Hope F.

      Therese Rogers, you have no way of knowing what someone’s medical records state unless you read them. You also have no way of knowing what someone was approved for and why unless you know SSA Laws and how they are applied.

  6. Hospitals &.

    To achieve the goal of ending poverty by 2020 I have a duty to twitter the President of the United States to be nominated candidate for both the Offices of White House Budget Director and Commissioner of Social Security to earn a $50-$110 billion federal surplus FY 2018 under the Economic Laws in Chapter 6 of CHANGE, Art. 2 Sec. 2 of the US Constitution and Sec. 24 To WHOMB of the Social Security Amendments.

    The IRS Commissioner is asked to produce for circulation to the public (1) 2.4% DI 10.0% OASI tax rate 2017 and 2.2% DI 10.2% OASI tax rate in 2018 legible on pay-stubs (2) IRS 1040 forms with a row for UN Contribution: 1-2% of income suggested donation and (3) Information to taxpayers of the status of the 12.4% OASDI tax on all income to end poverty by 2020, and pay 16-24 million poor children a $755 SSI benefit 2017. The SSA Commissioner is asked (a) to publish an annual report on the operations of the OASDI and SSI programs and (b) pay a 3% COLA, (c) make orphan and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) diagnosis qualifying disability for $777 mo. SSI (2018) and SSDI. (d) One fiscal quarter after the OASDI tax on the rich goes into effect SSA, hospitals and schools will begin paying 16-24 million poor children $755 mo. SSI in 2017 with a 3% COLA, $735 without. By 2020 all 50 million poor people will receive new social security benefits.

    Sanders, Tony J. Social Security Amendments; White House Office of Management and Budget FY 2018 and 2017 Second Annual Summer Solstice Instructions to the Board of Trustees of the Old Age Survivor Disability Insurance Trust Funds and Supplemental Security Income Program. Hospitals & Asylums HA-1-1-17 http://www.title24uscode.org/ss2017.doc pg. 223 as edited

    • AKA

      Welcome back, I missed your unintelligible incoherent ramblings. I hear your mother calling you for lunch.

      • tony

        You know this person uses different names and it is the same person typing the same nonsense.

    • tony

      Don’t open this document. Never open a link with .doc from any source you don’t know. It could be a virus. It ask you to open up an application which would open a back door to hack into your computer.

      • tony

        Writing a bunch of gibberish get an unexpected fool to open the document to try to understand what the person is saying. It is an old scam, but a sucker is born ever minute.

    • D.H. F.

      You lost me, but the important point is, there has been no interest in ending poverty in the US. The US shut down, shipped out a huge number of jobs since the 1980s, ended actual welfare aid in the 1990s. The overall life expectancy of the US poor has fallen below that of any other developed nation, yet there are no calls for restoring basic poverty relief. That’s just the way things are.

  7. Ray


    If an individual who is truly disabled social security will deny your claim. From what i seen on youtube individuals who put in fraudulent claims are approved. For myself i applied foe social security disability after i was hit by a car at 40 mph and left me wirh 6 screws in my neck. My claim denied. I was hit again on the freeway with left me with occupidental naulgeria and herniated disc in my T6 and T7 of my spinal cord.claim denied. At least when i go back to work i got my medical marijuana candy i just love the chocolate covered cherries they do the job and i do smoke which i would do on the job would care i would suffer at no expense oe take hydrocodone. I have a family to support and social security does care on the individual who are truly disabled in my opinion.

    • Debra V.

      Your comment doesn’t make sense. You repeatedly say that you were unable to get SSD, yet in your last sentence, you state that SS does care about the individual who is truly disabled.
      Which is it?

      • Joan

        It’s a typo you idiot.

      • Juan F.

        No doubt what is she talking about.

        • Disabled W.

