Disability, General, Medicare, Online Services, Retirement

Social Security Proudly Serves Our Hispanic Customers

July 6, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

a family of 5 smiling This week, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is celebrating their annual convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. LULAC is an organization dedicated to the economic, educational, civic, and political advancement of Hispanics in the United States.

This year, the convention focuses on the FAMILIA: The Building Blocks for Our Society. Through workshops and moderated discussions, conference attendees will learn how to strengthen their leadership abilities, and how to serve their community and society.

Social Security celebrates LULAC’s dedication to the Hispanic community. According to the Census Bureau, as of July 1, 2012, the Hispanic population of the United States was 53 million – making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic minority group.

The Hispanics and Social Security section of our website highlights how Hispanics benefit from the Social Security program, and how certain demographic characteristics compare to the entire population. The Hispanic population in the U.S. is expected to grow 28 percent by 2050 and 31 percent by 2060!

Social Security has always served people of all races and ethnicities including those who prefer to communicate with us in Spanish. And, our online Spanish services — Servicios por Internet — allow our Spanish-speaking customers to do business with us from their preferred Wi-Fi enabled location. In addition, we offer interpreter services free of charge when conducting business with us over the phone, in person when visiting our offices, or when attending our events.

For more information about the services and benefits we offer to the Hispanic community, please visit Online Services in Spanish or, en Español, www.SeguroSocial.gov.

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About the Author

Phil Gambino, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Juan S.

    My descendants were here since the early 16th century in what is now the Southwest of the United States. They came, they tamed the land, and became incredibly prosperous through hard work and ingenuity before there was a US! It is because the Hispanic culture in agriculture , business and the arts that this country thrived to what it is today. Hispanic veterans have the most Medal of Honor recepients than any other race because we are courageous and persistent. When you malign us, you malign yourself, self-styled American, because without Hispanics, you wouldn’t be.

  2. Barbara

    I live in an area of California that farms much of the produce that feeds our country and many people in other parts of the world. Every time I drive anywhere, I see rows of workers bent over or crouched on the ground, working the fields. I wonder how or when any of them could learn English? There isn’t a northern European among them. – or anyone to chat with them in English. And since they work from dawn to dark, there’s not a lot of extra time to go out socializing in English.

    Our country was established by British colonists and their descendents. At the time of the Revolution, 87% were Puritans…. a rather strict sect … I thank God they established the principles of religious freedom.

    But you may recall that Hispanics funded the journey of an Italian man who led the colonists to Atlantic shores. While there were many Spanish expeditions, it was more than 100 years before the British began to have a presence in America. So even by completely discounting the native populations who were present about 14,000 years ago, Hispanics are our founding peoples. These facts of history ought to inspire pride in our Hispanic populations, but we seem to hold it against them for being willing to take the jobs that no one else wants – jobs that aren’t held in prestige. Or is it just racism?

    I suspect at least some are undocumented workers, sending their earnings home to their families (wherever they may be). Some are newly arrived workers with documentation, and many are from several generations of American farming families. It is my belief that without them, our agricultural industry would not be able to contribute so much wealth to our American economy. With such a huge gap between our exports and imports, we can be grateful that our Hispanic population is willing to support this distinctly American industry. There are not many other citizens of any nationality who are willing to participate in this back breaking work. Thank goodness our laws are finally beginning to give them some of the protections that other American workers enjoy.

    Finally, go to a welfare office someday. Look around. This is one of the many places where Hispanics are disproportionately underrepresented.

    Social Security is not an entitlement program, it is not welfare. It is a minimal pension benefit available to those who pay into it.

  3. Tony S.

    Free DIRT (Disability Insurance Reallocation Tax) Act of 2016-2020 HA-7-7-15 http://www.title24uscode.org/ssa2016.doc

    To avoid burdening the U.S. Supreme Court with the responsibility for criminally convicting the SSA Actuary, Commissioner and Trustees (ACT) in 2016 for deprivation of relief benefits under 18USC§246 when they conspire to cut DI benefits to 80% because the DI Trust Fund will be completely depleted under “current law”, whereas: (a) the SSA Actuary has not gotten right FDR’s infamous “pain the OASDI tax rate calculus”, that takes a week to differentiate the first time, the Chief Actuary has responded to the President in regards to the OASDI reallocation question with a common wrong answer – 2.7% – October 1, 2015 is not too late for Congress to get the OASDI FICA tax rate right to avoid depletion of the DI Trust Fund in FY2016; (b) SSA administrators are peculiarly obsessed with continuing their $666 persecution on DI beneficiaries in violation of the 42 month limit (Revelation 13:10) when a beneficiary receiving $600-$699 a month should automatically receive an increase to $700 plus annual COLA thereafter; (c) Congress and other rich taxpayers should not be compelled to contribute their incomes above $118,500 (2015) to the attached, but separate roll-call vote, on the 130% increase in tax-base that would be derived from the OASDI Without Income Limit Law (WILL) and shared with the U.S. Treasury, until the SSA Actuary has calculated the baseline in dollar amounts for the optimal OASDI reallocation tax rate, projected to pay benefits until 2020, at no cost to taxpayers, free.

