Disability, General, Guest Bloggers

Sickle Cell Disease and Social Security

September 15, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: September 15, 2022

person reviewing information on a computerDid you know that September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month? Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a lifelong battle with pain and multiple medical complications that often result in shortened lifespans. The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America – and its member organizations – raise awareness to help find better treatments and a universal cure.

SCD is an inherited disease that involves a person’s red blood cells. Normal, healthy red blood cells move through the body’s small blood vessels. With SCD, a person’s red blood cells become hard and sticky, causing blood flow problems. SCD can cause chronic pain, leg ulcers, fatigue, neurocognitive issues, and other complications.

The life of a sickle cell warrior is often compounded by frequent hospitalizations, financial challenges, emotional problems, and constant setbacks. These factors leave many with the inability to work regular full-time jobs and can make it difficult to live a normal life.

Many adults with SCD turn to Social Security for help. Our team works with Social Security to train our community-based organizations on how to submit Social Security applications on behalf of their patients. This includes using Social Security’s online options to apply for disability benefits.

We look forward to promoting awareness of SCD this month – and every month – to ensure that SCD is a priority for everyone. We are open to any assistance, input, and relationship building with anyone interested. Please visit our website for more information and share it with those who need it.

Our posting of this blog does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any non-Social Security organization, author, or webpages.

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  1. Charles P.

    Generally speaking it is very hard for me to talk about it. I know many acquaintances who have an incurable disease. I also recently read about cancer and used https://studymoose.com/free-essays/cancer for this. So many people suffer from it that it’s hard to imagine. I hope they will find a cure soon and everything will be fine.

  2. Ryan S.

    Technology has cons and pros. We should use technology carefully for safety point of view.

  3. Musaddiqalii

    I have read this but according to Newspapers Publishers in USA and News Publisher websites in South Africa, Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a lifelong battle with pain and multiple medical complications that often result in shortened lifespans. The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America – and its member organizations – raise awareness to help find better treatments and a universal cure.

  4. Sonia R.

    I’m sicker cell trait and for some of my latest symptoms

    • Linda H.

      Hi Sonia:

      If you’re interested in contacting our office for additional information, please feel free to contact me at lhoward@sicklecelldisease.org, we may some resources that are beneficial to you.

  5. Okemo

    An elder big brother aged family friend, lived through sickel cell. He lived until about, just beyond his mid 40’s.
    An elder 2nd cousin lives with of mine lives with sickel cell as well. He is a proud grandfather, in his early 60’s. A professional business man!

    • Linda H.

      Thank you for sharing.

  6. The T.

    The lies they tell. My son has sickle cell and we applied and he was denied.

    • Glory

      When my son was young, now grown, they told me he wasnt sick enough, not admitted to ER enough really, with all the Doctor follow ups it still wasn’t enough.

  7. Abdurhman A.

    OK connect

    • Hasan A.

      Please could you telling how can get my SSN that I forgotten? Thanks God.

      • A.C.

        Hi, Hasan. Thanks for visiting our blog. Please contact your local Social Security office for assistance. We hope this helps.

  8. APRIL S.

    Hartsville South Carolina and Florence South Carolina and Darlington South Carolina and SSA and SSDI and SSI and $1,400.00

  9. ronnie r.

  10. William W.

    I thought it was Hispanic awareness month?
    Sickle cell month.. Jeez.
    Lets have another minority or alternative lifestyle worshiped this month..
    How about a Caucasian something month? Not a one in the 12 months in the year.
    Now that’s what I call discrimination.
    This will probably be removed for being racist.
    That will show how racist YOU are.

    • Glory

      Ancestary Dna tests are amazing, they show our true colors some are surprised to see, they are not who they thought they were!

    • Eric

      Your ignorant statement shows who is the racist one!! The article has nothing to do with race.
      Since you want to mention race and a Caucasian month, you have 12 months to celebrate. How is 7/4 not a racist holiday? My ancestors where slave brought to this country by your ancestors because like you thought they were superior. You have Columbus Day, how can you discover a new land when it is already inhabited?
      You are the reason this country is so messed up? Keep your ignorant, racist comments to yourself!!!

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