          If you are truly disabled you will be approved immediately. Period

          • MitchMitch

            Not true nothing automatic about ssi ss or ssdi

          • tigger

            Bull..I was injured on the job..broke my spine into..2 10 inch titanium rods in my back, called Harrington rods, same device used for people with scoliosis, 2 plates and 11 2-3/4 inch screws. This happened August 2011, was denied from the gitgo. Took me till Sept. 2012 to be approved. What puzzles me is why do my neighbors on either side of me receive the same benefits as I, and they have never worked a day in their lives. Both of them able bodied. I had worked since I was 14, started paying into Social Security at age 16, was injured at age 49, and these two yahoos get the same pay as me. Crazy!!!

      • Mike H.

        She meant to say doesn’t care for those truly disabled thease stories i see here are so sad it’s hard for me to understand how the system cant see or should i say administrator’s cant see who is truly disabled if an mri is performed you cant fake a misalignment in an individual’s spine or disc bulge bones mistrued they are rolling dice with there eyes wide shutt and a lot of truly disabled people are falling through the cracks is so sad .

        • michelle

          To those who have applied continue appealing the claims when your denied. Do not give up. Also find a Disability Attorney to represent.you this seems to.help your case having an Attorney. It took 3 years before I was approved. You have to be very patient with social Security and at the same time place calls to them to check on your claim. GOOD LUCK TO.ALL!!

          • Summer

            Not true about “everyone” being denied the first time. I was approved the first time with no attorney. This is a misconception. That being said, I’d give anything to be able to work full-time again. I miss the camaraderie, sense of purpose and those glory days with little pain. It’s sad how many folks drop off the radar when you’re not part of the majority any longer…makes for a depressing lonely life. I won’t give up hope though and am extremely grateful for the help from SSDI. Best of luck to all of you who are having to wait for what feels like an eternity!

        • Cop

          Thank you very much for your comment.. I’ve been trying for two years to get my disability I got denied so now I have an attorney helping me. Everyone gets denied the first time sometimes you have to keep applying until your approved is what my attorney has told me. There’s cases people being denied several times before getting ss or disability. And could take up to five years.

      • CC B.

        I find it very odd that she was injured on a highway not once, but twice……
        What are the odds?????
        I feel for her, having said that?????

        • Jennifer

          I was in two car accidents, one on July 13, 2004 just after 7pm in the rain and again July 11, 2015 just after 7pm, no rain. Same highway, a few miles apart. Neither were my fault.

      • Deandre

        Ho letto un po’ dei Vostri commenti e mi chiedo anzi dico…..Ma dovete andare in vacanze???? e andate in vacanza… ma che vi interessa del capitano, se saluta se non saluta, della cena con il ca2a#ino&t8p30;della maleducazione altrui, ma che vi frega, fatevi i cavoli VOSTRI.Io e la mia famiglia quando partiemo e siamo 10 non 1 siamo invisibili non rompiamo e siamo educati con tutti, anche con chi non lo e’.Vivete senza rompere e nessuno vi rompera’, Saluti

      • james h.

        My cousin got disability for being an “unrehabilitatable drug addict”. This is what she should apply for.

        • Juan F.

          Wow a ex dope head qualifies yet all these folks including myself with health issues are denied. This system needs an overhaul seriously.

        • R.F.

          Under current law, the definition of disability excludes drug addiction or alcoholism as the primary basis for a disability. See Program Operations Manual DI 90070.050 for more information.

    • AKA

      Your writing is so poor that I can’t tell your past, present or future. Going back to work indicates you aren’t disabled. The answer for you is pot candy. Have a good life. And by the way with your attitude and beliefs, file a fraudulent claim since you believe that is what it takes to be approved.

      • Joan


        • Professor A.

          You are projecting your own inadequacies on others. If it makes you feel important to call others idiots then go ahead. But we all know who are the true idiots in this world.

