
Social Security Improves Sustainability Efforts

September 27, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: September 27, 2024

Social Security Administration LogoThe Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released Social Security’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Sustainability Scorecard. OMB scorecards measure federal agencies’ progress in meeting energy and sustainability goals such as:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Using renewable energy.
  • Transitioning to electric vehicles.

These measures align with the goals established by Executive Order (EO) 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability.

During FY 2023 our agency achieved the following sustainability goals:

  • We reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our buildings, operations, and vehicles by 69%. This exceeds the EO goal of a 65% reduction by 2030 and makes Social Security the 3rd best in government out of 25 agencies.
  • We reduced water usage by 50%.
  • We increased our carbon pollution-free electricity usage to 45%, which is close to the EO goal of 50% carbon pollution-free electricity usage by 2030.
  • We reduced energy use by 42% – exceeding the goal of a 30% reduction from our 2003 baseline.
  • We transitioned 13% of gas-powered vehicles to zero-emission vehicles. This furthers the agency’s efforts in meeting the EO goal of 100% zero-emission vehicles acquisitions by 2035.

We are improving energy and water efficiency at all our facilities nationwide by using renewable energy sources like solar and wind. We also use energy-efficient systems to heat and cool our buildings and install lighting that adjust to natural sunlight. Our agency is gradually switching our gas-powered vehicle fleet to zero-emission vehicles.

As we look toward the future, we are working to identify new technologies that will reduce our reliance on electric energy and natural gas. At our headquarters campus, we are conducting a greenhouse gas reduction study to assess the costs and benefits of installing solar panels on parking lots and rooftops. This study will also explore the possible use of a carbon capture system to dispose of emissions from our central boiler plant. These projects will further our goal of reducing emissions generated from our operations and help us do our part in creating a more energy-efficient and sustainable America.

Visit our FY 2023 Sustainability Scorecard  for more information.

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