
The IRS takes new steps to ensure people with children receive $500 Economic Impact Payments

August 17, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 17, 2020

The IRS has extended its deadline to September 30, 2020 to provide information to the IRS using its IRS’ Non-Filer Tool if you:



  • Receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability benefits, or SSI payments.
  • Did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return.
  • Have a qualifying child under age 17.
  • You did not already enter information in the IRS’ Non-Filer Tool for you and at least one child.

If you already entered information in the IRS’ Non-Filer Tool before and even after the IRS’ previously announced deadlines (April 22 if you receive Social Security; May 5 if you receive SSI), you do not need to do anything. The IRS will automatically make a payment in October based on the information you provided them.

Please read the IRS’ August 14 press release for more details.


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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Our c.

    Its all totally chaotic , get that dictator trump out of office, get biden in ! Lets make a change for the good of all ! Only biden and his VP will make it tremendously for all of us better and we all will get that stimulus check again and that extra 500.00 in one shot done deal to all. So long as trump stays in office expect to get nothing at all. We all got to wing it till election ! Then things will change for the better, but its up to us ! We have the power to make it great not trump.? It starts with us first!! Make that change now vote for biden and his VP
    God bless us America

  2. Jessica c.

    I regularly pau my child support every month to a. Man obtaining it illeagly. Ehy does he also get my stimulus checks

  3. Tomasena R.

    The Social Security Administration is aware that I have a daughter and has taken my daughter’s $500 what do I do

  4. Elizabeth P.

    I HAVE 2 CHILDREN and they didnt receive the 500$ what must I do
    elizabeth price196@gmail

    • A.C.

      Hi, Elizabeth. Please visit the Internal Revenue Service’s website here for all your Economic Income Payment-related questions. If you are unable to find the answer, call the IRS hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Just a reminder – please be cautious about posting personal information on social media. Thanks!

  5. Carol B.

    We should all receive 500.00 dollars we have to pay for Lyft were masks and go to the store that is all extra funds out of our pocket we can’t have our caregivers come as they have children we need money as well.

  6. Fleur

    Until now my husband and my son didnt received (7 years old) their EIP. They’re living in the Philippines. They only received their monthly SS benefits thru direct deposit

    • Read b.

      E i p was to simulate the AMERICAN ECONOMY not any other country ? Like daa ?????z

  7. Elizabeth

    The only problem is people who have child support and no job now arent getting anything it is going too the mother of the child not the person witch is unfair them people have too live as well so say a person has a child with someone that they owe child sport to they get no help while the person that has the kid has 3 too 4 at home and is getting money for all kids when the one person she has a kid with gets nothing to live so ends up on the street with no money ,no food ,no home ,how is that fair for all the parts involved it’s not

    • Confucius

      Its been that for over 60 yrs. ? If people haven’t learn by now to be careful ? Then its to bad. Most adults wait till 30’s to start a family and this for good reasons ? There no justification in what’s fair. It starts with good common sense. And that’s the way it is period. Carelessness has its consequences.

  8. Jacob e.

    How to Activate VH1 Application through
    First, you have to get the app from the channel store and go to the channel store by choosing the streaming channels option. Go to the Movies and TV section and get the app. Now, access the app and receive the code. After that, visit by opening a web browser. Then, opt for the pay TV provider and key in the channel link code to the text box. Finally, click Activate and initiate the process of activation Further more information visit our site:

  9. Alomgir a.

    Alomgir ali
    I filled my tex return on February 14 I still haven’t yet

  10. Melinda S.

    I have a disabled child. Add him on the non filers site. Did not receive any money. I taught being the he receive SSI HE would automatically receive 1200 dollars. He didn’t. What do I need to do?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Melinda. Please visit the Internal Revenue Service’s website here for all your Economic Income Payment-related questions. If you are unable to find the answer, call the IRS hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

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