          • Tl

            I truly believe my disabilities are severe enough to apply for disability. I left my job last year and two jobs before that one due to my disabilities. I have said, it will be a cold day in ? before I apply, I use every resource available to further my education, so one day soon I will be able to work again. I think we do what we know or what we see others doing. My sense is that are world is getting lazy and everyone is owed something. The pain I feel from top to bottom is like nothing I can explain. However I persevere and wake up every morning to try and make it a better day, and life. Without marijuana I might add. If you believe that drugs are the answer then that’s the part of the problem not the resolution.

      • Tara J.


    • D.H. F.

      You were given false information. It would be virtually impossible, under the very stringent rules and requirements of disability aid programs, to fraudulently obtain benefits. You can’t simply walk into an office, say you are disabled, and receive benefits! The application process is long and difficult, requiring rounding up records, obtaining medical confirmation of the severity of one’s disability, etc. And cases are routinely reviewed.

      • CC B.

        Correct. Get a good disibility lawyer. Show them your accumulated paperwork from doctors. Psychiatrists and therapists if disibility is mental. A good disibility lawyer should be able to (reasonabley) tell you what your chances are. Remember, they only collect a fee if you win, so obviously, they will not waste their time if they do not think they will prevail.
        Then, BE PATIENT. Most people are indeed turned down 3 times . Thats where your disibility lawyer comes in. They will ask for a hearing before an administrative law judge. Chances are, your disibility lawyer had gone before said law judge multiple times in the past. I.E, they know each other, have history, etc.
        It took me 18 months. Finally went to the hearing with my lawyer. 8 weeks later got my award letter. 4 weeks later, got my back pay. I am 61 yrs old. SS gave me the identical monthly amount i would have gotten if i worked till my full retirement age of 66 and 2 months. So in reality, i was able to retire at 59!!
        Moved to sunny florida from the north and love life.
        So, to capsulize, you will need to:
        1. Have very recent documention to support your claim.
        2. Find the BEST disibility lawyer in your area.
        ( you are pretty much wasting your time if you go it alone )
        3. If lawyer accepts your case, do everything they ask.
        4. Sit back, and be PATIENT!!
        * I worked and made a very good living for 35 years.
        * My story pertains to SSDI.

        • Betty S.

          Social Security is a hard one to understand. My husband was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition and was not a candidate for heart surgery. Social Security denied him even with all the proper paperwork and documentation. We did get a lawyer and he eventually got his disability but it took so long he only lived a few months after winning. The sad thing is there are so many people who receive disability for being diabetic or some other problems that are not as severe. I just don’t understand. I used to work for the State of Arizona for 15 years doing benefits such as food stamps, cash assistance, medical and other things as well. And the big deal was how everyone said SSA denies almost everybody, that , that is the name of the game. Really sad as I see people who qualified but function as normal as any one who is not disabled. How does that happen?

          • Marc P.

