
Social Security Honors Our Military Heroes

May 25, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: May 25, 2020

On Memorial Day, our nation honors military service members who have given their lives for our country. Families, friends, and communities pause to remember the many great sacrifices of our military and ensure their legacy lives on in the freedoms we all enjoy. We recognize these heroes who, in President Lincoln’s words, “gave the last full measure of devotion.”

The benefits we provide can help the families of military service members. For example, widows, widowers, and their dependent children may be eligible for Social Security survivors benefits. You can learn more about those benefits on our Survivors Benefits page.

We also offer support to our wounded warriors. Social Security benefits protect veterans when an injury prevents them from returning to active duty or performing other work. Wounded military service members can receive expedited processing of their Social Security disability claims. Are you a veteran with a 100% Permanent & Total compensation rating from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs? We will expedite your disability claim. Both the Department of Veteran Affairs and the Social Security Administration have disability programs. You may qualify for disability benefits through one program but not the other, or you may qualify for both. Depending on your situation, some of your family members, including your dependent children or spouse, may be eligible to receive Social Security benefits. Want more information? Visit our Veterans page for answers to commonly asked questions or to find information about the application process.

Thinking about retirement? Military service members can receive Social Security benefits in addition to their military retirement benefits. For details, read the Military Service page of our Retirement Planner.

Please share this information with the military families in your community. To the veterans who bravely served and died for our country, and to the military service members who serve today, we honor and thank you.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. John L.

    We honor our military, while weakening Social Security by electing Politicians that have exempted themselves for Social Security.

    • tony

      The commander in chief of the military is President Trump. Keep America Great.

  2. john j.

    You are not forgotten nor will you ever be as long as life and memory last we will remember thee.

  3. Jeffery H.

    all the soldiers are heros

  4. Brian R.

    Thank you to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us. God bless them and the USA.

  5. Lyla M.

    I’m a 61-year old daughter of a Veteran. I’m currently disabled, and receive Disability. Would I be eligible for any benefits to help me support myself financially?
    My Mom passed, as well. She was a Nurse Are the benefits they had available to them, available to help me secure permanent housing?

    • V.V.

      Hi Lyla, thanks for using our blog. We pay disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. The (SSI) program is a needs based program that gives cash assistance to disabled individuals with limited income and resources. If you think you may be eligible to receive SSI, you can call and inquire at 1-800-772-1213 or by contacting your local office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  6. Harry F.

    God bless our free nation?

  7. Ruth L.

    tGod bless all the young men who served our country! We are only strong now because of their dedication and givin of lives for US ALL!!!

    • BETTY G.

      and god bless all the WOMEN who served in all these wars as military forces, nurses, and whatever else they did.

      thank you to ALL who served for centuries who gave the ultimate gift of their lives so we may remain free and safe in the usa!!

      may you all receive the mental help as well for what happened and what you saw during this time.

      may you be safe and WELL enjoying retirement or still working.

      from ames, iowa, usa

      • BETTY G.

        i forgot to mention:

        my heart goes out to all the military families who lost their LOVED ones and picking up the pieces of their lives….

  8. GERALD w.

    My prayers, go out to the Military Men and Women who Sacrifice their live’s protecting this Great Country. My condolences to the Family and Friend”s of the loss one’s. Retired Navy Veteran GeraldMurphy

  9. Floyd E.


  10. Suncha m.

    I am honored to all military service experience and family’s
    Today Remember’s remains all ..
    Thanks for your duty!

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