    To immediately amend the DI tax rate from 1.80% to 2.30%, from 0.90% to 1.15% for employees and from 0.90% to 1.15% for employers under Sec. 201(b)(1)(S) of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)II§401 and amend the OASI tax rate from 10.60% to 10.10%, from 5.30% to 5.05% for employees under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3101 (a) and from 5.30% to 5.05% for employers under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3111 (a) to avoid depletion of the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund in 2016 without increasing the overall 12.4% OASDI or 15.3% OASDI and Hospital Insurance (HI) tax-rate under 26USC(A)(2)§1401 beginning October 1, 2015.

    To amend the DI tax rate again in 2018 to 2.20% from 2.30%, from 1.15% to 1.10% for employees and from 1.15% to 1.10% for employers under Sec. 201(b)(1)(S) of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)II§401 and amend the OASI tax rate from 10.10% to 10.20%, from 5.05% to 5.10% for employees under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3101 (a) and from 5.05% to 5.10% for employers under 26USC(C)(21)(A)§3111 (a) without increasing the overall 12.4% OASDI or 15.3% OASDI and Hospital Insurance (HI) tax-rate under 26USC(A)(2)§1401 to maximize efficiency until a deficit appears in the OASI Trust Fund in 2020.

    Without Income Limit Law (WILL) Act

    To abolish the maximum taxable limit on DI contributions on January 1, 2016 and OASI contributions January 1, 2017 and repeal Adjustment of the contribution and benefit base Section 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)§430.

    To require the Social Security Administration to pay for SSI Costs beginning January 1, 2017.

    To share profits in excess of social security program costs to the general fund of the U.S Treasury on a sliding scale beginning in 2017 DI 50/50 prioritizing the $22 billion + 2% annual growth cost of USPS, and OASI 10/90 to eliminate the federal budget deficit. In 2020 OASI would share at negotiated rates an estimated 25/75, in 2025 OASDI would share 50/50 and by 2030 75/25 and at 2035 OASDI would take all to pay for the peak in costs of Baby Boomer generation and might need to raise the overall OASDI tax rate.

    Hecho por no documentado

  4. Jay

    Another example of the SSA PR machine. This agency is run by social workers, not as a business!!

    • HunterSThompson

      but its not a business …

    • Gertie

      As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WGNNINI!”

  5. John

    Please stop segregating everyone! our goverment think thinks everyone has to be in a box, they create bigotry!

  6. Carmela L.

    Yes, muchas gracias SSA for reaching out and providing services to the Hispanic community. We have served in America’s wars, we have worked in her factories, we have helped raise your children, we have harvested the wheat for your bread, picked the oranges for your morning juice, we have sweated in your fields picking the lettuce and tomatoes for your salad. We have brought color to the American life, fiestas, margaritas, guacamole and the taco. Most
    importantly our ancesters were here before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. Without us the economies of many states would be underwater… and yes we do pay taxes and we have an earned the right to Social Security
    benefits. And most importantly, we are here to stay, let us learn to live together as one colorful nation. Amen

  7. Sindy

    Thank you Social Security for celebrating diversity in America. It is unfortunate that many of the comments are not based on facts but based on personal perceptions/racism. It is clear that what is enabling America to succeed in the 21st century is its educated workforce that include global citizens with the advantage of speaking more than one language.

    Let’s get the fact rights. Anyone who thinks Latinos are a drag on our economy are wrong (some, in fact, have been here before parts of the Southwest were part of what is the United States now). Due to their increasing numbers as a population and above average numbers in the workforce, many of these individuals are keeping the Social Security from being depleted thus allowing retiring Americans to receive this benefit.

  8. Sandy

    My grandfather was never able to access this information in Spanish and now he will be able to. After dedicating his life to working in America he will be informed in his preferred language. Great news! Good job.

  9. Luciana

    I salute Social Security Admin. for adapting to the diverse population of the United States. Latinos contribute as much as any English Speaking person. We should all embrace everyone regardless of language, skin color, race, etc.

  10. Amy

    Many thanks to Social Security for meeting their customers where they are, whether that’s through multi-lingual services, or services for the visual and hearing impaired. It is tragic that in 2015 we still have people who assume that immigrants are undocumented and are a drain on our nation’s resources. Thanks to organizations like LULAC, that serve to educate and inform the collective, we will progressively get closer to equality, respect and understanding. Social Security is to be commended for their partnership with LULAC and for adapting to serve ALL Americans.

    • ..

      Right on, Amy – we’re proud to be associated with LULAC and proud to serve all Americans!

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