            I am so sick of seeing all these posts complaining about all the perfectly “healthy” people who “aren’t as severely” disabled as they are, or aren’t disabled at all “eadily” getting disability whIle they, who are of course far more deserving can’t qualify. Many of the complainers say they’re still working, despite the fact that disability benefits were intended to help people who are so severely disabled that they can’t and will never work again. Worst are those who complain about “undeserving” people getting disability benefits and in the same post griping how strict the rules are! Don’t any of these people bother to even read the article, which ALWAYS clearly states that you have to be so disabled you cannot work? Don’t any of these people who apply even bother to read ANY of the information on the website that clearly lists every condition, all the criteria, and describes the entire process in minute detail? Many of hem even say they have attorneys yet they’ve been waiting for years and years – do they ever bother to ASK their lawyer what’s going on, or consider getting another one? There’s nothing wrong with being dissatisfied if something isn’t ight, but not one of us here knows anything about anyone else’s situation. None of us has the knowledge, nor all the facts about anyone else’s case so it’s really ignorant to make these false claims about how people with nothing wrong with them get disability. This is false, false, false. Unless and until you have the actual facts, figures, proof, and correct information about specific incidents from OFFICIAL sources, not scuttlebutt, your neighbor, or some raving lunatic talk show host, you have no right to make such false claims. Just because someone doesn’t “look” like what YOU think a disabled person should doesn’t Ean they are not disabled. You are not doctors, and even if you were, you cannot diagnose anyone you haven’t examined and treated, seen their records, and know their situation. How would you like a stranger accusing YOU of not being disabled enough to get benefits? How do you know people who receivenjoy NY government benefits don’t deserve them – did you see their application, do you know all their financial business, did you examine them or their medical records? NO! And one more thing – Congress has slashed the budgets and closed offices and cut the SSA’s workforce to half and keeps cutting – how do you expect less than half the people to get through a workload that keeps growing? Please people, can we just be at least realistic, if not rational? Think about it before you make wild false allegations and accusations about others and the SSA. Keep complaining and Congress will “reward” you all right. They’ll use your complaints to shutdown the program completely and you’ll be out of luck. They’ve been trying to do it since its inception and now we’re on the very brink of losing it. DON’T give them the final ammunition they need to pull the trigger. You think you have it bad now? Think about the results and consequences before you speak and act. Please stop judging!!!

        • Tina

          I used Premier Disability Co. I found on Facebook of all places and I got my award in 6 months. I think I was lucky.

      • Julia

        to DH Fabian, it is not about simply receiving benefits, it is true that it is easy enough to scam the system and that is the reason for truly disabled waiting for so long. I have known people of “total disability” building things without a contractor, I have seen people who are sitting at the SS office with “learning” disability talking about how to preserve the check, when she can wash dishes or clean hotel rooms, she had no problem learning the social media, but having problems with learning how to fold towels? a lot of people can change their prior occupation and would get off the disability benefits but chose not to. Now in the age of technology a lot of new jobs can be available to people, that will help the fake ones to get a new job and the truly disabled to be approved.

    • Debbie

      All claims ate denied the first time unless certain conditions. They want you to hire a attorney or advocate to help you reapply.they take a percentage of backpay. But you get approved.

    • Ellen

      I am quite often that will blogging for cash so i very thank you for artclies and other content. Your article has truly highs our appeal to. I can lesemarke your web site and even hold reviewing a great deal of inafnmotior.

    • james h.

      Maybe you should either try learning to drive or quit wandering around stoned in the middle of the road.

  8. Donald M.

    What about the SOAR Program? Does it really
    work for those who are identified as chronic
    homeless? How long does a homeless individual
    have to wait before receiving benefits? Many of
    the homeless/mentally disabled are trying to get
    into rehabilitation/recovery programs that provide
    transitional housing. Expediting services would be
    wonderful! Can the SOAR program be handled by a Faith-Based or Community Based Organization that would have a long term setting based on authorizing paperwork from the SSA. Lastly, now all of what has been stated pertains to women & men who are homeless veterans and who’ve submitted for VA disability compensation. Their paperwork is being
    processed by the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) and it’s by them to the clients that SSA can be
    applied for too at the full level of compensation. Is that true … too? VA and SSA can be a joint source of income for veterans somewhere between $3,800 to
    $4K per month? Please advise so that the federal pledge of “Eliminating Homelessness” can soon begin.

    • AKA

      The 4K a month figure is a pipe dream. The SOAR program was designed to give extra training to those individuals who are already involved in either public or private social work or who have frequent contact with the homeless. SOAR trained people are better able to seek out and combine resources to meet unique individual needs. They can help individuals apply for benefits and refer people who want help to places who can provide temporary shelter. You still have to meet the eligibility requirements of any agency in order to receive monthly cash assistance.

      • Sheila t.

        That sound like something Id really would be interested in finding out more information on

    • Hope F.

      Donald M. Clark, using someone with SOAR Training does not guarantee approval. Someone with SOAR Training cannot replace an Attorney or Non Attorney Representative and be paid.

  9. Rhonda P.

    I am now in Stage 5 CKD. I was at John Hopkins last week. They told me I need a dependable vehicle, someone to stay with me 24/7 for six weeks and to do fundraising to acquire more money so I can afford the meds afterwards. I received SSI but my husband and I live paycheck to paycheck. Are there any other resources out there that could help?

    • Marti

      You need to apply for ACA Health Insurance at HealthCare.gov or go to your local Community Based Services Office for assistance. If your household income is below $50,000 you will likely qualify for subsidy. Your time is limited, check it out now before open enrollment ends. Do not listen to what others say negatively, check it out yourself.

    • AKA

      Ignore Marti. When you get SSI you are automatically entitled to MEDICAID . Apply at your County assistance office. Stay away from the ACA, you don’t need it.

      • Mitch

        Not true everyone it depends on the state you live in. I live in Wyoming I don’t qualify

        • Edwina B.

          Here where am from and every county I’ve lived in they always ask any one who applys for help black white green it don’t matter its part of the applcation

      • Cop

        You don’t automatically get Medicaid when you get ssi or ssdi . You have to wait for two years then apply for Medicaid and Medicare. I know this because my husband is retired and gets his ssi he had to wait for the two years to get Medicaid and you have to go into the hospital for that to do anything for you. So yes she needs to apply for help with meds and drs if needed. I’m not sure where you get your information at but, there is a waiting period for Medicaid of two years. I know because we went through this to. And Medicaid does NOT help you unless your admitted to the hospital overnight does not help with medications or drs visits at all you’ll have to apply for Medicare for that kind of help and there’s still co pays even with Medicare and Medicaid.

        • Lisa

          Not true, Medicaid goes by income, there IS a waiting period for Medicare.

          • R.F.

            Thank you for your comment Lisa. Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. Medicare is our country’s health insurance program for people age 65 or older. However, individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits (SSDI) can become eligible for Medicare benefits after they receive disability benefits for 24 months.

        • R.F.

          To clarify, Medicare is our country’s health insurance program for people age 65 or older. However, individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits (SSDI) can become eligible for Medicare benefits after they receive disability benefits for 24 months. Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments. Click here for more information about Medicaid.

          • Lacy G.

            Not in California. I have been federally disabled since 2013. Being federally disabled does not automatically qualify one for Medicaid. I did finally get it approved, but it was taken away a couple of years later because my “social worker” claimed I did not submit all documentation in one of the yearly reviews. I did include everything they asked for. She then changed the story to “he never filed”. These people who are assigned to you are unable to be contacted in any way. Nobody cares. IHer uncaring and dishonest behavior has caused me to soon be homeless. Nobody cares. I have trouble walking because of severe nerve damage. Nobody cares. Too many people who work with the disabled, elderly and disenfranchised simply do not care about people or even attempt to do their jobs. Nobody cares.

        • Edwina B.

          Yes ur rite I just found that out,is that a newer law cause I am on disability for 8 years now,took 3 to get and I didn’t have to wait 2 years for medical which I did gualfy for,my disabity lawyer got me medical while I was waiting on my disabity, I guess things have changed a lot wonder if any thing else has

          • Hope F.

            When someone is approved for SSDI, they are eligible for Medicare 24 months after their Established Onset Date. That is the date the ALJ or Adjudicator decided you became disabled and were unable to work. They may be eligible for Medicaid until their Medicare kicks in, if their income is low enough.

            When someone receives SSI, they are also eligible for Medicaid. You may have to apply for Medicaid, depending on the state you live in after approval for SSI.

            If your state expanded Medicaid and you meet the income requirements, you may be eligible for Medicaid without receiving Social Security Disability. Some states have General Relief and/or Medicaid for those that can prove they are disabled according to state criteria.

            If someone is low income and receives Medicare, they may be eligible for Medicaid to help with Medicare expenses. There may also be help with the cost of Prescription Drugs through Extra Help.

            Medicare Savings Programs-

    • Cindy

      If u r on diysos you automatically auifh for ssd. Lots of dialysis cell terse can get the .Ed’s
      Ailey to the. And they can give to you
      Talk to your lid.ey dr too
      I’m a nurse, .a e physical therapy at home can help keep u more mobile good luck

      • james h.

        Can someone translate this?

    • Genevieve


    • Liz

      I read on the Medicare site recently that they pay for dialysis regardless of age and regardless of time on Medicaid. Please check with Medicare. I am in stage 4 and looking at possible assistance as well.

  10. Alejandro h.

    would a self employed individual qualify for disability if diagnosed with arthritis, Carpel tunnel and lower back disc Hernia or degenerated discs. what steps should be followed to begin process? individual is in pain every single day while working……

    • HS

      Self-employed people can qualify for disability benefits as long as they have worked enough years to qualify and have worked and paid self-employment taxes recently.
      If you are self-employed, you likely file a Schedule SE at tax time. To be eligible for Social Security benefits, you have to pay the self-employment tax, which consists of Social Security and Medicaid taxes. The self-employment tax rate was 15.3%. Part of this, 12.4%, goes to Social Security, and the remainder to Medicaid

      • D.H. F.

        Those who haven’t been in the workforce long enough to qualify for SSDI can apply for SSI.

      • Tanya R.

        We don’t pay a separate tax for Medicaid (medical assistance). The Medicare tax we pay is for hospital insurance (Part A).

    • AKA

      Steps to be followed?? File a claim as the article directs you to do.

      • Person w.

        The customer service representatives who work for SSA can give incorrect information to those receiving benefits. The wait to speak with a rep. is mostly long and can be unfruitful. SSA needs to be people friendly and it is not.
        People need simple understandable terms for receiving their benefits they are due when experiencing a disability. SSA needs to be reliable and focused on human need. They can’t be when the reps. are critically under qualified, unprofessional, and nasty.

        • R.F.

          We apologize for the long wait, and regret to hear that we did not provide the level of customer service you expected. Remember, many services, including applying for retirement, disability and Medicare benefits, creating a my Social Security account, requesting a replacement Medicare card, or reporting a change of address or telephone number are conveniently available anytime at our website. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

    • William

      FYI: FILE NOW! at the moment 87% of those claims filed in 2012 are still waiting another 12 to 18 months for a hearing. 90% get denied. Then another 12 to 18 month in Federal court “only your attorney goes to this hearing”. So if you file now you may see some money in about 7 years! No Joke. I am one that files in 2012. I have attorney 24/7 in home care giver paid by senoon attorney nd disabled services. I was self employed and now 47 yeas old having to use a walker. With no income living with family. My 80 yr old mother is working 3 jobs so u can have medication, etc. Even though I paid into social security as well did each one of my companies over 27 years, yet the Government won’t let me have the money I paid incase I couldn’t work. We need a better system. What’s with all the young men & woman I see that walk fine, talk fine, think fine, laugh, smoke and drink, yet they are getting social security disability? I know disabilities are physical as well as mental. But, these people are just like everyone else I see that work. If you apply and get awarded you will get back pay from the date you filed/or became disabled. Remember you pay taxes on all that backpay. Don’t claim all in award year go back and spread it out over past 5 years per IRS. It is not a big deal to amend your taxes and keep from paying otherwise you will pay out a chunk because of your high income for the year. Yes, backpay is income and taxed as so. Good Luck.

      • I.g.

        I completely agree. I have had two invisible conditions for twenty years. Their doctors told me themselves. I hardly leave home and my family wonders why I dnt qualify for aid. People see me leave places in pain. Employers have always dismissed me, couldnt complete my education bcuz of the pain and episodes, yet I dnt qualify. My life has never been normal and I cant take care of myself and I dnt qualify. Outrageous really.

        • kim

          I get it that the system has been abused and that guidelines are in force to reduce fraud. But when I sit here going thru all the proper hoops,have an attorney, and I’m patiently waiting for a hearing date now and I can’t work, have Zero income, single mom, deadbeat ex, and I’ve been dealing with this since 2012, I wonder every day wtf am I doing wasting my time knowing I will be denied again.

          Makes being honest n legit useless.
          I’ve worked all my life since 16 and I’m 54, Scandinavian descent but basically everybody just looks at me as being white. And when I finally buckle down and decide to go and get food stamps or welfare and treated like a common idiot or Criminal as if I’m not supposed to be there it’s not for my type of people? Whatever that is.

          I’m made to feel degraded for trying to feed my family. I was even ask by one of the workers straight to my face how much money I had in my purse. I looked at her and I said how much money do you have in your purse. You think I would be here if I had money in my purse and how dare you ask me that to begin with. And did you ask that family up over there witj9 people what they have in their purse or just me because I look white.

          I have been denied foodstamps because of an income of a Dollar too much or one too many cars when they’re not even letting them my ex-husband but you won’t take my name off. If anybody feels discrimination I tell you from my point of view I’m the one discriminated against. I’ve worked all my life the last 15 years I’ve had enough on my statement yet i cant have it….it’s my money I put into it but someone tells me Nothat I can’t?

          The state just wants the money. It’s our money we put into it it’s our rights to have it it’s there for us if we don’t use it they keep it. What right is that? How can they tell us if we are or are not in pain or disabled enough to even get our own money for disability payments to help us out for a little bit until with you I’ll figure out what’s going on with our minds and bodies whatever but no fight for it and fight for it and fight for it. And then there’s just me. Watching family members abuse the welfare system family members abuse the food stamp system to where they cut all that out for everybody now.

          But I guess the worst is watching your own husband on disability the 18 years you married because of an injury but yet he does not look or act disabled. Then nobody takes away his disability and my children is in lieu of Child Support get ssi but Because that’s what it’s for. But then he goes remarries start having more kids and then my kids money are getting taken away because of is second-chance family. Pat that guy on the back and go ahead you get another chance with a family to start over, screw your kids not just one have more kids and take money away from your first kids. And you don’t even see you or pay anything on your own either for them. Just let security take care of them for you and it’s all good. Keep having kids at 50 years old when you already have teenagers and your teenagers are now losing money and you’re justifying it saying your new kids have a right to it really.

          So I sit there and I watch and I take it it Social Security they don’t care about it cuz the rules. Just fight about it can’t do nothing about it you can have as many kids as they want and it just keeps get the split between the kids.

          And here I sit and watch you do cash jobs under the table when you’re not even supposed to be working while you’re on disability Social Security and not reporting it to them or the MIRS they are and running and jumping picking up kids moving furniture moving everything when you have your bad back. But yet I’m denied.
          BUT I look at my statement and realize I’m worth more dead than alive to my family.
          Sad realization only options I have a death or denial.

          Anyway that’s my story sorry it’s a long story and this was the short version.

          Just sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I keep telling my kids just watch one day one day I’m going to snap. LOL

          • Slim s.

            I would love to feel sorry for you, but if you used half of the energy you used writing that long letter as trying to get a job you would be employed. Obviously you are one of the 25% of social security receipient trying to dilute the fund to receive something tax free and further drawdown its reserves.

          • Gina

            I do not know what your illness is, but my husband had an obscure illness. It took 2 years to prove he was ill. He’s still ill. Thankfully we went before a judge who realized he could not use his hands any longer and at age 64 too old to learn new trade. I wish you luck and am sorry for the mean-spirited comments by others.

          • Teena S.

            great letter and so very much the truth but are those jerks going to listen to us of course not they have an income and more BONUSes because they are the government great job and Vent took the words right out of my mouth thank you now I know im not alone

    • Derrick L.

      Nope. The judge will most likely hold you to ridiculuous expectations & limit all of your accomplishments and dignity in total CONTEMPT. YOU aren’t disabled unless you are half dead. Claiming EARNED BENIFITS makes you a TARGET. Eveything you say or write will be USED against you.

    • R.F.

      Hi Alejandro. You may find our listing of impairments useful. The Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, much different than the requirements for other government programs. We pay disability benefits to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. No benefits are payable for partial disability or short-term disability. To learn more about the process we use to decide if you are disabled under our rules, visit our Disability Planner: How We Decide If You Are Disabled. Thanks!

      • Carol I.

        I’m 65, disabled, retired, and on medicinal cannabis. My question is: can I get additional SSDI to off set the $$ I’m spending on my medical purchases? It’s VERY expensive ($400 oz.) and is NOT covered by insurance. The doctor who prescribes does not take insurance. I MUST see him every three months in order to keep my “medical card” up to date. I was shocked when I added up my receipts for one year! Another plus, would be to have prescription plan for cannabis.
        Hope you can help.

        • R.F.

          Hi Carol. The amount of the Social Security benefit you receive is based on the amount of your average lifetime earnings and your age at the time you applied. Generally, your benefits can increase if you continue to work. The other way your monthly benefit amount could increase is based on the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), which is announced each year in October. You may want to check and see if you are eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include Medicaid, which may help pay for medication that Medicare does not cover. We hope this information helps.

    • cynthia b.

      I know for sure if this dept. is any-thing like it was in 2011 people are screwed. my husband worked as a electricain for 38 years never missing a days work I mean a man they don’t make them anymore. he was on his way to work june 30,2011 he was 15 min. from the job site and got into a 3 car accident he was air lifted to kern county trauma center would several teams were put together to see over him by GODS grace
      he made it, he was left with severe spinal damage and head trauma this is were SS/ADMIN. comes in ok so he had taken out extra ltd though his employer which was prudential, now when i got the first phone call it was from prudential and when i ask about ssdi I was told this well we (prudential) and the SS/ADMIN agreed that Wayne would be better staying with us prudential, first who are they to decide this, I still can’t believe that my husband did not get to make that
      decision or even my-self and yes he was
      already drawing his ssr and had been for
      1 year at the correct age. and he would had kept on working had the accident not happened, about a month after my first phone call from prudential regarding my husband i called them and ask again about LTD though SS because I knew that it would only be for 2 years with them and was told when this runs out (WE) will help roll him over into SSRD OK thank you I said them 2 years later our life was turned up said down again
      and had it not been for my sisters we would had been living on the streets on top of starving to death, I would like this to go on record. And again i will ask WHY would you do this to a man who honestly deserved this SSRD one more thing I would like to mention one of the calls I made to SS/ADMIN where they are so very rude every time I have ever called they said his file had been archived and I said then un/archive it no
      no we can’t due that and I said but you can beet my husband out of his money and the women hung up on me. I know they will never pay this because it would be the biggest pay-out (mistake) they ever made and from what I have read lately they make a lot of mistakes we will even go one step further we will even let the pentiles go and they can start making it right as of now, but they still will not because that would be admitting they screwed him and knew it when they did it and if the truth is known I would bet money that this has happened to mure people then any one knows in cases like ours or worse were it was just a older man that did not have a wife or any one to help him oh when I think about that it burns my butt. so if any one has a commit on that I would like to here it. or better I wished some one with the SS/ADMIN would reed this and call us you know one of the good honest ones still working, believe me in 5 years I have seen my share of RUDE NOW CARING PEOPLE IN OUR STATE AND FEDERAL OFFICES AND IT IS A SAD THING. We the all american man and or consumers don’t stand a chance in this world any more. Thanks Cindy kern county california (BAKERSFIELD)

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